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Vladimir Mihajlović

Articles by this Author
» Dorat d.o.o. Company from Varazdin Croatia manufacturing social games out of paper and cardboard
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 08/22/2013 | Ideas , Environment , Entertainment , Education , Business | Unrated
The idea came from the need of familiarizing cultural, natural and historical landmarks that are recognizable for certain place, area or region to all who want to do so, especially to those who are not introduced with specific landmarks and beauty of that region or area. Some of those games are puzzles, memory, dominos and etc. Recently we developed some new products and new ideas that are interesting for the “business world”. Products are formed as souvenirs or gifts and as such they serve as promotion of landmarks, cities or regions to broad public within Croatia and abroad. The producer is DORAT d.o.o. Company from the city of Varazdin in Croatia.
» Branka Kandic-Splavski and her Croatian fairy tales as medicine - Bajka kao lijek
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 06/29/2011 | Bilingual , Croatian Language , People , Education , Community , Charity | Unrated
Branka Kandić-Splavski is a specialist in family medicine and in her soul, a fairy tales writer. In 2004 after her first book ANDREA'S SHELL had been published her personal and professional life took a new direction: one of her patients was dying of brain cancer. She was no longer able to move, or speak, she was laying motionless and communicated only with her eyes. In the process of catching the public ear and eye, informing and educating the society about the patients' rights and neccessity for dignified care in the lives of severely ill people the fairy tale idea once again served as a bridge.
» Weaving workshop bridges past and present
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 07/6/2009 | Culture And Arts , Business | Unrated
The idea of a loom and weaving is something that brings us back to the past, to our ancestors and folk tradition. But the weaving workshop was a means by which the grassroots organisation CODD (Civil Organisation for Development Dalj) from Slavonia/Croatia encourages a better future for their municipality.
» What recession? Business is booming for a Croatian sawmill
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 06/30/2009 | Business | Unrated
The village of Čovac is loacted near the City of Nova Gradiška. It has a sawmill and a fuel wood depository owned by Mirko Agatić (left). Today, when everybody talks about recession in business, Mirko doesn't feel the crisis, because all of his production is guaranteed, and 90% of it goes to foreign markets.
» Slavonski Poduzetnik a Croatian success story
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 11/23/2008 | People , Companies , Business | Unrated
Vladimir Mihajlović, on the photo, is a newspaperman of Slavonski Poduzetnik - Slavonian Entrepreneur. He sent us a few very interesting stories published in this monthley issued in Osijek, a major town in Slavonija. Slavonia is a very fertile historical region on the north of Croatia. The editor in chief of this excellent bussiness journal is Tihomir Jelavić.
» Zagreb Thunder - the first American Football team in Croatia
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 01/24/2008 | Sports | Unrated
American football team Zagreb Thunder was founded in 2006 by a group of enthusiasts who share passion for American Football. Future goals are increasing the number of players, playing more games, joining a European League of American Football, and developing American football in Croatia.
» Višnjica estate offers riding of Arabian horses and looks for investment
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 12/3/2007 | Tourism , Classifieds , Business | Unrated

Guests of Višnjica on the north of Croatia can, beside visiting the fallow-deer breeding site and the stud farm, enjoy riding beautiful Arabian horses or spend a day walking, jogging or riding a bike through the nature. To bring the entire estate to its purpose we need capital investments.
» Touristic & Ecological Estate "Pustara Višnjica" ready for
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 11/4/2007 | Environment , Classifieds , Business | Unrated

Our goal is to create a new tourist destination by uniting the oldest economy - agriculture with the youngest - tourism. The revival of Pustara Višnjica on tradition of former agricultural estate and implementation of ecology, agriculture and tourism is based on symbiosis of hotel and agricultural activity; horse-breeding; fallow-deer breeding; ecological production of sweet potato and other vegetables

» BB Biti Bolji – Be Better - Novi Blog
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published 10/26/2006 | Business | Unrated

Jeste li se ikada zapitali gdje je srce poduzetništva? Odmah vas misli odvedu na interese, novac, nekorektnost, zakone, kalkulacije, rad i znoj...... ili postoji nešto više, dublje....što ne poznajemo dovoljno...a zapravo zaboravljamo ono glavno: da je centar svega čovjek: poduzetnik, talentiran, obrazovan, stručan, motiviran, nabijen pozitivnim emocijama.

Croatian Constellation

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