Četiri stađuna
S rukom za ruku su čet'ri stađuna moji se dani kroz vrime vuku s teplim i ladnim život se miša žari me sunce, pere me kiša. S rukom za ruku su čet'ri stađuna ča daje gazin, vrime mi biži stađuni moji, još od početka korak, po korak, kraju su bliži. Stađuni, stađuni moji di je sad ono proliće cvitno? Stađuni, stađuni moji, i lipo lito, vedro i sritno? Dok jesen stare lišće na stazi ruke mi stišću od zime mrazi. Stađuni, stađuni moji, stađuni.
S rukom za ruku su čet'ri stađuna ko će izdurat, do kraja gazit? Jedni će nestat ka' da ji nima na me će pazit još samo zima.
| Four Seasons
Hand by hand four seasons go my days through the time crawl with warm and cold the life mingles the sun burns me, and the rain washes me.
Hand by hand four seasons go the more I walk, the more the time escapes my seasons, from the beginning step by step, are closer to the end.
Seasons, my seasons where is now that flowery spring? Seasons, my seasons, where is the beautiful summer, clear and happy? When the automn leaves on the trail fall my hands are bitten by the winter frost. Seasons, my seasons, seasons.
Hand by hand four seasons go who will endure, and tread to the end? Some will disappear, as if they were not here and only the winter will take care about me.