Important new discoveries about Croatians

Two clearly visible Croatian Coats of Arms of Croatian troups at the 1526 battle at the Mohac field (Hungary) against the Turks (the second flag in the left column and the fourth flag in the right column). By the courtesy of Josip Sersic and Mijo Juric, Vienna, 2009.

Vienna in 1529, during the first Turkish siege of the city.
Stephanusdome, the famous Vienna Cathedral, is in the center.

A detail from the above map published in 1530: Croatian Coat of Arms is in the middle top,
to the left of the Stephansdome Cathedral in Vienna.

Croatian defensive forces under their Croatian flag in Vienna in 1529,
during the first Turkish siege of the city. For more details see Croatian Coat of Arms.
During the second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683, a Croatian village called Krowotendörfel, placed immediately near the city walls, has been destroyed, and since then it does not exist any more. The meaning of its name is precisely Croatian Village! Its position corresponded to contemporary Spittelberg near the Hofburg palace. For more details see [400 Jahre Kroaten in Wien]. Other names of Krowotendörfel can also be encountered in the literature: - Crabathen Derffel
- Crabatendörfel
- Croathndörfel
- Krowotendörfel
- Crabatendoerfel
- Krawattendörfel
- Croatendörfel
- Kroatendörfel ...
Source Croatians in Bosnia and Herzegovina If you happen to be in Vienna until the end of January 2010, capital of Austria, we invite you not to miss an important exhibition
400 Years of Croatians in Vienna (400 Jahre Kroaten in Wien) held in Amthaus Wieden, Favoritenstrasse 18, Vienna. As can be seen from the above photos, the earliest known testimony of Croatian presence in Vienna is from 1529, so that the title should be 480 Years of Croatians in Vienna. Many thanks to Mr. Mijo Juric, Vienna, for indicating the mistake in the title.
The accompaning scientific Symposium has been held in 20-22nd November 2009, organized by the Kroatisches Zentrum, Schwindgasse 14, 1040, Vienna, Austria. A very interesting booklet has been issued entitled 400 Jahre Kroaten in Wien / 400 ljet Hrvati u Beèu (should be 480!), prepared Peter Tyran (editor in chief) and his collaborators Josip Ser¹iæ and Mijo Juriæ. Many thanks to Dr. Josip Ser¹iæ and Mr. Mijo Juriæ, Vienna, for their kind help. Congratulations to the organizers of this important exhibition! We hope that it will be organized in Croatia's capital Zagreb as well.
Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko ®ubriniæ
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