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Karolina Vidovic Kristo distinguished Croatian journalist on HTV
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/31/2012 | Human Rights , Politics , People , Opinions , Friends In Action , Education | Unrated
Karolina Vidović-Krišto connecting Croatia and Croatian diaspora throughout the world

Mrs. Karolina Vidović-Krišto, distinguished Croatian journalist and reporter,
one of the leading figures of Croatian Television - HTV.

Struggle for human rights of children in Croatia, and not only in Croatia

The latest contribution of Mrs. Karolina Vidović-Krišto,
published by the HTV (Hrvatska televizija / Croatian Television) by the end of 2012.

Karolina Vidović Krišto is producing an excellent program for Croatian diaspora, for which she deserves our deep gratitude. She is engaged, among others, in defending human rights of children in Croatia, and promoting deeper ties between Croatia and its diaspora. Her professionalism and honorable engagement ranks her among the leading figures on Croatian Television - Hrvatska televizija (HTV).

Some of contributions by Mrs. Karolina Vidović-Krišto, published by the HTV:


Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

Draga gospođo Vidović Krišto,

odnosno, ako dopuštate, Karolina? Nedavno sam čula da je Vaš program, „Slika Hrvatske“, prikazao isječke iz jednoga od nekolicine neovisnih filmova o mojim istraživanjima. Ispunjavajući svoju časnu novinarsku dužnost, emitirali ste moje dokaze o Alfredu C Kinsey-u („ocu seksualne revolucije“ te „ljudske seksualnosti“ na polju seksualnoga odgoja na globalnoj razini) kao izravno odgovornom za masovne seksualne torture 317 do 2.035 djece za svoje knjige, Seksualno ponašanje kod ljudskih mužjaka (1948.) i Seksualno ponašanje kod ljudskih ženki (1953). Molim Vas primite na znanje da moja knjiga u privitku, Seksualna sabotaža, sadrži reprodukcije pet Kinseyevih Tablica za mučenje djece, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, s početkom na stranici 25.).

Reproducirala sam Kinseyeve dječje Tablice iz njegove vlastite knjige, gdje je on objavio navedene torture – kao „orgazme“ dojenčadi i djece, a na stranicama 160. i 161. posvjedočio da je 196 muške dojenčadi i dječaka mlađih od 12 godina imalo 6 „vrsta“ „orgazama“, uključujući stravu, krikove i nesvjestice.

Prije nekih tjedan dana, umjesto da Vam udijeli svekoliku čast i slavu, hrvatska javna radiotelevizija HRT optužila Vas je da ste zloupotrijebili svoju profesiju kad ste hrvatskom gledateljstvu otkrili izvješća o seksualnom zlostavljanju djece pod okriljem Instituta Kinsey. Bila sam vrlo razočarana saznanjem da je hrvatska javna televizija tako prekršila svoju mandatnu obvezu da objavi argumente i dopusti ljudima da formiraju vlastita mišljenja. Nedavna odluka Nordijskoga vijeća ministara (norveško-švedsko-finsko-dansko-islandske suradnje) da zatvori NIKK, Nordijski spolni institut, zbog njegove pseudo-znanstvene „Spolne teorije“ djelovala je kao briljantna svjetlost pod tom seksualnom navlakom. Nakon što je jedan kreativni norveški novinar dokumentirao „ne-znanstveni karakter NIKK-a i njegovih istraživanja“, taj institut je zatvoren i izmješten,

Ovakvo stajalište vlasti je iznimno. Kao i „otac seksualne revolucije“, masovna seksualna vježba s industrijom medikamenata (misli Viagra) eksplodirala je, izgrađena je na Kinseyevim seksualnim zloporabama, koje se sada zovu „kompleks industrije seksa“. Nažalost, dužnosnici vlasti, u snažnom zagrljaju industrije seksa i farmaceutske moći, nevoljko dopuštaju eksponiranje Kinseyevih zločina. Iako je Kinsey bio, čak i po njegovim nedavnim biografima, seksualni psihopat. Nadalje, na raspolaganju je brojna dokumentacija o tome kako i zašto naše škole sve više dolaze pod nadzor „seksualno revolucionarnih“ manjinskih monopola (kao što je spomenuti NIKK). To je galvanizirano korumpiranim programima „pomoći“ Ujedinjenih naroda, koji su lansirani diljem demokratskoga svijeta, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. Doista, mogu Vam dostaviti dio toga „lokalnog“ informativnog materijala.

