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 »  Home  »  Awards  »  Miro Gavran the greatest contemporary Croatian writer received ''Dr. Alois Mock Europapreis 2017'' award
Miro Gavran the greatest contemporary Croatian writer received ''Dr. Alois Mock Europapreis 2017'' award
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  11/20/2017 | Croatian Language , People , Education , Culture And Arts , Awards | Unrated
Miro Gavran's plays have been translated into 40 languages worldwide!

Miro Gavran. Photo by Berislava Picek.
His books published until 2017 had about 200 editions in Croatia and worldwide,
with the participation of about 100 translators.
He is the only European author with a festival called GavranFest, exisiting since 2003, performing exclusively his plays.
It has been founded in Slovakia, then moved to Poland, and is now active in the Czech capital Prague.

Logo of the Gavran Theatre. In Croatian, the name of "gavran" has the meaning of the crow.


Hrvatski suvremeni književnik Miro Gavran dobitnik je ovogodišnje prestižne međunarodne nagrade "€žDr. Alois Mock Europapreis 2017". Tek pristiglu obavijest o ovogodišnjem izboru potpisao je u ime Zaklade "Dr. Alois Mock" njezin predsjednik dr. Michael Spindellleger, bivši austrijski potpredsjednik vlade i ministar vanjskih poslova.

Nagrada Alois Mock već se četrnaest godina dodjeljuje istaknutim pojedincima koji su, u duhu europske ideje zajedništva, svojim književnim ili novinarskim djelima, aktivnostima u javnom sektoru, u organizacijama ili u poslovanju promovirali europske vrijednosti i jedinstvo. Među dosadašnjim dobitnicima te nagrade ugledni su Europljani: dr. Hans Dietrich Genscher, ministar vanjski poslova Savezne Republike Njemačke; Otto von Habsburg, član Europskog parlamenta; prof. dr. Jerzy Buzek, predsjednik Europskog parlamenta; Viviane Reding, povjerenica za pravosuđe Europske komisije; Paul Lendvai, mađarsko-austrijski novinar; Jose Manuel Barroso, bivši predsjednik Europske komisije; Karel Schwarzenberg, bivši češki ministar vanjskih poslova; Roland Dumas, bivši francuski ministar vanjskih poslova; Magdalena Vašaryova, slovačka glumica i diplomatkinja.

Prošlogodišnja dobitnica nagrade bivša je austrijska ministrica vanjskih poslova i povjerenica EU-a dr. Benitta Ferrero Waldner, koja će zajedno s Mirom Gavranom preuzeti svoju nagradu 20. prosinca 2017. u Beču. Dodjela nagrada održat će se u Saveznom ministarstvu za Europu, integraciju i vanjske poslove Republike Austrije, u dvorani koja nosi Mockovo ime.

Djela Mire Gavrana dosad su prevedena na 40 jezika te su izašla u više od 200 izdanja u zemlji i inozemstvu. Njegova dramska djela bila su predloškom za više od 300 kazališnih premijera diljem svijeta, a vidjelo ih je više od tri milijuna ljudi. Najizvođeniji je suvremeni hrvatski dramatičar u zemlji i inozemstvu u proteklih četvrt stoljeća.

Gavranova povezanost s austrijskim kulturnim prostorom je snažna i dugotrajna: kod uglednog bečkog izdavača SEIFERT VERLAG Miro Gavran je objavio četiri tvrdo ukoričena romana: Zaboravljeni sin, Judita, Krstitelj i Poncije Pilat. U Beču je u proteklih dvadesetak godina gostovalo dvanaest njegovih kazališnih predstava. I ne samo to, radnja njegovih drama Najduži dan Marije Terezije i Pacijent doktora Freuda događa se upravo u Beču, a u Austriji se djelomično odvija i radnja njegovih dvaju novijih romana Kafkin prijatelj i Nekoliko ptica i jedno nebo. Gavran je do sada imao i devet kazališnih premijera na njemačkom jeziku u Austriji i u Njemačkoj.

