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LADO National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia celebrates 60th anniversary in 2009 |
By Nenad N. Bach |
Culture And Arts
LADO will tour the US and Canada in October and November 2009
Kolo dance (circular dance) from Posavina near the city of Zagreb, capital of Croatia
Za obljetničku 2009. godinu osmišljen je niz događanja, koncerata, promocija i drugih aktivnosti kojima će se obilježiti taj veliki 60. jubilej. Za početak ožujka planirana je izvedba replike prvog koncerta LADA održanog u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Zagrebu 4. veljače 1950. godine, a posebnim koncertima bit će predstavljeni Vokalisti LADA i Ladarice, dok će orkestar izvesti samostalni koncert. Već tradicionalni korizmeni i božićni koncerti biti će retrospektive najuspješnijih obrada pučkih napjeva s dosadašnjih koncerata.
Na međunarodnom planu slavljenička će godina biti obilježena velikom turnejom po Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Kanadi (u listopadu i studenome). U planu je i izdavanje dokumentarnog DVD-a "60. godišnjica LADA", prigodne poštanske marke, postavljanje spomenika osnivaču LADA profesoru Zvonimiru Ljevakoviću, a cjelokupno stvaralaštvo LADA trebalo bi biti obilježeno i objavljivanjem prve monografije o našem vodećem ansamblu i jednoj od najvažnijih nacionalnih kulturnih institucija.
Vjerujemo da će i u ovoj, jubilarnoj godini, Ladova vjerna publika i svi prijatelji Ansambla ostati uz LADO i nastaviti nam pružati svoju potporu, kao i u proteklih šest desetljeća.
| Summary
In celebration of the ensemble's 60th anniversary, many events, concerts and other commemorative activities have been organized for this special year. For March we have planned a concert which will see LADO re-stage the first concert it held at the Croatian National Theater on February 4th 1950. Also planned are other special concerts, one being the joint concert of the Ladarice and LADO's Men's Choir, and another a concert which will feature LADO's orchestra. In addition to the traditional Easter and Christmas concerts that LADO gives, planned for this year are retrospectives of past successful concerts.
Internationally, the ensemble will be marking this anniversary year with an impressive tour of the US and Canada which will take place in October and November. Also planned is the promotion of a documentary DVD entitled "60 Years of LADO" and the issuing of a LADO postage stamp. A monument in honour of the founder of LADO, Dr. Zvonimir Ljevaković, is also to be erected. LADO is one of Croatia's leading national cultural institutions and its extensive volume of 60 years of work will be marked with the publishing of its first monograph.
We are certain that during this celebratory year that LADO's devoted fans and supporters will continue to be by our side, as they have been throughout these last 60 momentous years.
| Kolo from Prigorje near the city of Zagreb Ansambl narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske LADO slavi 60. godina postojanja
Ladovih prvih 60.
Ove godine LADO slavi 60. obljetnicu svog rada i postojanja. U slavljeničkoj i za LADO posebno značajnoj godini, održat će se mnogo zanimljvih nastupa. Evo pregleda.
22. ožujka, nedjelja HNK, Replika prvog koncerta LADA održanog u HNK-a u Zagrebu 4. veljače 1950.
1. - 4. travnja, KORIZMENI KONCERTI - retrospektiva uspješnica s dosadašnjih koncerata (Zagrebačka katedrala, Svetište Majke Božje Bistričke, Crkva Gospe Trsatske, itd.)
