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 »  Home  »  Friends In Action  »  In Debt we Trust is the latest film from Danny Schechter, playing in New York April 4-5
 »  Home  »  Events  »  In Debt we Trust is the latest film from Danny Schechter, playing in New York April 4-5
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  In Debt we Trust is the latest film from Danny Schechter, playing in New York April 4-5
In Debt we Trust is the latest film from Danny Schechter, playing in New York April 4-5
By Danny Schechter | Published  03/29/2007 | Friends In Action , Events , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Documentary investigates why so many Americans are being strangled by debt

Playing at Quad Cinema April 4 & 5, 2007 From : 19:50

New York, NY
Date : Wednesday, 4 April 2007       From : 19:50
Date : Thursday, 5 April 2007       From : 19:50

Category : Theatrical Screening      
Quad Cinema
34 West 13th Street
New York, New York 10011
(Between 5th and 6th)
(212) 255-8800

Los Angeles, CA
Date : Friday, 13 April 2007       From : 19:00

Category : Theatrical Screening      
Fine Arts Theatre
8556 Wilshire Blvd,
Beverly Hills, 90211
(310) 360-0455

Other cities schedule:

Danny Schechter

USA, 2006
colour, HD, 52' min.

Original Language(s): English
In Dept we Trust is the latest film from Danny Schechter, "The News Dissector", director of the award-winning hit WMD (Weapons of Mass Deception), an expose of the media's role in the Iraq War. The Emmy-winning former ABC News and CNN producer's new hard-hitting documentary investigates why so many Americans are being strangled by debt through the emergence of the phenomena known as 'Financialization, the debt-and-credit industrial complex." While many Americans may be "maxing out" on credit cards, there is a deeper story: all economic power around the world is shifting into fewer hands. This will lead to an unavoidable consumer debt meltdown. This predicts Schechter will have frightening consequences for us all.

Sales remarks:
All territories are available.


Patricia Hickey
MercuryMedia International Ltd.
6 Baseline Studios, Whitchurch Road
W11 4AT London
United Kingdom
tel: +44 20 72217221
fax: +44 207 2217228

An Altacliff Film, A Globalvision Production, A Danny Schechter Dissection

A Globalvision Production shot in New York City; Rochester, N.Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.;
Wilmington, Del.; Washington D.C.; and Norfolk, Va.

Executive Producers
Steve Green and Rory O'Connor

Written, produced, and directed by
News Dissector Danny Schechter for Globalvision Inc.

Editorial Adviser
Robert Manning, author of Credit Card Nation

Edited by
Linda Hattendorf, Tribeca Film Festival Prize winner

Shot in HD by Academy Award winner Garry Griffin.
Executive in charge of Production: Rory O'Connor
Original music by Polar Levine/Polarity 1, Clifford Tasner, and Nenad Bach.

Danny Schechter is a television producer and independent filmmaker who also writes and speaks about media issues. He is the author of "Embedded: Weapons of Mass Deception: How the Media Failed to Cover the Iraq War" (Prometheus Books, October 2003); "Media Wars: News At A Time of Terror (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003); "The More You Watch, The Less You Know" (Seven Stories Press) and "News Dissector: Passions, Pieces and Polemics" (Akashic) Books and Electron Press). He is the executive editor of, the world's largest online media issues network, and recipient of the Society of Professional Journalists' 2001 Award for Excellence in Documentary Journalism.

He has produced and directed many TV specials and documentary films, including "WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception" (2004), "Counting on Democracy" about the electoral fiasco in Florida narrated by Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee; the post 9-11 film We Are Family" (2002) shown at the Sundance Film Festival; "Nkosi: A Voice of Africa's AIDS Orphans" (2001) narrated by Danny Glover; "A Hero for All: Nelson Mandela's Farewell" (l999); "Beyond Life: Timothy Leary Lives" (1997); "Sowing Seeds/Reaping Peace: The World of Seeds of Peace" (1996); "Prisoners of Hope: Reunion on Robben Island" (1995, co-directed by Barbara Kopple); "Countdown to Freedom: Ten Days that Changed South Africa" (1994), narrated by James Earl Jones and Alfre Woodard; "Sarajevo Ground Zero" (1993); "The Living Canvas" (1992), narrated by Billy Dee Williams; "Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy" (1992, co-directed by Marc Levin and Barbara Kopple); "Give Peace a Chance" (1991); "Mandela in America" (1990); "The Making of Sun City" (1987); and "Student Power" (1968).

