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 »  Home  »  In Memoriam  »  Lavoslav Ruzicka Croatian Nobel Prize winner from Vukovar
 »  Home  »  History  »  Lavoslav Ruzicka Croatian Nobel Prize winner from Vukovar
Lavoslav Ruzicka Croatian Nobel Prize winner from Vukovar
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  11/18/2008 | Science , In Memoriam , History | Unrated
Ružička House in Vukovar with a conference hall

Lavoslav Ružička (1887-1976), born in the city of Vukovar.

Lavoslav Leopold Ružička obtained the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1939, when he worked at famous ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Lavoslav Ružička in his lab at ETH Zurich in Switzerland.

The home in Vukovar in which Lavoslav Ružička was born in 1887 is from 2007 a memorial museum bearing his name, with the accompaning conference hall. Recently an international conference was held in the Ružička House, Vukovar, in September 2008.

The inner part of the Ružička House, with the statue of the Nobel Prize winner.

The front of the Ružička House in Vukovar, in which Ružička was born, at the solemn opening in 2007, accompanied with church dignitaries, representatives of the City and of the Croatian state which financed the renovation of the building.

The work on rebuilding the Ružička house of birth started in 2004. As we see, the house was in difficult condition. It was a result of merciless three month Serbian bombing of the city of Vukovar in 1991. Source of the above two photos is Fundacija "Ružičkina kuća" (Fondation "Ružička House").

Biography of Lavoslav Ružička, Croatian Nobel Prize winner, offered at an exhibition devoted to the history and activities of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, organized in the City Museum, Eltz Palace in Vukovar in 2008.

City Museum in Eltz Baroque Palace in Vukovar. Photo from western side, September 2008.

City Museum in Eltz Palace, Vukovar. Photo from eastern side, taken near the Danube river, September 2008. Not only the palace, but also a huge tree was a victim of the 1991 Serbian bombing. And human destinies?

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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