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Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek i Gordana Laco: Jadranskih sirena zov, 2024.
Na samom početku treba odgovoriti zašto su su priređivačice odlučile sastaviti antologijski izbor iz poezije hrvatskih književnica u Dalmaciji od 18. stoljeća do danas pod nazivom Jadranskih sirena zov. Razlog tome leži u impresivnoj činjenici da upravo na obali Jadrana, u Dubrovniku i Dalmaciji nalazimo u pisanim zapisima prve obrazovane dame kojima je književnost sama po sebi, ali i vlastiti pjesnički izraz nezaobilazni dio os
Esperanto connecting Croatia globally
Croatian Esperanto literature has its beginnings since 1908. Croatian Esperanto-League (KEL, Kroata Esperanto-Ligo, Hrvatski espernatski savez) was founded in Zagreb in 1909. Many Croatian literary books have been translated into various languages worldwide due to their translations into Esperanto. Especially interesting are translations into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bengali, and Parsi languages. So, for example, children of Ben
Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek: U ogledalu znanstvenih prosudbi II. sv.
Monografija je objavljena 2024. u izdanju poduzeća Biakova, Zagreb 2024. Bavi se književnim i likovnim analizama više autora: Frana Vinka Maroevića, Nikole Andrića, Miroslava S. Mađera, Marijana Matkovića, Jakše Fiamenga, Borisa Biletića, Gorana Gatalice, Josipa Botterija Dinija, Zvonimira Mihanovića, Slavka Ježića i Ive Frangeša. Autorica je ugledna hrvatska znanstvenica, suradnica HAZU i predsjednik Društva hrvatskih književnika.
Bokeljska trilogija Vicka Tripkovića Podnopljskog / uredio Vinicije B. Lupis
Izdavačka kuća Gospa od Škrpjela - Perast u Crnoj Gori, objavila je 2023. knjigu Bokeljska trilogija Vicka Tripkovića Podnopoljskog, koju je dr. sc. Vinicije B. Lupis (na slici) uredio, opremio i popratio uvodnom studijom "Vicko Tripković Podnopoljski (Dobrota, 1870. Zagreb, 1938.), zaboravljeni hrvatski književnik, autor svojevrsne bokeljske trilogije". Pripovijetke koje čine ovu trilogiju tiskane su u dubrovačkom književnom časopisu Sr
Miro Gavran's plays in India and Indian actress Nimrat Kaur
Miro Gavran's plays had several hundred of premiers throughout the world, so that he is not able to follow them all. Only his play "All About Women" had as many as 53 premieres (in Zagreb, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Prague, Buenos Aires, Sarajevo, etc). she had a role in Gavran's play "All About Women". With this play, distinguished Indian actress Nimrat Kaur had the largest number of repeats, due to which she earned a nomitation f
Hrvojka Mihanovic Salopek: Digital Recording of the Croatian Mariological Heritage
This cultural project is carried out under the auspices of the Committee for Education, Science and Culture of the Croatian Parliament and the Council for Culture of the Croatian Conference of Bishops. Videos are published in English and Croatian (Digital Recording of the Croatian Mariological Heritage, i.e., Digitalno snimanje hrvatske marijanske baštine). The Project leader, scenarist and director: Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek, Ph.D.,
Keiko Mitani Japanese expert in Croatian Glagolitic literature passed away in 2022
Keiko Mitani, professor at the University of Tokyo, one of greatest Slavists in Japan, passed away in January 2022. She earned her PhD at the University of Zagreb, under supervision of Professor Stjepan Damjanović (of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts). She was president of the Japan-Croatian Friendship Society in Tokyo. In 2017, she participated at the international conference "The Phenomenon of the Glago
Romain Rolland's 1924 book "Mahatma Gandhi" translated into Croatian as "Naš Gandhi" (Our Gandhi!)
Romain Rolland's book was published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi (celebrated in 2019), and Stjepan Radić (honored in the year 2021). The original Croatian version of the book was published in 1924, entitled "Naš Gandhi" (Our Gandhi!). Issuing this reprint was suggested by Mr. Joginder Singh Nijjar, the president of Croatian-Indian Society in Zagreb. It appeared under the a
Exhibition of Croatian culture in Korean National Library in Seoul 2021
A very special exhibition called Croatian Traces of Thousand Years, Literature and Cultural Heritage from the Middle Ages to Modern Time was held at The National Library of Korea in its capital Seoul from June 28th until July 25th , 2021. This exhibition presented the Republic of Croatia and its diverse cultural wealth. Ms. Suh Hye-ran, the Director of the National Library of Korea, pointed out in her speech that i
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