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Dr. Vesna Bosanac 1949-2022 Croatian hero of the city of Vukovar
Dr. Vesna Bosanac was born in 1949 in the city of Subotica, and her family moved to the Borovo Naselje near Vukovar when she was less than 1 year old. Her grandmother was Bunjevci Croatian. Since July 1991, during the Serbian military aggression on Croatia, she was emolyed as the director of the famous Vukovar Hospital. Until the end of 1991, during the most savage bombing and shelling of the city, The Vukovar Hospital took care
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek: Digital Recording of the Croatian Mariological Heritage
This cultural project is carried out under the auspices of the Committee for Education, Science and Culture of the Croatian Parliament and the Council for Culture of the Croatian Conference of Bishops. Videos are published in English and Croatian (Digital Recording of the Croatian Mariological Heritage, i.e., Digitalno snimanje hrvatske marijanske baštine). The Project leader, scenarist and director: Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek, Ph.D.,
Vesna Skulic Croatian cinderella participating in White Path humanitarian action in BiH 1993
Vesna Škulić is living in the village of Ražanac near the city of Zadar, Croatia. As an amateur radio operator, she She trasfered more than hundred thosand humanitarian messages. She actively participated in solving numerous problems related to the humanitarion action of White Path in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993. According to late Professor Slobodan Lang, Zagreb, who was the chief organizer of the action, this was
Our Lady of the Stone Gate in Croatia's capital Zagreb
The scholarly educational film Our Lady of the Stone Gate in Zagreb, prepared by Dr. Hrvojka Mihanović Salopek, shows the historical veneration of the Mother of God in Zagreb and presents a cultural travelogue through the oldest and most beautiful shrines in Zagreb. The film presents valuable images of Our Lady, as well as statues stored in Zagreb museums. Special attention is paid to rare books and manuscripts pr
Ivanka Bubalo i njezina bijela kosuljica jos bdiju nad Bosnom
Ivanka Bubalo je poput ostalih Plehančana protjerana s Plehana, ali se ona nikad nije rastala, ni svojim umom ni srcem odvojila ni od Plehana, ni od Plehančana. Susreti s Ivankom bili su bogatstvo. Opredijeljena za trajne vrijednosti, bila je pravi prijatelj, u svakom, baš svakom našla je bar zrnce dobra. Krhka izgledom, snažna duha, spremna svakom i uvijek pomoći... Provela je i pomagala mnoge humanitarne aktivnost
Vladimir Novak: Croatians in America, fascinating photomonograph published in 2018
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić
| Published 10/27/2019
| Companies , Croatian Cuisine , Croatian Life Stories , Culture And Arts , Education , Entertainment , History , Humor And Wisdom , In Memoriam , People , Politics , Restaurants , Science , Sports , About us , Croatian Language , Croatian Heroes , Croatian spirituality , Music | Unrated
 Vladimir Novak (1928-2016)
Vladimir Paleček Croatian humanist and founder of "Hungry Child" international fund in Croatia 1969
Vladimir Paleček: "A catastrophic earthquake hit Sicily in 1968 in which many men, women, and children lost their lives. Gibellina, Salaparuta, Santa Margarita, and Montevago were wiped off the map. ... When I walked through these places, when I saw hundreds of tents which had to replace warm homes, when I saw children without parents, when I saw children naked, barefooted, and hungry, who crowded around me, I came t
Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek: Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Diocese of Gospić-Senj
We often travel to the Adriatic coast through the spacious, desolate, forested and mountainous expanses of Lika, without being aware that there used to be a highly developed center of medieval Croatian culture and Glagolitic scriptoria. Although the brutal Ottoman invasions wrought devastation, we are attracted to the residual traces of the original old Croatian civilization. This is Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek's 11th DVD from
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek presenting Croatian Mariological Heritage of the Varazdin Bishopric
Dr. Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek prepared already her tenth DVD covering various aspects of extremely rich mariological heritage among Croatians. This DVD refers to the Varaždin Bishopric on Croatian north. Numerous baroque churches, lavishly decorated by Ivan Ranger and other Baroque artists, provide a special touch into the architecture of the city of Varaždin and surrounding towns and villages. A special emphas
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