BB Biti Bolji - Be Better
Jeste li se ikada zapitali gdje je srce poduzetništva? Odmah vas misli odvedu na interese, novac, nekorektnost, zakone, kalkulacije, rad i znoj...... ili postoji nešto više, dublje....što ne poznajemo dovoljno da bi u svemu tome našli interes.
Već u startu umjesto korak naprijed, činimo korak nazad jer nas je strah neuspjeha, upuštanja u nepoznato ili smo već izašli iz kalvarije poduzetništva. Ili smatramo da je osnovni problem pokretanja posla novac koji nemamo ili ga imamo nedovoljno.
A zapravo zaboravljamo ono glavno: da je centar svega čovjek: poduzetnik, talentiran, obrazovan, stručan, motiviran, nabijen pozitivnim emocijama.
Zavirite u jedinstveni kutak posvećen svima vama bez obzira na dob, spol, edukaciju, jeste li poduzetnik ili to tek želite postati, ili pak uopće niste razmišljali u tome.
Informativan, edukativan, oplemenjen životnim stvarnim pričama o uspjesima i neuspjesima, o konkretnim problemima, investiranju, mobbingu, očekivanjima, željama, čemu moramo težiti i kako se ponašati da bi uspjeli i bili bolji -
Have you ever asked yourself where the heart of entrepreneurship is? Your thoughts immediately take you to interests, money, incorrectness, laws, calculations, work and sweat& or is there something more, deeper& of which we don't know enough in order to find out interest there. In the very beginning instead of going forward we take a step back for fear of failure, going into unknown or we have already left the horrors of entrepreneurship. Or we think that the main problem in starting the business is the money we don't have or don't have enough. And we keep forgetting what's important, that the man is at the center of everything, an entrepreneur, talented, educated, competent, motivated, filled with positive emotions. Take a peek into a unique corner devoted to all of you no matter your age, sex, education, whether you are an entrepreneur or want to be one, or you haven't given it any thought. Informative, educational, improved with real life stories of success and failure, of real problems, investing, mobbing, expectations, wishes, what we should aspire to and how to behave and we better -