SNAV-MSC Cruises Croatia is a branch office of a very successful Italian cruise company, MSC Crociere (Mediterranean Shipping Company). This office is in charge of southeast Europe region, and in the last 7 years MSC Cruises fleet brought over 700,000 guests to the Croatian city often nicknamed The Pearl of Adriatic - Dubrovnik, the only port in Croatia where passengers can embark MSC ships and start a vacation of their dreams.
In 2008 alone MSC ships have called Dubrovnik 73 times carrying onboard over 200,000 passengers. This year's final MSC call to Dubrovnik was scheduled for December 1st, the honor of closing the successful season went to MSC Opera carrying around 1600 passengers, mainly of brazilian nationality.
Besides MSC Opera who called Dubrovnik every Sunday from September to November, two more MSC ships were calling Dubrovnik regularly throughout the 'summer season' (from mid-March till mid-November) on their 8-day Mediterrannean cruises - MSC Poesia (every Friday) and MSC Musica (every Saturday). Among Dubrovnik and, of course, Italian ports such as Venice and Bari, MSC ships east Mediterrannean itineraries include Greek and Turkish ports.
MSC cruise fleet keeps growing and each year a newbuilt ship joins the fleet. This year was very special as two more large ships joined the fleet. One of them introduces a new class and is due to be christened in Naples, Italy on December 18th and. She'll carry the name MSC Fantasia, while the honor of godmothering to this largest ship ever built by an European shipowner goes to the Italian actress diva, Mrs Sofia Loren, a godmother to several previous MSC ships.
MSC Fantasia will be able to carry around 4000 passengers and 1350 crew members. In 2009 summer season agency SNAV-MSC Cruises Croatia expects 90 MSC cruise ship's calls to Dubrovnik, bringing around 235 000 guests to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Ljubo Milinkovic and Ivana Radovic Responsible Port Agency SNAV doo (SNAV MSC CRUISES CROATIA)
SNAV MSC je pomorsko turistička agencija koja je u nekoliko proteklih godina u Dubrovnik ''dovela'' preko 700.000 gostiju koji su u najljepši Grad na svijetu doplovili kruzerima MSC-a (Mediterannean Shipping Company). U 2008 godini ploveći hoteli MSC-a u Dubrovnik su uplovili 73 puta a s njima i 200.000 gostiju .
Posljednje uplovljenje jednog od MSC brodova najavljeno je za 1. prosinca kada ce MSC Opera uploviti u luku Gruž sa 1600 putnika - većinom gostiju iz Brazila. Pored MSC Opere u Dubrovnik su ove godine uplovljavali MSC Poesia na svom redovitom itinereru koji je obuhvaćao luke Italije, Grčke i Turske i MSC Musica koja je pored Dubrovnika doticala luke Italije i Grčke.
Dne 18. prosinca 2008 u Napulju - Italija biti će obavljeno krštenje i najnovijeg broda MSC-a MSC Fantasia - po riječima mnogih najljepšeg broda na svijetu čija će kuma biti Sophia Loren - kuma svih dosadašnjih MSC-ovih novogradnji. MSC Fantasia imati će kapacitet od 4000 putnika i 1350 članova posade.
U 2009 godini iz agencije SNAV MSC najavljeno je 90 dolazaka brodova MSC Cruisesa u Dubrovnik i povećanje broja gostiju čiji bi broj mogao dosegnuti 235.000. SNAV MSC zajedno sa svojim partnerima jedina je agencija koja omogućuje ukrcaj putnika u luci Dubrovnik na brodove MSC-a.
In the Gruž harbor in Dubrovnik.
From the left, 2nd Purser on MSC Opera Casa Gaetano, Željko Lončarić from Lučka Uprava Dubrovnik (LUD), Katarina Varez (LUD), Rafaelle Ponti, captain of MSC Opera, Sanja Campara (LUD), and Ljubo Milinković, Marine Agent.
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Beautiful pictures!! I was there many years ago when you guys still were Joguslavia, and I totally forgot what a nice country it is. Anyway, I was researching for information about MSC mediterenian cruises. Please hit me up at if you know which itinerary MSC above is sailing.