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An appeal to world leaders regarding the status of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  02/13/2022 | Human Rights | Unrated
Sent by Miro Gavran, Croatian writer and president of Matica hrvatska - Matrix croatica (1842-2022)

Miro Gavran's, president of Matrix croatica cultural society in Zagreb.
His plays have been translated into 41 languages worldwide.

Matica hrvatska - Matrix croatica (1842-2022)
10000 Zagreb, Ulica Matice hrvatske 2 | Strossmayerov trg 4
Telefon: 01/48-78-360 | Telefaks: 01/48-19-319 | e-mail:

Zagreb (CROATIA), 10 February 2022

Mr Joe Biden, President of the USA
Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic;
The French Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Mr Olaf Scholz, federal chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
His Holiness Pope Francis
Mr Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations


Dear world leaders,

we appeal to you, leading persons of the democratic world, who, through your decisions and actions, can influence the fate of Europe and humanity as a whole.

At this moment, which is crucial for peace in Eastern Europe, we address to you an appeal for the equal rights of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We believe that, with your authority and positions, you can use your influence to help one nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina preserve its constitutionality and equality, to prevent it from being driven to the edge of extinction in a country where it has been living for over a millennium.

We insist that Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina be free to elect their own representatives in the House of Peoples and a member of the Presidency, and that no important decision is allowed to be reached without the consensus of all three equal, constitutive nations (Croats, Muslims, Serbs). This is their right according to the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and failure to implement it would put the existence of today'€™s Bosnia and Herzegovina in question.

As the oldest Croatian cultural institution founded on this day 180 years ago, we bring together Croats in Croatia and abroad, promote Croatian identity and culture, and are committed to peace, tolerance, and cooperation between nations.

We invite you to, through your authority, decisions, and actions, help Bosnia and Herzegovina become a country of equal nations and citizens, and to help open and secure the way for the country to become a member of European and Euro-Atlantic integrations. Only in this way can the stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast Europe be guaranteed.

Miro Gavran, president
Matica hrvatska (Matrix Croatica),
founded on 10 February, 1842

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Razni prijevodi Gavranovih djela s hrvatskoga jezika
  1. albanski
  2. arabski
  3. azerbajdžanski
  4. bugarski
  5. katalonski
  6. kineski
  7. češki
  8. danski
  9. nizozemski
  10. engleski
  11. esperanto
  12. estonski
  13. flamanski
  14. francuski
  15. talijanski
  16. njemački
  17. grčki
  18. hebrejski
  19. hindi
  20. mađarski
  21. japanski
  22. karnatački (Indija)
  23. latvijski
  24. litvanski
  25. lužičkosrbski
  26. makednoski
  27. maratski (Indija)
  28. norveški
  29. perzijski
  30. poljski
  31. portugalski
  32. rumunjski
  33. ruski
  34. slovački
  35. slovenski
  36. španjolski
  37. švedski
  38. teluguški (Indija)
  39. turski
  40. ukrajinski
  41. valonski (Belgija)

Various translations of Gavran's works from Croatian language
  1. Albanian
  2. Arabic
  3. Azerbaijani
  4. Bulgarian
  5. Catalan
  6. Chinese
  7. Czech
  8. Danish
  9. Dutch
  10. English
  11. Esperanto
  12. Estonian
  13. Flamish
  14. French
  15. Italian
  16. German
  17. Greek
  18. Hebrew
  19. Hindi
  20. Hungarian
  21. Japanese
  22. Kannada (India)
  23. Latvian
  24. Lithuanian
  25. Lužičko-Sorbian
  26. Macedonian
  27. Marathi (India)
  28. Norwegian
  29. Persian
  30. Polish
  31. Portugese
  32. Romanian
  33. Russian
  34. Slovakian
  35. Slovenian
  36. Spanish
  37. Swedish
  38. Telugu (India)
  39. Turkish
  40. Ukrainean
  41. Walloon (Belgium)

Miro Gavran with his wife Mladena and son Jakov. Photo D. Višnjić, Pixell.

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