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(E) BBC world music audience award - Tamara Obrovac
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  01/24/2004 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) BBC world music audience award - Tamara Obrovac



Moto poruke: kocekomenegosvojsvome...

Editor's Note:

Dear Crown family,

I want to inform you about the Croatian talent Tamara Obrovac, who is up for the World Awards, because of her talent. I heard about her many times and recently her name was mentioned with mine by our new minister of culture Mr. Biskupic as an example of Croatian Cultural Product. Go to her highly sophisticated webpage, listen to her music and decide if you want to support her with your vote. I did. And I do recommend it highly. This is a moment in our history that defines and redefines of who we really are, as individuals and as a nation. What we lack and what MUST be done is structure of support for talented people. Logistics and sustainable support. I believe that the moment is NOW.

Support her and let me know what do you think of her music.

Svako dobro,


Voting is only till Jan 29th, 2004

u potrazi za originalnoscu glazbenog izricaja
shvatila sam vrijednost i smisao osjecaja
za vlastiti zavicaj
i tradiciju
kao i njegovu ulogu u stvaranju
mog osobnog i skladateljskog izraza
jazz je moja sloboda, a korijeni su moja istina

my approach towards music went
from jazz standards,
through my own compositions,
to my finding of an original expression
by connecting the language
of the folk music of my
homeland (Istria, Croatia)
with the rhythms
and improvisation typical for jazz,
so jazz is my freedom
and my roots are my inner truth

Inseguendo un concetto di originalita'
d'espressione musicale ho inparato
a capire il valore ed il senso del sentimento
che nutro verso la
mia lingua,
la mia tradizione,
e la mia terra,
come pure del ruolo
che esso ha nella formazione
della mia identita' personale e musicale


Moto poruke: kocekomenegosvojsvome...

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