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IN2 - the largest Croatian IT company founded by Ante Mandic
By Marijan Ožanić | Published  10/30/2013 | People , Education , Companies , Business | Unrated
Awards in London and in the USA in 2013

Ante Mandić, founder and manager of IN2 company in Croatia

Kako rasti, razvijati se i širiti na europskom tržištu

U utorak, 15. listopada 2013. započela je na Hrvatskom katoličkom radiju nova sezona emisija pod nazivom ARGUMENTI, koje obrađuju gospodarstvo i poduzetništvo. U tim emisijama urednik i voditelj Marijan Ožanić razgovara s ljudima koji stvaraju nova radna mjesta, zapošljavaju i izvoze, koji pokazuju da Hrvatska ima sposobne ljude koji ZNAJU, HOĆE I MOGU. Kroz takve primjere želi pokazati da Hrvatska može izaći iz krize.

Gost u studiju taj utorak bio je gospodin Ante Mandić, poduzetnik, izvoznik, vlasnik i direktor poduzeća IN2 d.o.o., najveće informatičke tvrtke u ovom dijelu Jugoistočne Europe koja zapošljava preko 400 zaposlenika na poslovima razvoja, implementacije i održavanja vlastitih softverskih rješenja i usluga. Rješenja i usluge IN2 grupe pokrivaju različita područja poslovanja, s naglaskom na javni sektor, financijski sektor i osiguranje, zdravstvo, telekomunikacije, gospodarstvo te komunalna poduzeća i energetiku.

U početku razgovora je istaknuto nekoliko činjenica koje su jako važne za razumijevanje našeg poduzetništva. Tvrtka IN2 nastala je 1992., znači pred dvadesetak  godina tvrtka nije postojala. Krenula je od nule. U to vrijeme (možda godinu dana prije) KONČAR (veliki proizvođač električnih strojeva, generatora i transformatora) imao je 22.000 radnika, tvornica alatnih strojeva Prvomajska nekoliko tisuća, a PLIVA je bila najveća  farmaceutska kompanija ovog dijela Europe. Danas KONČAR ima 4.500 radnika, znači izgubio je oko 17.000 radnika, Prvomajske je gotovo nestala, a PLIVA je sada jedna mala kompanija.  Za to vrijeme je tvrtka IN2 od nule narasla do najveće informatičke kompanije ovog dijela Europe koja zapošljava gotovo 500 radnika. IN2 se proširio na 8 vlasnički povezanih tvrtki u šest država, a projektima i rješenjima prisutan je u svim susjednim državama Jugoistočne Europe.

Vrijednost informatičkih rješenja tvrtke IN2 prepoznata je i na globalnoj  razini, za svoja softverska rješenja tvrtka je dobila najveća svjetska priznanja. U Londonu,13. ožujka 2013., dobila je prestižnu godišnju nagradu za svoje softverske proizvode, nagradu European IT & Software Excellence Award u kategoriji rješenja godine za javni sektor, u srpnju 2013. dobila u  Houstonu, u Americi globalnu nagradu Microsoft Partner of the Year Award  koju Microsoft svake godine dodjeljuje u različitim kategorijama. Tvrtka  IN2 ove godine osvojila je tu nagradu  u kategoriji Javni sektor – zdravstvo, za svoja informatička rješenja. Tvrtka INsig2, članica grupe IN2 pobijedila početkom travnja na natječaju za izradu sofisticiranog sustava sigurnosti koji je raspisalo sjedište NATO saveza u Bruxellesu.

Sve te nagrade osvojene su u konkurenciji nekoliko tisuća tvrtki iz cijelog svijeta. Moramo znati da je IT, informatička, visokotehnološka industrija  najvažnija industrija u suvremenom gospodarstvu, to je industrija znanja XXI. stoljeća u kojoj vlada velika konkurencija. To ovim nagradama daje još veći značaj, ne samo za samu tvrtku IN2, već i za sliku Hrvatske u svijetu.
To sve zaslužuje najveće poštovanje.

Poslovni život tvrtke, svih dvadesetak godina,  odvijao se stilom koji možemo slikovito nazvati „rafting stil“, u gospodarskoj okolini, u kojoj je sve puno prepreka i problema „po bujicama, slapovima i vrtlozima, između stijena i oštrog kamenja“, od kojih svaki može potopiti tvrtku. Za to vrijeme konkurencija, velike informatičke tvrtke zapadnog svijeta djeluju u uređenoj gospodarskoj okolini i posluju  stilom „yachtinga“, po  mirnom moru.

U Hrvatskoj već 5 godina vlada teška gospodarska kriza koja nikako ne posustaje. Mnogo je poduzeća propalo, deseci tisuća radnika ostalo je bez posla. Još uvijek se ne vidi kraj krize, ne vidi se „svjetlo na kraju tunela“ i što je još najstrašnije, ne vide se nikakvi niti programi niti zahvati koji bi počeli oporavljati gospodarstvo. Bezuspješno se očekuju nekakvi čarobni „investicijski ciklusi“ koji bi sve promijenili.

