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Edward Andrus

Ed Andrus, 70, a native Philadelphian, is a graduate of Drexel University with a Degree in Electrical Engineering and is also a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Pennsylvania. Ed spent two years in the United States Army where he served in Korea from 1955-57. He began his career with the Philadelphia Electric Company, now a part of Excelon Corporation, where he spent 12 years as an Industrial Sales Engineer. He later joined the IBM Corporation as a Systems Engineer and rose through the ranks to become a Marketing Executive with worldwide responsibilities.  His final assignment was as the IBM Branch Manager in Philadelphia, from which he retired in 1992 after 26 years of service.  He then worked as a Consultant to the Die bold Corporation  for six years before becoming involved with the National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA). Ed is currently the President of the NFCA, in his third term having been elected initially in 2004.     


Articles by this Author
» Croatia in NATO on April 3, 2009. NFCA newsletter.
By Edward Andrus | Published 04/3/2009 | Politics , Events | Unrated
Republic of Croatia is scheduled to formally join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) together with Albania at a summit marking the bloc's 60th anniversary during April 3-4. 2009. The NFCA is pleased to have contributed over the years to this great accomplishment for the Old Homeland. May Croatia long enjoy the peace and prosperity that is a by-product of NATO membership.
» Croatian-born Radovan Vlatkovic, virtuoso hornist, makes it sound easy
By Edward Andrus | Published 04/7/2007 | People , Events , Culture And Arts | Unrated

 Croatian-born Radovan Vlatkovic renders divine sounds from the notoriously difficult French horn.

» NFCA Newsletter October 20th 2006
By Edward Andrus | Published 10/28/2006 | Politics | Unrated

PM Sanader had met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice the day before, and had a meeting with President George Bush and Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, that afternoon. He was also scheduled to meet with Vice-President Cheney on Wednesday

» (E) The Swearing-in Ceremony for Robert A. Bradtke at the US State Department
By Edward Andrus | Published 07/13/2006 | Politics | Unrated

The Swearing-in Ceremony of the new United States Ambassador

to the Republic of Croatia, Robert A. Bradtke, at the US State Department


Dear Crown readers,

I want to share with you that this past Monday, July 3, the NFCA was honored to attend the Swearing-in Ceremony of the new United States Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, Robert A. Bradtke, at the US State Department. Steve Rukavina, Zvonko Labas, and I were invited by Mr. Bradtke himself, whom we had met with just last month to discuss the role of the NFCA in US-Croatia relations. Notably, officiating at this ceremony was
US Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice, who was very positive about her trust in the new Ambassador. Also in attendance were Croatian Ambassador to the United States, Neven Jurica, and several key members of his staff.

While Mr. Bradtke's wife was not able to attend due to her own official US duties, his family did accompany him, including his 93 year-old father who was proud to hold the Bible on which his son took the oath of office. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Bradtke took time to address Ambassador Jurica in the
Croatian language, one of several which he speaks. The ceremony took place in the Treaty Room adjacent to Secretary Rice's office. The limited number of  invited guests were then able to join a receiving line to congratulate Mr. Bradtke and wish him well in his new assignment.

Ambassador Bradtke reaffirmed to us the important role he sees the NFCA and the Croatian American community performing on behalf of Croatia as she proceeds in joining Trans-Atlantic institutions. This was a historic event during our own American Independence celebration period and the three of us were pleased to represent all of you at this special time.

Sincerely, Ed Andrus, President/NFCA

» (E) NFCA Meets With American Officials To Discuss Issues
By Edward Andrus | Published 06/2/2006 | Politics | Unrated

NFCA Meets With American Officials To Discuss IssuesS

National Federation of Croatian Americans
2401 Research Blvd, Suite 115
Rockville, MD 20850
Tel: (301) 208-6650
Fax: (301) 208-6659


For Immediate Release

(Washington, DC - May 31, 2006) On Monday, May 22, 2006, Mr. Ed Andrus, the
President of the National Federation of Croatian Americans (NFCA), led a
delegation of NFCA officers in meetings with Mr. Bert Braun, the Director
for Southern European Affairs for the National Security Council at the White
House, Mr. Kurt Volker, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Mr. Daniel Sainz, Principal Deputy
Director of the Office of South Central European Affairs at the State

The meetings were held as part of the NFCA's long-standing efforts to build
support for Croatia's entry into NATO and other Western institutions with
Members of the Bush Administration as well as with Members of Congress.

