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(E) Croatian History by Darko Zubrinic - New Web Page
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  01/19/2005 | Data | Unrated
(E) Croatian History by Darko Zubrinic - New Web Page


Croatian History


Darko Zubrinic's pages that amazed all of us. Now under one domain I bought this address and passed it onto Darko, because nobody that I know deserves it more than him. Go inside this labyrinth of Croatian DNA...History, Art, Music, Science... almost everything. It's up to you who read this somewhere around the world to make it even better and more interesting. Enjoy,


Nenad Bach


P.S. Here is Darko's letter. Now you have a place to send your old photos that are part of Croatian History. In a near future, we have to create mirror sites on a few more continents of this incredible work of passion and knowledge. Congratulations Darko. You are our Croatian pride. Iliti Odlikas, kak bi to ja rekel.

Croatian History will be linked on a first page of CROWN in less then a week.



Dear reader, many people have helped me to create these web pages, seeAcknowledgements. I kindly ask You the following:

  • Any photo or information related to history of Croats in general would be welcome. I am in particular interested in old photos of Croatian cultural organizations throughout the world. For example photo of old Croatian tamburitza players (and not only tamburitza players) would be very interesting.
  • I am very interested in any information (including photos) of cultural society Hrvatska zena (Croatian Woman), founded in 1920's in Zagreb, forbidden from 1945 till 1990 by ex-Yugoslavia, but some of its branches, like the one in Chicago, USA, continued to exist. I know that there existed (or even still exists) Hrvatska zena in Punta Arenas, on the very south of Chile.
  • I am very interested in any photo of Anthony Lucas (Antun Lucic from Split), with whom started the first massive production of oil and petroleum in the world.
  • Some of the best church frescos in the USA are in Croatian churches, painted by Maxo Vanka. I would deeply appreciate a photo.
  • One of the greatest mathematicians in history is Leonhard Euler (18th century). I have information that he was communicating in written with Rugjer Boskovic, and that his letters are kept in Boskovic Archives at the Rare Books library in Berkeley, University of California, USA. It would be extremely interesting to translate some of this letters into English and Croatian.

My e-mail is (please, remove Y's; don't ask me why). In case of doubt that Your mail has not reached me, please, go to Nenad Bach's CROWN, and submit Your message there.

Croatia - its History, Culture and Science

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