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Quietest road race ever? Croatia hosts electric vehicle rally in May 2014
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  03/25/2014 | Tourism , Sports , Companies , Business | Unrated
Nikola Tesla would be proud

The Concept One sports car is all electric and made in Croatia by Rimac Automobili. The factory is near the capital city Zagreb.

Quietest road race ever? Croatia hosts electric vehicle rally in May

By Mary Forgione, Daily Deal and Travel Blogger
March 24, 2014

Nikola Tesla would be proud. In May, Croatia will host its first electric car rally that winds from the northern coast to the capital Zagreb through some of the country's most scenic spots. The route includes a visit to electricity pioneer Tesla's hometown too.

The Nikola Tesla EV Rally 2014 starts May 27 and will be divided into five legs that cover some 530 miles. It starts in the coastal town of Pula in the north, heading south to the mountain village Smiljan where Tesla was born, Krka National Park and Zadar on the coast before heading inland and north to the capital Zagreb.

Over five days, electric car and motorcycle drivers will pass through three national parks -- Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes and Krka -- as well as resort towns like Opatija and Rovinj. Each leg of the journey is short, covering just about 100 miles each day.

But how far can electric vehicles go? Specially designed fast-charging stations, ones that charge a car in about an hour and a half, will be installed every 40 miles along the way, an announcement this week from the Croatian National Tourist Board says. Panels on the stations also provide interactive information for tourists too.

Croatia's tourism agency is calling the route the Green Tourism Highway in a bid to promote not just electric cars but "Croatian tourism, ecological sustainability and innovation," and it's out to make the rally an annual event.


Rovinj, beautiful tourist resort in Istrian peninsula, Croatia

Nikola Tesla EV Rally 2014

Nikola Tesla EV Rally 2014 is a rally of electric vehicles, the international event with the highest prize money fund in the world. Rally will be held for the first time, in Croatia, from 27th till 31st of May 2014. The idea is that the rally is held every year on previously selected locations which amount to an average doistance of 150 km per day from the site starting to the target location, with accompanying program consisted of promotional activities through fun, and with the participation of sponsors, partners and environmentally-minded companies and individuals who will support the project by participating.

It is our intention through the entire project and all its extensions to promote excellence by promoting awareness of environmental protection, energy conservation, sustainable development and innovation which will be attended by companies already present world wide, such as Doking company, and Rimac Concept One.

The goal of the rally is a joint cooperation and integration of partners, cities and tourist offices through which the rally will be the center of fun and meeting of all who live or work in that area. Our desire is to stimulate positive processes in the direction of joining the recent world events in which we will be an active participant and not just a bystander

The idea is that rally become a tradition, and through it to promote an electric vehicles and green technologies, renewable energy, ecology, excellence and natural beauty of the best local brands and businesses. It is our intention through the entire project and all its EXTENSIONS to promote excellence with participation of some of the companies and individuals who are allready among the best in hight tech and “green tech” world wide (Istrian astronomers Histrohod, Doking, Rimac …)

The expected duration of the event, given the range and charging time of individual vehicles: 5 days approximately 850 km route length. The right to participate have only electric vehicles with and without approval, two, three four-wheel, Nissan Leaf, Tesla Roadster, Tesla S, Loox and XD by Doking Automotive, Rimac Concept One, BMW i3, Mitsubishi Miev, Citroën C-ZERO.


Pula, hometown of Stjepan Hauser from 2CELLOS

An Electric Vehicle Could Become the Fastest Car in the World

The birthplace of Nikola Tesla may soon produce an electric car faster than any powered by gas. Mate Rimac, a Croatian car designer, already has the record for fastest quarter-mile by an electric vehicle. Now he's gunning for the Bugatti Veyron.

Mate promises his Rimac Concept_One produces 1,088 horsepower and can do 0-100 kph (62 mph) in just 2.8 seconds. That would put it in a tie for the third fastest car behind only the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport and SSC Ultimate Aero TT.

Rimac says his two passions are cars and technology. "Technology because Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia, Rimac says, "and he invented the electric motor that is used in so many applications today. And I knew simply by theory that this motor is so much better to drive a car—even a sports car."