Kinsey-a se sada dokumentirano opisuje kao ovisnika o pornografiji, koji je natjerao suprugu i svoj „tim“ da sudjeluju u njegovim pornografskim filmovima proizvedenim na sveučilištu i u potkrovlju vlastite kuće. Također se dokumentirano navodi njegova sklonost masturbacijskoj samo-torturi, toliko okrutnoj da mu je vjerojatno prouzročila fatalno oštećenje spolnih organa. Evidentirano je da je napustio suprugu zbog seksa s brojnim muškarcima nepoznatih dobi; da su pripadnici tima trebali prakticirati brakolomstvo i homoseksualnost; da je angažirao samo one „istražitelje“ koji su bili skloni takvim perverzijama, a najvažnije je to da je promišljeno zapošljavao pedofile, koji su, po njegovim nalozima, silovali i evidentirali djecu, čak od 2 mjeseca starosti, koristeći se štopericama u svrhu zabilježbe njihovih jauka i grčenja. Kinsey je nazvao ovakve reakcije dječjim „orgazmima“. Također je dokazano da je on osobno skupljao „ejakulate“ od stotina dječaka, što ga stavlja izravno na scenu nasilnih zločina. Tablice 30 – 34 (stranice 25. – 29.), u Seksualnoj sabotaži, dokaz su o seksualnoj torturi Kinseya & kompanije nad djecom. Naravno, dobro financirani Institut Kinsey prikriva i negira činjenice o njihovim zločinima da ne ugrozi globalno širenje seksualnog polja - zasijanog Kinseyevim obmanama – te urušavanje, a s njim ugrozu ugleda i bogatstva tisuća osoba. Ako ove činjenice ikada dospiju u sudnicu, neki bi grabežljivci seksualne znanosti mogli provesti godine u zatvoru, ( Jer, Institut Kinsey prizna da kontinuirano zaprima seksualne evidencije od osoba čija imena i djela prikriva.

Kanim doći u Hrvatsku iz dva razloga, da branim Vaše akcije kao profesionalno etične, u skladu s načelima Vašega časnog polja rada, te da osporim ovaj opasni prikaz tiranije vlasti i cenzure koji je uskrsnuo iz te i takve prošlosti. Hrvatski narod zaslužuje otvorene vijesti. Ja Vas podržavam, potičem i čestitam Vam! U stvari, pozivam i izazivam sve hrvatske novinare, posebice NOVA TV-a RTL-a i svih novina da istraže ove činjenice ponaosob. Nasljeđujete kao novinari plemenitu profesiju koja vam se nudi da budete oči i uši svjetskih zbivanja, da prezentirate istinu hrvatskome narodu. Osobnim traganjem za istinom bit ćete u stanju stati uspravno i časno zaštititi kolegu-novinara, vašu profesiju i vašu naciju. Nekoliko dokumentarnih filmova iz SAD-a, Švicarske i Ujedinjenog kraljevstva dostupno je bez naknade na web-stranici Naravno, Kinsey-eve izvorne knjige mogu se naći u knjižnicama ili na web-u za vaša osobna istraživanja, preglede, analize i izvještavanja.

Napominjem da sam spremna izazvati svakoga, bilo gdje, na debatu o činjenicama, na dokazivanje mojih optužbi, eksponiranje posebnih seksoloških interesa, koji se očajnički prikrivaju od naroda. Nagovaram, pozivam ministra i autore Kinseyevskoga školskog programa na javnu raspravu u Zagrebu – temeljenu na dokazima! Doista, ja predviđam da će uporaba programa po Kinsey-u donijeti hrvatskoj mladeži grozote spolnih bolesti, abortusa i kriminala kakve su sada uobičajene među drugim europskim mladežima.

Ako budete slijedili „seksologe“, Hrvatska će vidjeti drastično povećanje dječje seksualne aktivnost, pobačaja maloljetne djece, dječjih spolnih zaraza, seksualnih zlostavljanja djece širom društva, porast otmica djece i broja napasnika, goleme kulturne štete, a odmah potom i „seksualna cijepljenja“ za najmlađe uzraste kako bi se „zaustavio“ vjerojatni razvitak niza seksom prenosivih bolesti. To nije dobro ljudi, nije dobro za djecu.

Nadam se debati s potpunim pouzdanjem kakva nastaje iz govora Istine.

Iskreno Vaša,


Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
Gostujući profesor prava
Liberty School of Law

Dear Mrs. Vidovic Kristo,

Or may I call you Karolina? I learned recently that your program, "Picture of Croatia," broadcast excerpts from one of several independent films on my research.  Fulfilling your esteemed responsibility as a reporter, you screened my proofs of Alfred C Kinsey (the “father of the sexual revolution,” and of the “human sexuality” and sex education fields globally) as directly responsible for the mass sexual torture of 317 to 2,035 children for his books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953). Please note that my attached book Sexual Sabotage includes reproductions of Kinsey’s original five child torture Tables 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, begin on page 25).

I republished the Kinsey child Tables from his own books, where he reported these tortures—as infant and child “orgasms”  and pages 160 and 161 on which he testified that 196 boy infants and children, under age 12 had 6 “types” of “orgasms,” including terror, screaming, and fainting.