Schechter is co-founder and executive producer of Globalvision, a New York-based television and film production company now in its 16th year. He founded and exec-produced the series "South Africa Now" and co-produced "Rights & Wrongs: Human Rights Television. He has specialized in investigative reporting and producing programming about the interface between human rights, journalism, popular music and society. His career began as the "News Dissector" at Boston's leading rock station, WBCN. Later, Schechter was a producer for ABC NEWS 20/20. He produced 50 segments for ABC and won two national Emmys and was nominated or two others.
A Cornell University graduate, he received his Master's degree from the London School of Economics, and an honorary doctorate from Fitchburg College. He was a Neiman Fellow in Journalism at Harvard, where he also taught in 1969. After college, he was a full time civil rights worker and then communications director of the Northern Student Movement, and worked as a community organizer in a Saul Alinsky-style War on Poverty program. Then, moving from the streets to the suites, Schechter served as an assistant to the Mayor of Detroit in 1966 on a Ford Foundation grant. Schechter joined the start-up staff at CNN as a producer based in Atlanta. He then moved to ABC as a producer for 20/20. Schechter has reported from 49 countries and lectured at many schools and universities. He was an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University. Schechter's writing has appeared in leading newspapers and magazines including the The Nation, Newsday, Boston Globe, Columbia Journalism Review, Media Studies Journal, Detroit Free Press, Village Voice, Tikkun, Z, and many others.

John Lennon, Danny and Yoko Ono

Nelson Mandela & Danny

For further information please visit Dissectorville.

Danny Schechter can be reached at

What People Are Saying

"Fascinating and absorbing"

"Have we got the movie for you. "IN DEBT WE TRUST" is a sort of economics lesson meets Supersize Me.... ...the facts Schechter

sprinkles throughout are mind-boggling...Come to think of it, Schechter has created about as sexy a film as possible on the topic of

consumer debt."
- Orlando Weekly

"... should be viewed by every single American"
- Mike Killian,, August 25, 2006

"Extraordinary and timely"
- Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power, March 9, 2007

"... Schechter's film is a compelling chronicle of how we got in over our heads... it should be required viewing for all high school and

college students..."
- Erica Freudenberger,  WoodStock Times, July 27, 2006

" 'In Debt We Trust' takes hard look at debt casualties..."
CNN MONEY, August 4, 2006

"Mr. Schechter is going after the financial services industry with guns blazing"
InvestmentNews.Com, August 7, 2006

"I... ask you and your campus to discuss this issue with students and faculty members. We need to encourage programs [like this one]

and encourage seminars or classes or resources about personal financial planning. I think it would be helpful if University Presidents

and campus leaders take on this problem with educational initiatives, film screenings and panel discussions offering diverse views."
Click here to read the full letter
- Rev. Theodore M. Hessburgh, C.S.P.
  President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame

MediaChannel is concerned with the political, cultural and social impacts of the media, large and small. MediaChannel exists to provide information and diverse perspectives and inspire debate, collaboration, action and citizen engagement.

More than ever before, we are living in a media age and a media world. Nine transnational conglomerates dominate the global media; multibillion-dollar deals are concentrating this power even further. Yet we are also experiencing a technological revolution that empowers independent media, worldwide communication and innovative media projects for everything from community development to political action.

In the current climate, we all need to be aware of how the media operate. Making sense of the steady stream of info-culture requires background, context and interpretation. The vitality of our political and cultural discourse relies on a free and diverse media that offers access to everybody. Journalists and media professionals, organizations and activists, scholars and citizens all need improved access to information, resources and opportunities to reach out and build connections. MediaChannel has been created to meet this need at the dawn of the new millennium.

Produced by Globalvision New Media, a project of The Global Center. Founded in 2000, MediaChannel is the first media and democracy supersite on the World Wide Web.

Contact Information:

575 8th Avenue
New York, NY l0018
phone: 212-246-0202
fax: 212-246-2677

Executive Producers
Steve Green and Rory O'Connor

Written, produced, and directed by
News Dissector Danny Schechter for Globalvision Inc.

Editorial Adviser
Robert Manning, author of Credit Card Nation

Edited by
Linda Hattendorf, Tribeca Film Festival Prize winner

Shot in HD by Academy Award winner Garry Griffin.
Executive in charge of Production: Rory O'Connor
Original music by Polar Levine/Polarity 1, Clifford Tasner, and Nenad Bach.
Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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