In addition to Mr. Andrus, the delegation consisted of Mr. Steve Rukavina,
the Vice President of the NFCA, Mr. Zvonko Labas, the Treasurer of the NFCA,
Mr. John Kraljic, the Past President of the NFCA, and Mr. Joseph Foley, the
NFCA's Government and Public Relations Director.

Mr. Andrus opened both meetings with a brief statement to position the
discussions. He noted that Croatia has met all hurdles that had been placed
on its path toward NATO membership. He pointed to the continuing
development of democratic institutions and the partnership agreements
Croatia has made with its neighbors, which have allowed it to become the
leader in the region.

Other members of the delegation reinforced Mr. Andrus' statements through an
engaging and constructive interchange. It was noted, among other pluses,
that the addition of Croatia to NATO will bring stability to Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Emphasis was also placed on the positive contributions that
Croatia will make to the Alliance as a full NATO member.

Mr. Andrus stated that the meetings with Mr. Braun and Mr. Volker generally
were very positive. "In the fifteen years that we and our members have been
engaged in lobbying in Washington, these meetings represented two of the
most positive we have had with Executive branch policy officials," Mr.
Andrus noted.

"Of course," Mr. Andrus continued, "Croatia is close to NATO membership, but
a number of obstacles remain. Some of these are of a technical nature
dealing with the further professionalization of the Croatian Army. However,
what we uniformly heard was a concern expressed with popular opinion

polls that show that Croatians currently have a relatively low level of
support for NATO membership. We noted that such poll numbers cannot be
viewed as being determinative. Practically all political parties in Croatia
- whether on the left, right, or center - support NATO membership as one of
the most important foreign policy goals of Croatia. Moreover, such poll
numbers are reflective of the negative policies adopted by the United States
and the EU towards Croatia over the past 5 years when, despite having
satisfied 626 of the 627 demands of the ICTY, Croatia continued to be
unfairly labeled for not cooperating with the ICTY as a result of one
fugitive who was not even in the country."

Mr. Andrus further recognizes that some of the anti-NATO sentiment in
Croatia may be tied to a general concern with current American foreign
policies, especially in Iraq which is unpopular with many Europeans. "It is
important to remember that NATO was not involved in the invasion of Iraq,
though of course certain NATO members were. NATO is involved in the
rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan, but certainly most Croatians can
appreciate that the war in Afghanistan was targeted at a nest of terrorist
bent on worldwide destruction. It is also worth noting that NATO belongs to
the countries of the Alliance, most of whom are European, and that all
members have enjoyed peace and prosperity for over sixty years under the
protection of NATO. I believe that when these facts are presented to the
Croatian people by their political leaders, the poll numbers will almost
certainly show a dramatic positive change."

The NFCA delegation did not limit its discussions to NATO. Issues were also
raised regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina and the NFCA's concern with respect
to the status of the Croatian community there; the appointment of Mr.
Robert Bradtke as the new U. S. Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia; Vice
President Cheney's recent trip to Dubrovnik where he underlined U.S. support
for Croatia; and, support for the defense of General Gotovina and other
indicted Croatian military and political officials at the ICTY.

Mr. Andrus stated following the meetings that issues related to NATO and
other matters of concern to Croatian Americans will continue to be the focus
of the NFCA's efforts. "In addition to our meetings with Administration
officials, we will work with our friends in the Congressional Croatian
Caucus to build further support for all initiatives which will be beneficial
to Croatia and Croats."

These issues will no doubt be further explored at the NFCA's Annual Assembly
of Delegates to be held on June 3, 2006 in Kansas City, Missouri, where
representatives from throughout the United States will participate.

The NFCA is a national umbrella organization of Croatian American groups
that collectively represents approximately 130,000 members. For additional
public affairs information or information concerning the Annual Assembly of
Delegates, please call Mr. Joe Foley, NFCA Government and Public Affairs
Director, at 301-294-0937, or Mr. Ed Andrus, NFCA President, at the NFCA
Headquarters at (301) 208-6650, or by email at

For recent NFCA newsletters, important NFCA membership and chapter
information, and other Croatian-American news please visit the NFCA's web
site at

Croatian Constellation

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