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(E) City maps of Vukovar, Djakovo, Osijek needed
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  05/18/2003 | Classifieds | Unrated
(E) City maps of Vukovar, Djakovo, Osijek needed


Looking for city maps of Osijek, Djakovo, andVukovar.

Hi Nenad--

Thanks for your continued hard work in keeping the CROWN home-page one of the 
most interesting and eclectic on the Web. I so enjoy reading it! 

Thanks for the recommendation of Tony Fabijancic's travel book about Croatia. 
I have already ordered one from There are so few good books of 
that sort about Croatia and neighboring countries. I am jumping at the 
chance to read a new one. Have you heard of "Eyewitness Travel Guides: 
Croatia,"? It's a beautiful travel guide with full-color photos, 
introduction to the history and culture of Croatia, touring information about 
Croatia by area, traveler's needs when traveling there, and "survival 
guide." It was published just this year by Dorling Kindersley, Ltd., (DK 
in England. I picked one up at my local Barnes & Noble 
bookseller. I love it! It brings out all the beauty of Croatia in an 
easy-to-use book for first time or repeat travelers. It has wonderful tips 
on what to see in many cities, shopping, eating, culture, etc. Your readers 
would enjoy it.

May I ask you a small favor? Do you have any suggestions where I might get 
maps of cities in Croatia besides the usual tourist ones (Zagreb, Split, 
Dubrovnik)? I am looking for city maps of
Osijek, Djakovo, andVukovar, if 
you know of any website or store that might sell them. I have country maps 
of Croatia in English and German, but they focus on the highways that connect 
the cities and not the cities themselves. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Thanks again for your hard work on the CROWN web-site.

Svako dobro,

Diane Mahoney  


Please contact Diane, if you have an access tot he maps or ifyou know the Internet address for the same.



Thanks so much for your help. The towns I want are relatively "obscure" in the grand scheme of touring and tourism, I guess! But there has to be a place, in English or Hrvatski, where I could find something. Isn't that the beauty of the "world wide web"? I don't care if the website is in Hrvatski; it would be good practice for me in my fledgling study of the language to find something there! And street names are the same or close whatever the language.

I am writing this at work and don't have access to the book I told you about. I know there isn't one author--it's put together by what looks to me like a group of Italians who produced it and took the photos. But it's obviously aimed at a British audience since it's written entirely in English. One thing I like best about it is how current it is. It refers to war damage and problems in some regions of Croatia, of course, but really highlights the positive aspects of Croatian culture and the places for tourists to visit everywhere, even Eastern Slavonija and Vukovar (the city museum apparently is re-opened now).

My other tour books were written two or three years ago and are outdated for some parts of Croatia now. They tend to say, "stay away from this or that region--war damage and land mines!" That is NOT the impression Croatia needs to present to the world, especially the tourism sector. It's not true, anyway--I was in Vukovar two years ago and yes, there is war damage and there are land mines if you aren't careful, but there is also much rebuilding, and some beautiful sights to see (Bishop Strossmeyer's cathedral in Djakovo immediately comes to mind) in the nearby vicinity. This new book I found emphasizes the latter, to very positive effect.

I have to stop and get back to work. Thanks for your prompt response. I do appreciate it.

Diane Mahoney

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