16. - 25. travnja, Gostovanje Budimpešta, Wrocław, Prag, Krakov
svibanj, KD Vatroslava Lisinskog, i nekoliko koncerata izvan Zagreba - reprezentativni plesni koncert u kojem će se predstaviti najznačajniji hrvatski koreografi i bliski suradnici LADA
29. svibnja - 9. lipnja, Križevci, Samobor, Vinkovci, HTV - Studio Bajsić Samostalni koncert ORKESTRA Ansambla LADO - retrospektiva uspješnica s dosadašnjih koncerata
lipanj, Promocija dokumentarnog DVD-a "60. godišnjica LADA"
početak srpnja, Scena AMADEO, HTV - Studio Bajsić, Dubrovačke ljetne igre vokalno - instrumentalni koncert svjetovne glazbene baštine
srpanj, Ljetna turneja (s nastupom na Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama), plesni koncerti
25. - 26. rujna, petak, sub. Hrvatski glazbeni zavod, HTV - Studio Bajsić, Zajednički koncert LADARICA i VOKALISTA LADA
7. listopada - 3. studenog, Međunarodna turneja: SAD, Kanada (Washington, New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto), Washington i Ottawa - promocija monografije LADO
11. studenog, ROĐENDAN LADA, Promocija monografije LADO, Promocija prigodne poštanske marke 60 godina LADA, Okrugli stol LADO
studeni, HTV, Emisija LADO i gosti (eminentne osobe iz hrvatskog javnog i kulturnog života), KD Vatroslava Lisinskog, plesni koncert
15. - 22. prosinca, BOŽIĆNI KONCERTI, retrospektiva uspješnica s dosadašnjih koncerata (Zagrebačka katedrala, Varaždinska katedrala, HNK-a Split, Crkva Gospe Sinjske,itd)
Značaj, povijesna uloga i karakteristike Ansambla LADO
Ansambl narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske LADO, nacionalni je profesionalni folklorni ansambl osnovan 1949. godine, sa zadaćom i ciljem istraživanja, prikupljanja, umjetničke obrade i scenskog prikazivanja najljepših primjera bogate hrvatske glazbene i plesne tradicije. Vrhunski plesači, njih 37, koji su istodobno i izvanredni pjevači, s lakoćom se transformiraju iz plesnog ansambla u reprezentativan folklorni zbor, a 15 odličnih glazbenika svira pedesetak tradicijskih i klasičnih instrumenata.
Sama riječ LADO arhaična je, slavenska riječ, često korištena kao pripjev u starim obrednim pjesmama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, a sinonim je za riječi dobar, drag, mio.
Svojim repertoarom LADO predstavlja hrvatsku tradicijsku umjestnost na raskrižju kultura, obogaćenu mediteranskim, balkanskim, panonskim i alpskim utjecajima. Ansambl LADO posjeduje jedinstvenu kolekciju izvornih narodnih nošnji iznimne vrijednosti i ljepote, i to više od 1200 kompleta. Neki su stari više od stotinu godina pa zato Ansambl s pravom nazivaju i "putujućim muzejem".
Ono po čemu je LADO najprepoznatljiviji, jest repertoar hrvatskih pučkih napjeva svjetovnog karaktera u kojem dolaze do izražaja različiti načini pjevanja, poput nazalnog, grlenog i brustonalnog, te regionalne glazbene specifičnosti kao što su, primjerice, istarska ljestvica, sinjska rera, hercegovačka ganga ili dalmatinska klapska pjesma. Za LADO su skladali mnogi glazbeni autori čiji se rad temelji na tradicijskom glazbenom izričaju, poput Emila Cossetta, Bože Potočnika, Ljube Stipišića-Delmate, Tomislava Uhlika, Joška Ćalete i dr.
Uspješne nastupe LADA, od osnutka do danas, pratile su i mnogobrojne nagrade i priznanja, a u šest desetljeća postojanja, LADO je proputovao gotovo cijeli svijet, dotaknuvši svih šest kontinenata, nastupajući na najvećim svjetskim scenama i koncertnim podijima, od Royal Albert Halla u Londonu, preko City Centra u New Yorku i Velikog Amfiteatra Sorbonne u Parizu, Mann Auditoriuma u Tel Avivu, Sydney Town Halla i Nakano Sun Plaza Halla u Tokiju. Prema oduševljenju publike, poznatih imena iz svijeta kulture, umjetnosti i politike, ali i prema ocjeni stručne kritike, LADO se svrstava među najbolje folklorne ansamble u svijetu.
| LADO, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia Celebrates its 60th Anniversary
LADO's First 60 Years
Many exciting performances have been planned to commemorate this momentous year. The following is an overview of what can be expected.
LADO's 2009 Calender of Events
Sunday, March 22nd Croatian National Theatre, Re-staging of the first concert LADO gave in the Croatian National Theatre on February 4th 1950
April 1st - 4th, Lenten concerts: a retrospective of the most successful concerts given to date (Zagreb Cathedral, Shine of the Mother of God of Bistrica, Church of Virgin Mary on Trsat, etc.)
April 16th - 25th, Performances in Budapest, Prague, Wrocław and Cracow
May, Concerts to be held in Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall plus several other locations throughout Croatia - these performances will highlight the work of Croatia's most prominent choreographers and LADO's closest collaborators.
May 29th - June 9th, Križevci, Samobor, Vinkovci, Croatian Television (Bajsić Studio) - concerts that will feature LADO's Orchestra and will include a retrospective of past successful concerts.
