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Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic, part 4
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  09/25/2008 | Croatian Heroes , History | Unrated
Turbo platoon

Trpinjska road (Trpinjska cesta), known as the "cemetery of tanks"

4. Turbo platoon - Friday 26.09.2008 20.10, Croatian Television

Turbo platoon was sent on most delicate and dangerous tasks in Vukovar's defense. Amazingly it also helped in all other parts of Vukovar's defense. That platoon had one more characteristic. 20 years was average soldier's age. Blago Zadro formed the platoon and was their leader. This platoon specialty, except destroying tanks, was "cleaning" operations. They went house by house and destroyed enemy at close range.

Nevenko Mauzer has an unbelievable story in this episode. He was in Turbo platoon and he survived an execution after occupation. With his four co fighters, 22. 11. 1991., he managed to breakthrough on territory under Croatian control. In Turbo platoon, main characters are Miro Radmanović, Tomo Jakovljević and Nevenko Mauzer. 

Nevenko Mauzer, Vukovar

Tomo Jakovljević, Vukovar

Nakon završetka sva tri dijela serije "Heroji Vukovara", odnosno pri samog kraju njenog snimanja, cilj nam je stečenim (akumuliranim?) znanjem o vukovarskoj bitci napraviti scenarij za film koji bi na dostojan način predočio veličinu vukovarske bitke. Prodajom sva tri serijala pokušati ćemo skupiti inicijalna sredstva za pripremu filma te zato molimo svakoga tko nam može pomoći u distribuciji po svijetu da nas kontaktira. Sama serija ima puno autentičnih priča koje će pridonijeti realističnoj interpretaciji onoga što se u Vukovaru dogadjalo a namjeravamo ih utkati u scenarij da bi napravili što bolji i kvalitetniji film.

Film bi bio obilježen onim što je u Vukovaru fascinantno, a to su ljudske sudbine. Sudbine branitelja, ljudi koji su velikim srcem, domoljubljem i na kraju, ako želite, ogromnim insktinktom za preživljavanje obilježili Vukovar i borbu Hrvatske za neovisnost.

Ti su ljudi ostvarili tisućljetni san hrvatskog naroda braneći svoj dom, svoj grad, a samim time stvorili su svoju državu. Ničija smrt nije bila uzaludna. Koliko god nekima u Hrvatskoj smetale izjave ili tvrdnje o tisućljetnom snu o Hrvatskoj državi on je istinit i vrlo lako se možemo uvjeriti koliko znači imati vlastitu državu kad pogledamo primjer Izraela ili s druge strane naroda koji o svojoj državi sanjaju i spremni su na bilo kakvu žrtvu da je dobiju (imena neću spominjati).

Vrlo malo država ima takav primjer koje su kroz borbu Davida (vukovarskih boraca-1800) i Golijata (JNA i srpske paravojne snage-do 100 000) izborili državu koja je sasvim zasluženo dobila mitske proporcije. Mitske proporcije su ovdje namjerno upotrebljene jer vukovarska priča liči na mit, samo je vukovarska priča za razliku od mitova istinita. Iskreno vjerujem da Vukovar najsvjetliji trenutak hrvatskog naroda i zaslužuje i svoj film.

Na scenariju rade  redatelj Eduard Galić, jedan od najvećih hrvatskih redatelja uopće i redatelj dokumentarnog serijala Heroji Vukovara i Miro Međimorec, poznati hrvatski pisac, redatelj, ali ne manje važno i aktivni učesnik domovinskog rata.Da snimanje igranog filma, a pogotovo od strane Eduarda Galića ima puno smisla potvrdile su i nagrade koje smo dobili za naš rad do sada. Serijal je već prepoznat kao iznimno kvalitetan, no zadnje priznanje koje nam je stiglo za dvd "Vukovar 1991" koji je sadržavao dijelove serijala "Heroji Vukovara", bilo je od najveće svjetske udruge novinskih izdavača INMA koja je dvd "Vukovar 1991" proglasila najboljim svjetskim dvd proizvodom odnosno izdavačkim pothvatom godine. DVD "Vukovar 1991" dva puta je besplatno podijeljen uz Večernji List u preko 200.000 primjeraka.S igranim filmom vjerujemo da možemo još bolje proširiti istinu kako je izborena hrvatska neovisnost i samim time stvorena i naša država. Film neće biti nikakva propagnda već će kroz nevjerojatne ljudske priče pokušati dočarati tko je i na kakav način izborio slobodnu Hrvatsku.

Autor: Dominik Galić, producent serijala

After all three parts of the serial "Heroes of Vukovar" are finished, or at the very end of their production, our aim is to, with accumulated knowledge about Vukovar's battle, have a script written for a movie which will present in respectable way mythical proportions of Vukovar's battle. With the selling of the three serials we hope to gather initial funds to put us in position to start the preparation therefore we are asking anyone who can help us with the distribution abroad to contact us. The documentary serial itself has many authentic stories which will contribute to a realistic interpretation about what happened in Vukovar, and we will include them in the script to make the film as good as possible.

The film will be marked with things that were fascinating in Vukovar, and those are people's faiths. Faith of defenders with big heart, endless patriotism and after all, with huge instinct for survival marked Vukovar and Croatian fight for independence.

Those people have accomplished a thousand years old dream of Croatian people by simply defending their home, their town, and by doing that they created our state. None died for nothing. Although some people in Croatia don't like the statements about the thousand years old dream about Croatian's state, that dream is truthful and we can easily see how important is to have our own state when we look at Israel or some other nations who dream about their own state and they are ready to sacrifice everything for that aim.

On the other hand  I can not think of many states that have examples like this when through the fighting of David(1800 defenders of Vukovar) against Goliath(Yugoslav army and Serbian paramilitary forces – about 100.000 men) an independent state was obtained through a battle that rightfully deserves its mythical proportions. I purposely used words -mythical proportions- because the story of Vukovar is like a myth, but with one difference-it is true. I honestly believe that Vukovar is the brightest moment of Croatian people and as such and deserves such a film.

Eduard Galić, director of the documentary series "Heroes of Vukovar", one of the greatest Croatian's directors in general, and Miro Međimorec, famous Croatian writer, director and active participant in the war for independence, are already working on the script for the feature film. Our aim to shoot a feature film, especially with Eduard Galić as director, has received a boost from the award we recently received. We have received an award for a film "Vukovar 1991" from the biggest world association of newspaper publishers "INMA" and they acclaimed dvd "Vukovar 1991" world's best publishing product in the category that was the most competitive of all. Film „Vukovar 1991“ was distributed twice in seven months in 200.000 copies with newspaper "Večernji list"  without charge. With feature movie we believe that we can even better spread the truth about how Croatian independence was obtained and with that, the state was created. The movie will not be any kind of propaganda, but will through incredible human stories try to explain who and how carved out the freedom for Croatia.

Author: Dominik Galić, Producer of the serial

Defenders of Vukovar

La Bataille de Vukovar (in French)

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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