Miro Gavran u svojim djelima nerijetko obrađuje univerzalne teme koje prelaze granice Hrvatske i šire ideju humanosti. Njegovi junaci, poput samog autora, imaju izrazito afirmativan odnos prema životu. Gavranova djela zastupaju vrijednosti tolerancije i ljudskosti na kojima se temelji zapadna civilizacija. Književni teoretičari i teatrolozi znali su primijetiti da se u njegovu stvaralaštvu prožima srednjeeuropski duh s tipičnim lokalnim hrvatskim motivima i mentalitetom.

Povodom ovoga važnog događaja Gavran je izjavio:

"Istinski me obradovala ova vijest, ponajviše zato što nagrada nosi časno ime velikog austrijskog državnika, pokojnog dr. Aloisa Mocka, koji je uživao ugled ne samo u Austriji i cijeloj Europi nego se smatrao velikim prijateljem Hrvatske. Imponira mi što ću se naći u društvu uglednika koji su do sada ovjenčani tim priznanjem. Ovo međunarodno priznanje mojeg književnog i kazališnog rada nesumnjivo će pridonijeti još boljoj percepciji mojih tekstova u Austriji i Europi. Zahvalan sam dopredsjedniku Austrijskog društva kroatista dr. Marijanu Brajinoviću što me uz nekolicinu uglednika iz naše zemlje predložio za ovu značajnu nagradu, a zahvalan sam i svima iz Zaklade "Dr. Alois Mock" što su se odlučili za mene kao ovogodišnjeg dobitnika.

Nedavno sam imao prigodu sa suprugom Mladenom u Beču održati književno-kazališnu večer u Veleposlanstvu Republike Hrvatske u Austriji, gdje nam je domaćinom bila naša veleposlanica dr. Vesna Cvjetković. Tom sam se prigodom mogao uvjeriti kako se iznimno bogat i dobro osmišljen program odvijao cijele ove godine koja se održava pod motom Godina kulture Austrija -€“ Hrvatska. Sretan sam što će se dodjelom nagrade meni kao hrvatskom autoru na najljepši mogući način zaokružiti ta iznimna serija događanja, kojima se potvrdila čvrsta kulturna povezanost naših dviju zemalja."

Više o nagradi:


Contemporary Croatian writer Miro Gavran is the winner of this year's prestigious international 'Dr Alois Mock Europapreis 2017' award. As soon as it arrived, the announcement of this year's selection was signed by Michael Spindelleger, the president of the 'Dr Alois Mock' Foundation and former Austrian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Foundation.

Alois Mock award has been handed out for fourteen years already to notable individuals who, in the spirit of the European idea of community, have promoted European values and unity through their literary or journalistic work, activities in the public sector, in organizations or in business. Among the previous winners of the award there are some prominent Europeans: Dr Hans Dietrich Genscher, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany; Otto von Habsburg, Member of the European Parliament; Professor Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Justice of the European Commission, Paul Lendvai, Hungarian-Austrian journalist; Jose Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission; Karel Schwarzenberg, former Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roland Dumas, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Magdalen Karyar, Slovak actress and diplomat.

Last year's winner of the award was the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and EU Commissioner Dr. Benitta Ferrero Waldner who will, alongside with Miro Gavran, accept her award on 20 December 2017 in Vienna. The award ceremony will take place at the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, in the hall that bears Mock's name.

The works of Miro Gavran have been translated into 40 languages so far and have been published in more than 200 editions in the country and abroad. His dramas were templates for more than 300 theatre premieres around the world, and were seen by more than three million people. He is the most performed contemporary Croatian playwright in the country and abroad in the past quarter-century.

Gavran's connection with the Austrian cultural space is strong and long-lasting: the prestigious Viennese publisher SEIFERT VERLAG published four of Miro Gavran's hardback novels: Forgotten Son, Judith, John the Baptist, and Pontius Pilate. In Vienna, over the past twenty years, twelve of his theatre plays were performed. But that is not all, the plot of his plays - Maria Theresa's Longest Day and Dr. Freud's Patient is set in Vienna, and the plot of his two novels Kafka's Friend and A Few Birds and One Sky is partly set in Austria. Gavran has had nine theatre premieres in German in Austria and Germany so far.