Tvrtka IN2 svojim primjerom pokazuje kako se može uspjeti i u krizi, kako se i u tim teškim gospodarskim uvjetima može rasti, razvijati se, izvoziti i zapošljavati.
U razgovoru je gospodin Mandić objašnjavao svoju „formulu  uspjeha“ i koje su konkurentske prednosti njegove tvrtke te kako se na svjetskom tržištu može boriti s najveći kompanijama.

Razgovaralo se o svim problemima s kojima se hrvatski poduzetnici susreću na svom poslovnom putu, o industrijskoj strategiji koja se upravo piše,  o društvu znanja i gospodarstvu znanja, zašto u Hrvatskoj vlada antipoduzetnička klima, te o tome kako gospodin Mandić vidi svoju tvrtku u budućnosti i kako gleda na budućnost hrvatskog  gospodarstva.

Kao i obično gledatelji su se javljali u emisiju s pitanjima i pohvalama i gostu i samoj emisiji, a mnogi su slali i SMS poruke.

How to grow,
develop and expand on European market

The new season of ARGUMENTI show that focuses on topics about economy and entrepreneurship started on Tuesday October 15th on Croatian Catholic Radio. In these radio shows Mr. Marijan Ožanić, its editor and host, interviews people who provide new openings, who employ and export, and show that Croatia has people who know how, who are capable and willing. These stories confirm that Croatia can find a way out from this crisis.

That Tuesday's guest was Mr. Ante Mandić, an entrepreneur, exporter, owner and the head of IN2 Group, the largest software company in this part of South East Europe. It employs over 400 workers specialized in development, implementation and maintenance of in-house software solutions and services. Their solutions and services cover various business fields, with an emphasis on public sector, financial sector and insurance, healthcare, telecommunication, economy, power industry and utility services.

At the beginning of the interview, several facts were emphasized, which are crucial for understanding Croatian entrepreneurship. IN2 Group was founded in 1992 and started from scratch. For example, at that time or maybe a year before, KONČAR (the big producer of electric machines, generators and power transformers) employed 22000 workers; Prvomajska Machine Tools Factory employed several thousands, and PLIVA was the largest pharmaceutical company in this part of Europe. Nowadays, KONČAR has been reduced to 4500 employees, meaning it has lost 17000 workers; Prvomajska Factory has almost disappeared from the market, while Pliva has been sold to a large international company and functions as its subsidiary. At the same time, IN2 company started at zero and developed into one of the largest software companies in this part of Europe with over 500 employees. IN2 Group has expanded to 8 interconnected companies in six countries, and its solutions and projects are present in the neighboring East European countries. 

IN2 Group’s IT solutions have received worldwide acknowledgments, and their software solutions have won the highest recognitions. In London, March 13 2013, IN2 Group won a prestigious annual European IT & Software Excellence Award for its software products in the category Government Solution of the Year. In Houston, Texas, in July 2013, IN2 Group won the world Microsoft Partner of the Year Award in the category of Public Sector Partner of the Year – Public Safety/National Security, which Microsoft Corp. grants every year in various categories. In April 2013 INsig2 Ltd, a member firm of IN2 Group, won the tender invited by the NATO headquarters in Brussels for making a sophisticated safety system.

All these awards were won against strong competition with several thousands of companies from all over the world. We have to realize that IT, software and high-tech industry are the most important industries of economy today. It is the know-how industry of the 21st century which is ruled by fierce competition. That is what gives these awards even greater importance, not just to IN2 Company itself, but also to the image of Croatia in the world. And all of this deserves our highest respect.

Over the last 20 years, the company’s business life resembled what we can call “a rafting style“ in an economic environment filled with obstacles and problems “through streams, waterfalls and vortexes, between stones and hard rocks“, which can easily send any firm to the bottom. At the same time, their competition, large IT firms of the Western World, work in a well-ordered economic environment and do business in “yachting style“ in calm sea.

Croatia has been affected by a severe economic crisis for more than 5 years now and it’s not getting any better. Numerous firms have closed down and thousands of employees lost their jobs. The end of the crisis is still not near, there is no “light at the end of the tunnel“, and what is even worse – there are no programs or projects that could start recovering the economy. Magic “investment cycles“ that would change everything are awaited in vain.

IN2 Group offers an example how to be successful even in the time of crisis, how to grow, develop, export and employ even in difficult economic conditions. Mr. Mandić explained his “success formula“ in the interview, what competitive advantages his firm had and how they compete with even the largest companies on the global market.

We also discussed all the problems that entrepreneurs in Croatia face on their business road, the industrial strategy that has been drafted and the society of knowledge and know-how economy. Furthermore, we analyzed why there is an anti-entrepreneurial climate in Croatia, how he saw his firm in the future and what he thought of Croatian economy in the future.

