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Ivana Zahirović invited to play flute in Kansas City on August 7-10, 2008
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  05/6/2008 | People , Culture And Arts | Unrated
20th and 21st century Croatian flute music to be performed in Kansas City

Ivana Zahirović, Croatian flutist


Ivana Zahirović was born in Sisak, Croatia in 1976. She started to learn the flute at the age of 9 and in 1993 graduated at Music Highschool in Zagreb before starting her studies with Irena Grafenauer at University “Mozarteum” in Salzburg, Austria, where she received  “grade of excellence” and degree “master of arts”. Also she made post-graduate studies with Michael M. Kofler at University Mozarteum and with Maria Goldschmidt at “Hochschule für Musik” Zurich. Having won audition at the age of 20 she became member of Orchestra-Academy of Zurich Opera House for two years. After that she got positions at Symphony orchestra Mozarteum Salzburg, Symphony Orchestra Bienne and Munich Symphony Orchestra and played with conductors like N. Harnoncourt, J.E. Gardiner, F. Welser - Möst and many others. Currently she has engagements with Munich Radio Orchestra and Bavarian State Opera Orchestra in Munich.

She has won many national and international competitions: i.e. “Lions Club International Competition and was member of Chamber music organisation “Villa Musica” where she appeared with many well-known musicians.

She has played solo concerts and chamber music concerts at international festivals such as “St. Marco Festival” in Zagreb and “Baroque evenings” in Varazdin.

In Croatia she has performed with the Zagreb Soloists and the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and with Croatian Chamber Orchestra, as well as having been featured in Croatian Radio and Television and gave many concerts and recitals both as soloist and chamber musician.


Ivana Zahirović

Schrenkstrasse 13
80339 München, Germany
Tel& Fax: +4989 51086958

Repertoire (selection)

- Flute alone

J.S. Bach: Partita a-Minor BWV 1013
C.Ph.E. Bach: Sonata for Flute alone a-Minor WQ 132
L. Berio: Sequenza I
E. Bozza: Image op.38
C. Debussy: Syrinx
P. Halfter: Debla
J. Ibert: Piece
S. Karg Elert: Sonata appassionata op.140
A. Piazzolla: Etudes
T. Takewithsu: Voice
C.Ph. Telemann: 12 Fantasies
J. Yun: Etudes Nr. 1 and 5
J. Yun: Sori

- Flute with Piano

L. van Beethoven: Serenade D-Major op.25
F. Borne: Carmen-Fantaisie
J.S. Bach: Sonatas for Flute and Piano (Cembalo)
Th. Böhm: 6 Lieder of Franz Schubert
Th. Böhm: Grande Polonaise
C. Chaminade: Concertino op.107
A. Casella: Sicilienne et burlesque
G. Donizetti: Sonata in C-Major
H. Dutilleux: Sonatina
G. Enesco: Cantabile et Presto
G. Faure: Fantaisie
C. Franck: Sonata in A-Major
A. Jolivet: Chants de Linos
F. Martin: Ballade
W.A. Mozart: Sonatas

Ivana Zahirović, hrvatska flautistica iz Siska, nastupit će na ovogodišnjoj, 36. konvenciji National Flute Association (NFA) koja se održava  od 7. do 10. kolovoza u Kansas-Cityu. “National Flute Association Convention“ je najveći kongres flautista u Americi i jedan od najvažnijih u svijetu. Ivana je zajedno sa pijanisticom Dianom Grubić pobijedila na objavljenom natječaju te su izabrane da predstavljaju glazbu hrvatskih skladatelja za flautu i glasovir. Nastup potpomaže Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske i organizacija “Myrna Brown”.

Croatian flutist Ivana Zahirovic is going to perform at the Annual Convention of American Flute Association (NFA) which will take place in Kansas City from 7 to 10 August. “National Flute Association Convention“ is the biggest  flutist convention in the USA and one of the most important worldwide. Together with her piano accompanist Diana Grubic Ivana has been chosen to present flute music of Croatian composers. This performance is supported by Croatian Ministry of Culture and organisation “Myrna Brown”.