DOK-ING CROelectric

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), born in Croatia (at that time within Austria-Hungary), is well known and need not be particularly introduced. He completed his elementary and secondary school education in Croatia (in Gospic and Karlovac), and studied in Graz and Prague. He is the father of alternating electrical current technology and the three phase system. He is equally known by his contribution to the high frequency technology and wireless communications. The impact of Tesla's numerous inventions (112 patents during his work in the USA) on the development of modern civilization is immeasurable. The unit for magnetic induction Tesla, was named after him (Conference general des poids et mesures, Paris, 1960). He refused to receive the Nobel prize which he had to share with T.A. Edison.

Tesla, Laplace, Planck, Bohr, Einstein, Rutherford Windows of the building of Electricité de Strasbourg in France, where Tesla had worked for some time, have inscriptions with names of outstanding scientists. There you can see his name surrounded with Laplace, Planck, Bohr, Einstein and Rutherford (click on the left). In front of the building of International Union for Telecommunications in Geneva there is a statue of Nikola Tesla. When his mother died, he paid a visit to Croatian capital Zagreb in 1892, where he gave a lecture about alternating current. On that occasion he said:

As a son of my homeland I feel it is my duty to help the city of Zagreb in every respect with my advice and work (Smatram svojom duznoscu da kao rodjeni sin svoje zemlje pomognem gradu Zagrebu u svakom pogledu savjetom i cinom; photo),

Nikola Teslaand suggested to build alternating current power plant. There is no doubt that by saying "homeland" he meant Croatia. In 1931, at the age of 75, Tesla received birthday greetings from Lee de Forest and Albert Einstein. His monument carved by Ivan Mestrovic, who knew him personally, can be seen in Zagreb. Another monument, carved by Croatian sculptor Frano Krsinic, can be seen near Tesla's hydro power plant on Niagara Falls. A part of Technical Museum in Zagreb is dedicated to Nikola Tesla. According to some recreational sources on WWW, four greatest geniuses in the history of Mankind are Gutenberg, Edison, da Vinci, and Tesla (in this order). There is not doubt that with a different homeland Tesla's position on the list would be much higher. Even today, so many years after Tesla's death (1943), his numerous manuscripts are kept as top secret by the Ministry of Defense of the USA (see Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time, Prentice Hall, 1981; Vladimir Muljevic, Nikola Tesla, slavni izumitelj, Hrvatska zajednica tehnicke kulture, Zagreb, 2000, p. 75.)

Nikola Tesla at the age of 60

Technical Museum in Zagreb, about Tesla's inventions (rotating egg, Tesla's three phase generator, Tesla's transformer, Tesla's remote control boat, etc).

It seems that Nikola Tesla was the first one to discover the electron. This can be seen in his article "Reply to J.J. Thomson's note", published in Electrical Engineer, New York, August 26, 1891. In this article Tesla claims that his experiments prove the existence of charged particles ("small charged balls"), while J.J. Thomson denied this. It was only five years later that Thomson proved the existence of electron using another experiment. See [Centuries of Natural Sciences in Croatia 2, p. 62, article by academician Vladimir Paar, outstanding Croatian physicist].

The Supreme Court of the USA overturned Marconi's patent of modern radio in favor of Nikola Tesla in 1943, soon after his death. Tesla died in New York, in circumstances close to poverty.

It is interesting that in Bartol Kasic's dictionary of Croatian language (16/17 centuries) one can find the name of "tesla", meaning adze. The word tesla (adze) is without any doubt related to Croatian words tesar - carpenter, tesati - to trim (a log), to dress (a stone).


DOK-ING CROelectric

Igor Kolovrat and Jura Pađen - Made in Croatia.

Two fully functional Croatian electric cars on the Jelačić square in Zagreb

Ivo and Nenad Bach by the Croatian product Concept One of Mate Rimac

Plitvice Lakes - the most beautiful lakes in Europe

Breathaking view to one of 16 Plitvice Lakes...

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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