“We recognize the historical right of the Croatian people to an independent state."
New Baska Tablet
Croatia's International Day of Recognition Jan 15, 1992.
The new Baska Tablet was introduced on the set of a special edition of HRT on January 15, 1992 for the day that Croatia was internationally recognized by 30 countries in Europe and the world. The words "we recognize the historical right of the Croatian people to an independent state. The free nations of Europe and the world. Anno Domini 1992." were carved on it, based on a font called "can you read me" which is hard to read, and is similar to glagolitic. This font does not have capital letters, and the letters have been reduced to a minimum so that the letter "i" for example is represented by a dot and the letter "o" just a semicircle. At the start of the special televised broadcast, the entire text was spoken by Zlatko Crnkovic accompanied in the background by the historical recording of a roaring wind. One copy of this tablet was carved on Brac in the LOBOL artist's colony per Boris Ljubicic's plan and is located in the home of the initiator and organizer of the summer colony Mr. Ivica Karincic.
Original Baska Tablet
INFORMACIJA vezana uz dan priznanja 15. siječnja 1992. godine
NOVA BAŠČANSKA PLOČA, nastala 15. siječnja 1992. za dan priznanja Hrvatske, predstavljena u scenografiji posebne emisije HRT-a u koju su stizala priznanja 30-tak zemalja Europe i svijeta. Na njoj je bio tekst urezan u podlogu u tipografiji CAN YOU READ ME (možeš li me pročitati), koja se teško čita poput glagoljice, a pisalo je:"priznajemo povijesno pravo hrvatskog naroda na samostalnu državu. slobodni narodi europe i svijeta. anno domoni 1992." ! Ova tipografija nema velika slova, a slova su reducirana do minimuma tako primjerice slovo "i" ima samo točku, a slovo "o" tek dio kruga. Na početku posebne televizijske emisije cijeli tekst je zvonkim glasom pročitao glumac Zlatko Crnković uz povijesni tonski huk vjetra u pozadini. Jedan primjerak ove ploče je isklesan na Braču u likovnoj koloniji LOBOL po nacrtu autora Borisa Ljubičića i nalazi se u dvoru pokretača i organizatora ljetne likovne kolonije gospodina Ivice Karinčića.
Lijep pozdrav,
Boris Ljubičić
boris@studio-international.comTranslated into English by courtesy of Marko Puljić
Original Baska Tablet photo source:
http://kodeks.uni-bamberg.de/Pages/BascanskaPloca.htmFormated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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