Instead of offering you kudos, about a week ago your HRT, Croatian public radio and television claimed you misused your profession when you revealed to Croatian viewers the reports of child sexual abuse conducted under the Kinsey Institute banner. I was very disappointed to see Croatian public television thus violate their mandate to reveal the arguments to let the people determine their own views. The recent Nordic Council of Ministers (a Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland co-operative) closure of the NIKK Nordic Gender Institute for its bogus “Gender Theory” science was a bright light in this sex cover-up. After a creative Norwegian journalist documented the “unscientific character of the NIKK and its research” the was institute closed, and has now moved,

This government position is rare. As the “father of the sexual revolution,” the massive sex training and medicating industry (think Viagra) has exploded, built on Kinsey’s sex frauds, what is now “the Sex Industrial Complex.  Unfortunately, government officials, strongly beholden to the sex industry, and Big pharmacology, have been loath to allow expose of Kinsey’s crimes. Yet, even his recent biographers now confess in their books and television interviews, that Kinsey was a certifiable sexual psychopath.  Moreover, extensive documentation is available as to how and why our schools worldwide are increasingly controlled by a “sexual revolutionary” minority monopoly (like that of NIKK). This is brazen in the corrupt “helpful” United Nations programs that have been funneled into all democracies, including Croatia. Indeed I can make some of that “local” information available to you.

Kinsey is now fully documented as a pornography addict who forced his wife and his “team” to participate in his pornographic films made on campus and in his attic. He is also documented as engaging in masturbatory self-torture so punishing that it caused perhaps fatal damage to his sexual organs. It is documented that he abandoned his wife for have sex with multiples of males of unknown ages; that his team was expected to practice adultery and homosexuality, that he hired only those “researchers” who shared similar perversions, and most important, that he deliberately employed pedophile to, under his orders, rape and catalog children, as young as 2 months of age, using stop watches to record their screams, cries and convulsions. Kinsey labeled children’s responses to being sodomized by adults as child “orgasms.”  It is also proven that he himself collected “ejaculate” from hundreds of young boys, putting him directly at the scene of these violent crimes. The attached Tables 30 - 34 (pages 25-29) in Sexual Sabotage, are direct evidence of the sexual torture of children by Kinsey & Co. Naturally the well-funded Kinsey Institute covers up and denies the truths of their crimes lest the growing global sex field--built on the Kinsey frauds--collapse and with it the reputations and wealth of thousands. Should these facts ever get into a courtroom, some sex science predators could still spend years in prison For, the Kinsey Institute admits they continue to receive sex records from persons whose names and actions they hide.

I plan to come to Croatia to both defend your professionally ethical actions; as following the canon of your honorable field, and to challenge this dangerous display of government tyranny and censorship that has risen from the past as it were. The Croatian people deserve honest news. I support, encourage and congratulate you!  Indeed, I call upon and challenge all Croatian journalists, especially NOVA TV, RTL television, and all Croatian newspaper reporters to research these facts for themselves. You inherit a noble profession as journalists and it falls to you, as the eyes and ears of the world news, to present the truth to the Croatian people. In researching the truth yourselves you will be able to stand firmly and you will find  yourselves honorably protecting a fellow colleague-journalist, your profession, and your nation. Several film documentaries, from the USA, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are available free of charge on my website, Of course, Kinsey’s original books are available in libraries or on the web for your own study, inspection, analysis and reportage.

Understand that I challenge anyone, at any time, to debate me on the facts, the evidence of my charges, the exposure of the sexology special interests that are desperately hidden from the people. I urge, invite the minister and the authors of the proposed Kinseyan school-programs to a public discussion in Zagreb - based on the evidence! Indeed, I predict that these Kinsey programs will bring Croatian youth in line with the ghastly sexual diseases, abortions and crimes now common among other European youth.

If you follow the “sexologists” Croatia will see a dramatic increase in child sexual activity, child abortions, child sexually transmitted diseases, child sexual abuse in the general society, increases in child trafficking victims and predators, massive costs to the culture and soon “sex vaccines” for the youngest ages to “stem” the predictable rise in new and old varieties of sexually transmitted diseases. Not good folks, no not good for the children.

I look forward to such a debate with the total, complete confidence that comes of Truth speaking.



Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor of Law
Liberty School of Law

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Marko Špiranović)

    Karolina Vidović-Krišto vodi najbolji hrvatski program. Dok ima i drugih talentiranih Hrvata poput Zrinke Turalije-Kurtag i Andrije Jarak i drugih ali ona je definitivno među najboljima - talentirana, sposobna, vedra, vesela, prijazna i povrh svega govori o Hrvatskoj i Hrvatima kao što bi i drugi trebali činiti.
  • Comment #2 (Posted by Zeljko Zidaric)

    I think that media manipulation and suppression needs to get some visibility outside of the Croatian borders. I sent a letter to the following organizations:

    Reporters Without Borders
    Freedom House
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    You can see the letter here

    I hope that Croats outside of Croatia inform their local governments, in Canada, USA, Australia, Argentina and Chile of the threat to informed democracy in Croatia.

  • Comment #3 (Posted by Zenga)

    Bravo for Karolina.
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