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Croatian Medical Journals Receive International Recognition
By Prof. Dr. Matko Marušić | Published  07/27/2007 | Science , News | Unrated
The Croatian Medical Journal and Lijecnicke novine received international commendation

Croatian Medical Journals Receive International Recognition

The Croatian Medical Journal and Lijecnicke novine received international commendation.

Lajla Mlinarić 

In the past two months, two Croatian medical journals, "Croatian Medical Journal" and "Lijecnicke novine", received important international recognition, which was not given much attention in Croatian media. The co-editor of the Croatian Medical Journal, Dr. Ana Marusic, a regular professor of anatomy at Zagreb's Faculty of Medicine, took over the duty as chairwoman of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) in Austin, Texas. The association that gathers editors from some thousand science magazines around the world, has a goal of educating editors and promoting the standards of editorial and co-editorial work, their rights and responsibilities.

On assuming leadership of the CSE, Marusic said that she would use her mandate to promote the gazette of the association "Science Editor" and to spreading its influence outside the borders of the developed countries. The European Cervical Cancer Association (ECCA) commended "Lijecnicke novine" - the official gazette of the Croatian Medical Chamber - for its adequate, quality and correct reporting on the prevention of cervical cancer in Croatia, with which the paper gave a significant contribution to the health of women in Croatia.

Published: July 27, 2007 13:50h

Dragan Primorac
Guest Editor CMJ - Vol. 48. No. 4

  1. Board & Committee Member Information: Ana Marusic ... Journal: Croatian Medical Journal ...
  2. How to Help a Small Journal Become a Part of the Mainstream Literature ANA MARUSIC AND MATKO MARUSIC Features 84 Hands-on Indexing WINFIELD SWANSON
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  5. Ana Marusic. Past President Monica Bradford. President-Elect Diane Scott-Lichter. Vice President Diane Lang. Secretary Rebecca Benner. Treasurer Frank Stumpf. Treasurer-Elect
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  7. Ana Marusic, Editor, Croatian Medical Journal; Thomas Goehl, Environmental Health Perspectives; Phyllis Freeman and Anthony Robbins, coeditors, Journal of Public Health Policy

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