In his works Miro Gavran often deals with universal themes that cross the borders of Croatia and promote the idea of humanity. His heroes, like the author himself, have a very affirmative attitude towards life. Gavran's works represent the values of tolerance and humanity on which the western civilization is based. Literary theorists and theatre experts sometimes notice that his artistic creation is permeated by a Central European spirit with typical Croatian local motifs and mindset.

On the occasion of this important event, Gavran said:

"I was really honoured by the news, especially because the award bears the honourable name of the great Austrian statesman, late Dr. Alois Mock, who was highly regarded not only in Austria and the whole Europe, but he was also considered a great friend of Croatia. I am flattered by the fact that I will find myself in the company of prominent people who have already been garlanded with that acknowledgement. This international acknowledgement of my literary and theatrical work will undoubtedly contribute to an even better perception of my texts in Austria and Europe. I am grateful to the Vice-President of the Austrian Society of Croatists Dr. Marijan Brajinović, who, together with a number of distinguished people from our country, proposed me for this significant prize, and I am grateful to everyone from the "Dr. Alois Mock " Foundation for deciding to pick me as this year's winner.

I recently had a chance to have a literary-theatre evening together with my wife Mladena at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Austria, which was hosted by our ambassador Dr. Vesna Cvjetković. On that occasion I had the opportunity to see for myself that an exceptionally rich and well-designed programme was carried out throughout this year that has the motto The Year of Austria - Croatia Culture. I am happy that the award being given to me as a Croatian author will round off this exceptional series of events, which confirmed the strong cultural link between our two countries, in the most beautiful way."

More about the award:

Congratulations to Miro Gavran from the readers of the CROWN!

Miro Gavran, distinguished Croatian playwright. Photo by D. Puklavec, Pixell.
Until 2017, about 1000 actors in Croatia and thoughout the world participated in his plays.
He had about 1300 public literary appearances in Croatia and worldwide.
He is a honorable member of the Russian Literary Society in Moscow.

Miro Gavran with his wife Mladena and son Jakov. Photo D. Višnjić, Pixell.
Miro Gavran is also the recipient of the Croatian Cultural Club Award for international promotion of Croatian culture for 2016.
He generously donated the entire financial award for the needs of the Public Library in his native town of Nova Gradiška,
as well as for the Public Open University in the same town.

Razni prijevodi Gavranovih djela s hrvatskoga jezika
  1. albanski
  2. arabski
  3. bugarski
  4. katalonski
  5. kineski
  6. češki
  7. danski
  8. nizozemski
  9. engleski
  10. esperanto
  11. estonski
  12. flamanski
  13. francuski
  14. talijanski
  15. njemački
  16. grčki
  17. hebrejski
  18. hindi
  19. mađarski
  20. japanski
  21. karnatački (Indija)
  22. latvijski
  23. litvanski
  24. lužičkosrbski
  25. makednoski
  26. maratski (Indija)
  27. norveški
  28. perzijski
  29. poljski
  30. portugalski
  31. rumunjski
  32. ruski
  33. slovački
  34. slovenski
  35. španjolski
  36. švedski
  37. teluguški (Indija)
  38. turski
  39. ukrajinski
  40. valonski (Belgija)

Various translations of Gavran's works from Croatian language
  1. Albanian
  2. Arabic
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Catalan
  5. Chinese
  6. Czech
  7. Danish
  8. Dutch
  9. English
  10. Esperanto
  11. Estonian
  12. Flamish
  13. French
  14. Italian
  15. German
  16. Greek
  17. Hebrew
  18. Hindi
  19. Hungarian
  20. Japanese
  21. Kannada (India)
  22. Latvian
  23. Lithuanian
  24. Lužičko-Sorbian
  25. Macedonian
  26. Marathi (India)
  27. Norwegian
  28. Persian
  29. Polish
  30. Portugese
  31. Romanian
  32. Russian
  33. Slovakian
  34. Slovenian
  35. Spanish
  36. Swedish
  37. Telugu (India)
  38. Turkish
  39. Ukrainean
  40. Walloon (Belgium)

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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