As usual, many listeners called during the interview to ask questions and congratulate the guest and the radio show, and many sent text messages.

Translated from Croatian by Ms Martina Ožanić, Zagreb.

Informatička tvrtka IN2

Gost g. Ante Mandić, voditelj Marijan Ožanić, Hrvatski katolički radio HKR, 15. listopada 2013.
Više podataka:

Mr. Marijan Ožanić on the left and Mr. Ante Mandić in the studio of Croatian Catholic Radio in Zagreb.


In the segment of eHealth IN2 Group provides following IT solutions:

  • eWaiting Lists - the information system that in real time connects the health system at the national level and provides an overview of available dates for procedures in hospitals.
  • eOrdering - a system for online ordering to the procedures in healthcare facilities directly from the practice of the primary care physicians.
  • eBI-Medications - a system for business analysis and reporting that monitors the consumption of the prescription medications in pharmacies.
  • eContracting - information system for creating on-line offers for health care.


For eWaiting Lists and e-Ordering in March 2013 IN2 Group received the European IT & Software Excellence Award in the category - solution of the year for the public sector and in May 2013 global award - Microsoft Partner of the Year Award in the category of Public Sector, Health. The leading criteria for obtaining global Microsoft award, in addition to technical quality, was their contribution, as a technologically advanced solutions, in the modernization of healthcare systems and changes in delivering the health services. It was pointed out that e-Waiting lists and e-MD Appointments are an example of the positive impact of technology on the community quality of life. It is the first time that the Croatian company won in one of the category, for which applied more than 3,000 applicants from 106 countries.


Public Sector: Health Partner of the Year


Microsoft is recognizing IN2 as the 2013 Public Sector Health Partner of the Year for its eWaiting and eOrders solutions. Ivan Vidakovic, Country Manager Microsoft Croatia, points to the scale of the solution as a primary factor, since it was installed in more than 50 percent of hospitals across the country. eWaiting and eOrders were developed for the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance. The customer wanted to better manage waiting lists for medical services, share and consolidate health data at the national level, minimize waiting time, and connect primary care doctors with hospitals. The IN2 solution is a central information hub and dispatching mechanism across hospitals—and an easy booking mechanism for 5,000 primary teams, collecting 270 medical procedures and free-time slots from 65 hospitals, gathering around 600,000 orders each night, and processing around 2,500 eOrders daily. The IN2 solution shows the value of technology in modernizing health systems and transforming the delivery of health services in partnership with medical professionals and for the better health of citizens. “On top of being a national system that integrates care givers and insurance, this year’s Health Partner of the Year demonstrates what we call 'Real Impact for Better Health' by decreasing waiting times up to 30 percent and reducing health inequalities amongst regions that were not connected before,” says Valentina Ion. With BI capabilities building on top of this Microsoft .NET solution, the project opens new possibilities to the world of big data and population health management.

All winners, [PDF]

IN2, Croatia

IN2 Group is a Croatian software company founded in 1992 with headquarters in Zagreb. The Group operates in six countries of South East Europe through eight member companies.

The company is specialized in development, implementation and support of customized software solutions, IN2 ready-made products and implementation of standard business solutions. IN2 covers various business areas, with the emphasis on public sector, financial sector and insurance, healthcare, telecommunication, enterprise and utility companies.

IN2 is a Microsoft Network Partner and an Oracle Platinum Partner.

During past 20 years, we received many different awards and certificates that prove our quality including Zlatna kuna (prize for business success in Croatia), IS0 9001 for Quality management system compliance, ISO 27001 for Information security, European IT & Software Excellence Awards 2013 (Government Solution of the Year) and Microsoft 2013 Partner of Year Award Winner for the Public sector: Health.


Tatajana Pušelj Ostroški, IN2 Board member, received global Microsoft Partner of the Year Award in Houston

IN2 Board Member, Tanja Pušelj Ostroški, received global Microsoft Partner of the Year Award in Houston last week. The Company was awarded in Public sector – health category for solutions e-Ordering and e-Waiting lists.
„We are especially proud, because this is the first time one of global Partner of the Year Awards went to Croatia, and this year we are also the only company from Central and Eastern Europe. During the ceremony in Houston, we had several new business contacts, which is why implementations of e-Ordering on some new markets are also possible" – said Pušelj Ostroški who led the four member team from IN2 in Houston.
Awards which atracted over 3000 applications were received at the ceremony which was a part of five days long Worldwide Partner conference, which gathers over 14.000 participants from 150 countries. After the ceremony, Microsoft representatives led by CEO Steve Ballmer presented their IT solutions with an emphasis on big data, cloud, mobility and social component.
Health sector in IN2 will apply in its solution the world trends presented at the conference, which will be presented in more detali on Hospital Days conference which will be organized by IN2 in Opatija from 21st till 23rd October in Opatija, Croatia.


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