PERFORMANCE at National Flute Association Convention

Kansas City, Missouri, August 7-10, 2008


Ivana Zahirović, Flute

Diana Grubić, Piano

Title of the performance:

20th and 21st century Croatian flute music

Bruno Bjelinski (1909-1992): April - sonatina for flute and piano, 1976, (13’)

Božidar Kunc (1903-1964): Soliloquy op. 61 for flute solo, 1958, (3’)

Milko Kelemen (born 1924): Canzona for alto flute/flute and piano, 1983, (7’)

Zdravko Lončarić (born 1946): Passionata for flute solo, 2004 (10’)

Ante Grgin (born 1945): Capriccio for flute solo 1988 (4’) 

Vladimir Berdović: Iverje - Three sketches for flute and Piano (6’)

Diana Grubić finished her Primary and High School Music Education in 1990 in Split, Croatia. She won her first recognized public award in 1988 on the Republic Competition in Zagreb, where she got the second prize. After she had finished her High School Music Education, she left for Munich where she studied piano in the class of prof. Bianca Bodalia, and later in the class of prof. Karl-Hermann Mrongovius at "Hochschule für Musik München" where she graduated in 1997, achieving her Pedagogy and Art Diploma. In 2006 she earned her master degree in Music Pedagogy, Musicology and Psychology at "Ludwig - Maximilians - Universität - München". Diana Grubić had her further specializations under well-know and eminent professors of piano such as Rudolf Kehrer, Alexej Nasedkin, Pavlina Dokowska and Hans Leygraf.

She gave concerts all around Croatia (Split, Zagreb), Germany (München, Nürnberg, Baden-Baden, Ulm), France (Bordeaux), Switzerland (Schaffhausen) and Egypt (Cairo), in which she was not only a solist but she also played in the piano duet, with an orchestra and a percussion ensemble.

In 2000 the record company "Calamus Records" published her first CD-album "Scherzo Fantastico" with works from Johannes Brahms, Claude Debussy and Boris Papandopulo.

Her second album entitled "Serata con Puccini" was published by the end of 2004. It consists of the transcriptions of Puccini´s airs.

Ivana Zahirović je rođena u Sisku 1976. godine. Osnovno i srednje glazbeno obrazovanje stekla je na Glazbenim školama u Sisku i Zagrebu. Sa 16 godina primljena je kao najmlađa studentica u klasu prof. Irene Grafenauer na Univerzitet “Mozarteum” u Salzburgu gdje je diplomirala 1996. i magistrirala 1998. godine, da bi se nakon toga  usavršala u klasi prof. Michaela Koflera u Salzburgu te kod prof. Marie Golschmidt u Zürichu. Tamo je 2003. diplomirala pedagoški smjer i baroknu flautu. 1997. je postala članicom Orchesterakademie u Orkestru Opere u Zürichu, a 1999. do 2000. bila je i članicom prestižnog Simfonijskog orkestra „Mozarteum“ u Salzburgu. Nakon toga slijedi angažman u Simfonijskom orkestru Biel, a od 2003. do 2004. je članica Minhenskih simfoničara. U Minhenu redovito djeluje u nekoliko ansambala i orkestara, među ostalim i u Orkestru Bavarske nacionalne opere i Minhenskom radijskom orkestru. 

Dobitnica je brojnih nagrada, među ostalim „Lions Club International“. U organizaciji  „Villa Musica“ ostvarila je brojne koncerte sa međunarodno poznatim glazbenicima.  Nastupala je  sa Zagrebačkom filharmonijom, Hrvatskim komornim orkestrom, Zagrebačkim solistima i dr.  Snimala je za Hrvatski radio i televiziju, te održala koncerte na Varaždinskim baroknim večerima i na festivalu Sv. Marka u Zagrebu. Svoj  solo-album „Ständchen“ je snimila u Švicarskoj. Nastupi u Europi i Južnoj Americi. Trenutno djeluje kao samostalna umjetnica, a bavi se i pedagoškim radom.

Koncertira u različitim sastavima (duo flauta-harfa, duo flauta-gitara, ansambl Ultima Rara).

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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