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Indian Mathematics Day in Croatia 2024
About 40 mathematicians plus several guests have participated at the meeting honoring the birth of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the greatest Indian mathematician in history. This yearly event, already fourth in order, was organized at the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb. The principal sponsors were the Embassy of India, the mentioned Math Department, along with the Croatian Mathematical Society (its presi
Nenad Bach speaking at TEDx Zagreb: PingPong vs Parkinson Uncommon Solution, Nov 21, 2024
In 2010, Nenad was diagnosed with Parkinson. In 2017, he launched PingPongParkinson" - a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping as many people as possible find relief from Parkinson symptoms by playing ping pong. This initiative has quickly evolved into a global movement spanning 25 countries and five World Championships. The organization's story is captured in a recently published book, "PingPongParkinson": It Started wit
Nenad Sestan distinguished Croatian expert in neuroscience, comparative medicine, genetics, and psychiatry
Andrej Dujella: Diophantine m-tuples and Elliptic Curves, published by Springer, Cham, 2024.
Andrej Dujella is a leading Croatian expert in Number Theory. This book provides an overview of the main results and problems concerning Diophantine m-tuples, i.e., sets of integers or rationals with the property that the product of any two of them is one less than a square, and their connections with elliptic curves. It presents the contributions of famous mathematicians of the past, like Diophantus, Fermat and Euler, as well as som
The Xth Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas - DICSEP 2023
Exploring Tesla at the Czech Technical University in Prague - four lecturers from Croatia
Nikola Tesla Network is a Croatian NGO placed in the city of Gospić, very near the village of Smiljan where N. Tesla (1856-1943) was born. This NGO has organized, in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia, an interesting event entitled "Exploring Tesla", in which four lecturers from Croatia have participated on 11th January 2024: Dubravka Davidović, Darko Žubrinić, Martina Maruši
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) the father of Radio Technology and Wireless Communication since 1893
The principles of Radio Communication and Wireless Communication were layed down by Nikola Tesla, distinguished Croatian - American inventor, in 1893, during his spectacular public lecture in the St Louis concert hall, in front of 5000 people. The event was described in detail by Margaret Chaney in her monograph Tesla / Man Out of Time, in Chapter 6 entitled Radio. We provide an important testimony by William Gundry Broughton, son of
MICROBLINK a mobile vision software development company founded in Croatia in 2012
Microblink is a mobile vision software development company. BlinkID enables scanning of over 100 international identity documents including driving licenses, national identity cards, passports and others. PDF417 SDK or WEB API enables scanning and parsing 1D and 2D barcodes such as QR, PDF417, and others. PhotoPay SDK captures payment information from standardized and non-standard payment slips and it's often used in mobile banking ap
Croatian - Indian Links, monograph marking 30 years of diplomatic relations 1992-2022
The publication Croatian-Indian Links: Thirty Chapters for Thirty Years of Diplomatic Relations (1992-2022) marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between and India and Croatia and highlights a legacy in which the contributions of our writers, scholars, artists, travellers, politicians are unified in one volume. Some chapters in the volume present certain important individuals and others present some the
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