Bilingual » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Music » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Croatian spirituality » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Poetry » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Friends In Action » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Education » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Charity » Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2
Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and Friends in Croatia Feb 17th at 0.15 am & 6:15 pm EST on HTV2 |
By Darko Žubrinić |
Bilingual , Music , Croatian spirituality , Poetry , Friends In Action , Education , Charity
The desire of everyone in the Nenad Bach Band is to perform the song "Vukovar" in the city of Vukovar
Nenad Bach Band in Zagreb, at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, November 30th 2012
Nenad Bach Band i gosti, snimka koncerta
30. studenog 2012. održan je koncert za pamćenje koji je oduševio publiku u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog.
Cijenjeni hrvatski glazbenik i promotor Hrvatske u svijetu Nenad Bach i prijatelji sve su nas osvojili ovim humanitarnim koncertom za napuštenu djecu iz Nazorove. Za Nenada kažu kako je umjetnik s hrvatskom dušom i američkom putovnicom, koji u prepoznatljivom crnom šeširu i u košulji koju mu je šivala majka, s gitarom na ramenu i prstima na tipkama klavira ispisuje povijest ljubavi i života između SAD-a i Hrvatske.
'Za mene je ovaj koncert u Lisinskom bio posebni doživljaj. Moji American Boys su oduševljeni Hrvatskom, ljudima, kulturom i sigurno će prepričavati još dugo ova tri dana u Zagrebu. Ja nastavljam svoju "Rock With Soul" misiju kako ovim koncertom tako i promocijom albuma Everything Is Forever. Zahvalni smo hrvatskoj publici na tako emotivnom prijemu i nadamo se doći ponovno. Želja svih u bandu je izvesti skladbu Vukovar u Vukovaru', rekao je Nenad Bach nakon koncerta čiju snimku prikazujemu u nedjelju 17. veljače poslije ponoći u 00:15 po Hrvatskom vremenu ili u 18:15 po Newyorškom.
Redatelj: Tvrtko Grgić Urednik: Lejdi Oreb
EUROPA - HRVATSKA 1. emitiranje nedjelja 17.veljače HTV2 u 00.15
SLIKA HRVATSKE nedjelja 24. veljače 2.40 AM
New York
1.emitiranje subota 23.veljače 2.40 AM
2.emitiranje nedjelja 24.veljače 10.40 AM
3.emitiraje 6.40 PM
Los Angeles
1.emitiranje subota 23.veljače 11.40 PM
2.emitiranje nedjelja 24.veljače 3.40 PM
1.emitiranje nedjelja 24.veljače 6.40 PM
2.emitiranje 2.40 AM
3.emitiranje ponedjeljak 25.veljače 10.40 AM
| Concert broadcast of Nenad Bach Band and firends
On November 30th, 2012, a concert to be remembered was held, and delighted audiences attending, in the Vatroslav Lisinski concert hall in Zagreb.
Respected Croatian musician and world promoter or Croatian culture, Nenad Bach and Friends, entertained us all with this charity concert for the abandoned children of Nazor street. They say Nenad is an artist with a Croatian soul and an American passport. Wearing his distinctive dark blue hat and shirt, which his mother sewed, his guitar on his shoulder and fingers glued on the piano keys, he portrayed a history of love and life between the U.S. and Croatia.
"For me, this concert at Lisinski Hall was a special experience. My American boys were thrilled with Croatia, their people and culture, and will certainly remember these three long days in Zagreb. I continue with my 'Rock With Soul' mission from this concert and a promotion of the album launch 'Everything Is Forever'. We were very grateful to the Croatian audience with such an emotional reception and hopefully will come back. The desire of everyone in the band is to perform the song, Vukovar Vukovar", said Nenad Bach, after the concert, whose footage will be shown on February 17th 2013 on HTV2 at 0.15 a.m. in Croatia and 6:15 p.m. EST on HTV2.
Director: Tvrtko Grgić Editor: Lejdi Oreb
Europe - Croatia
1. broadcast Sunday February 17th HTV2 at 00.15
SLIKA HRVATSKE Sunday, February 24 2.40 AM
New York
1.broadcast Saturday, February 23 2.40 AM
2.broadcast Sunday, February 24 10.40 AM
3.broadcast 6.40 PM
Los Angeles
1.broadcast Saturday, February 23 11.40 PM
2.broadcast Sunday, February 24 3.40 PM
1.Broadcast Sunday, February 24 6.40 PM
2.broadcast 2.40 AM
3.broadcast Monday February 25 10.40 AM
| Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!