June, Promotion of the Documentary on DVD: LADO's 60th Anniversary
Beginning of July, Museum of Arts and Crafts Amadeo Summer Urban Theatre and Music Stage, Croatian Television (Bajsić Studio), Dubrovnik Summer Festival: Vocal and instrumental concerts of traditional sacred music
July, Summer Tour of Dance Concerts (including a performance at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival)
September 25th and 26th, Croatian Institute of Music, Croatian Television (Bajsić Studio), Joint concert of the Ladarice and LADO's Men’s Choir
October 7th - November 3rd, International Tour: USA and Canada (Washington, New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto), Washington and Ottawa: promotion of the monograph on LADO
November 11th, LADO's Anniversary, Promotion of the monograph on LADO Promotion of the postage stamp commemorating LADO's anniversary
November, Croatian Television - LADO and GUESTS (a show which will feature prominent figures from Croatian society and from cultural circles), Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall - dance concert
December 15th - 22nd, Christmas Concerts: including a retrospective of past successes. (Zagreb Cathedral, Varaždin Cathedral, Croatian National Theatre in Split, Church of the Virgin Mary in Sinj, etc.)
LADO - Its Distinctive Characteristics, its Significance and its Historical Role
LADO, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia was founded as a professional ensemble in 1949, with the mission to research, collect, artistically interpret and present on stage the most representative examples of Croatia's rich music and dance traditions. The ensemble consists of 37 brilliant dancers who are also exceptional singers, and as such the ensemble can easily transform from a dance company into an accomplished folk choir. As well the ensemble prides itself on having an orchestra of 15 virtuoso musicians who are capable of playing over 50 traditional and classical instruments.
The word LADO, commonly mentioned in the refrains of traditional songs found in north-western Croatia, is an ancient Slavic word meaning good, beloved and dear.
In its repertoire, LADO showcases traditions found throughout Croatia which is a country on the crossroads of many cultures, and as such is enriched by Mediterranean, Balkan, Pannonian and Alpine influences. The ensemble has acquired an extensive and unique collection of exquisite original costumes many of which are of museum quality. Today the ensemble boasts having more than 1200 sets of costumes, some of which are more than one hundred years old, and it is for this reason that LADO is often referred to as a "travelling museum".
LADO's forte is the performance of Croatian traditional songs which emphasize different singing techniques, such as the nasal, the throat and the so called Kopfton style of singing. Also included in their repertoire is material that highlights regional musical characteristics, such as the Istrian musical scale, the "rera" from Sinj, the "ganga" from Herzegovina and the "klapa" singing from Dalmatia. A number of significant composers, such as Emil Cossetto, Božo Potočnik, Ljubo Stipišić-Delmata, Tomislav Uhlik, and Joško Ćaleta have created works for the ensemble which are based on traditional musical expressions.
In its 60 years of existence, LADO has traveled throughout the world to all six continents and has received numerous awards and recognition for its accomplishments. LADO has performed on many of the world's largest stages and in many of its most prestigious concert halls - from the Royal Albert Hall in London to the City Center in New York; from the impressive Sorbonne Grand Amphitheatre in Paris to the Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv; from Sydney Town Hall to the Nakano Sun Plaza Hall in Tokyo. The responses from audiences, including those from prominent figures in the worlds of culture, art and politics, and from professional critics alike, have been such that ranks LADO as one of the finest professional folk ensembles in the world.
| Many thanks to Nevenka Weissmann and Krešimir Dabo, LADO, Zagreb Kolo from Posavina near the city of Zagreb Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!
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Comment #1
(Posted by Frane Slavic)
Excellent article. Beautiful photos of dancers and their costumes. We are looking forward to their performance in Toronto. Frane A. Slavic and Carmen Ulehla.
Comment #2
(Posted by judi Zivic)
Dobro nam dosli, Lado! We cannot wait to welcome you to Cleveland - you have been away too long! I'll point our friends to this website and Lado.hr, so they can learn more about you before the concert.
Comment #3
(Posted by Ana Jones)
Sve pohvale i cestitke povodom 60. rodjendana Lada.Suprug i ja gledali smo nastup u Zadru koji je bio predivan.Inace zivimo u drzavi Delaware,USA,i necemo propustiti koncert u New Yorku.Ladarice,predivne ste!!!Pozdrav veliki
Comment #4
(Posted by roby)
super ste same pohvale
Comment #5
(Posted by Marijan Topić)
Gledao sam i slušao vaše pjevanje i sam sam se "zaplakao", kako je to spomenula Mira Tunuković. Nije pretjerano tvrditi da je tu umjetnost dostigla vrhunac, kao moj užitak.
Želim vjerovati, da će se duh Ladarica pomladiti i nastaviti uljepžavati ovaj Svijet.
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