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Dr. Slaven Letica: If Streets Could Talk. Kad bi ulice imale dar govora.
If Croatian streets and squares could talk, what a thrilling story they could tell about the meaning of all the name changes, and the dramatic, bloody, and tragic history that lies beneath. In my book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, I decided to "freeze history", at least for a brief moment. I gambled on posthumous recognition for my efforts, fully aware that any such appreciation in Croatia is always fleeting, and never long-
Abortion in Croatia is Down 90% Since 1989
Croatia has experienced a very dramatic drop in the abortion rate from 1989 when the nation's 51,289 abortions were nearly equal to the number of live births. The latest statistics, from 2005, indicate there were 4,563 abortions - a drop of nearly 90% since 1989. Significantly the law on abortion has not changed.
Basketball players from Croatia and Bosna-Herzegovina in the US
Toni Kukoc (left) played in the NBA for the Milwaukee Bucks. Have you ever stopped and wondered how many players there are from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina at the university level in the United States? It is an impressive list.
JAVNO.org Croatian website in English that shows up daily on Google search for news
The portal is also available in English, which allows us to reach out to users who speak other languages as well as to foreign citizens residing in Croatia.
II. kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva
U Splitu je od 7. do 10. svibnja 2007. održan Drugi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva. Kongres se odvijao u pet tematskih cjelina: Europski i međunarodni projekti, Suradnja s gospodarstvom i tehnologijski projekti, Razvoj znanstvenih institucija, Strateški okvir razvoja znanosti do 2010., Privlačenje pozornosti medija na znanstvene teme.
Croatian World Calendar - Hrvatski Svjetski Kalendar, coming soon, uskoro
Brigham Young University is seeking contributions of digital Croatian historical documents
EuroDocs is a portal to European primary historical documents. Please consider this a call and an invitation to join the EuroDocs family to help build primary historical documentation online for the European country or countries of your choice. You can request a password, after which you are invited to contribute as few or as many links to historical documents online as you like.
Studia Croatica moved to www.studiacroatica.org
Croatian Gallery 2005
Croatian Gallery 2005 is a web collection of photos and articles representing some of the most interesting features of Croatian history, culture and science. It shows that Croatia is not at all a small country, as many say. Its contributions in many fields of human activities are outstanding.
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