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 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Croatian lace proclaimed the most beautiful at international lace contest in Russia 2011
Croatian lace proclaimed the most beautiful at international lace contest in Russia 2011
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  07/6/2011 | Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Different types of Croatian lace come from the towns of Lepoglava, Pag, Hvar

A famous Croatian lace from the island of Pag: Paška čipka, a part of exsquisite local national costumes.

Hours and hours of patient work to get the Pag lace.

Tihana Rendić, Croatia, with her Lepoglavska čipka - Lepoglava lace from the town of Lepoglava on Croatian north. The lace can serve as attractive decoration.
The town is known for its Annual Lace Exhibition.

Lacemaking in Croatia, in the town of Lepoglava.

Lepoglava lace in Russia

At the first International Lace festival in Vologda, Russia Lepoglava lace was declared the most beautiful in competition with 10 countries and 36 Russian areas .

In the town of Vologda in Russia for the first time was held the International Lace festival where we have lace from 10 countries and 36 Russian areas.

Nurturing 200 years old tradition of lace making, the Russian hosts has organized a festival that has brought together 570 lace makers from around the world  Croatian lace making was presented by Lepoglava and Pag. Specifically, there was an exhibition of "Labyrinth Lace" in which they are exposed to all the lace submitted to the festival.

Laces are evaluated, and after the assessment of weight, fineness and beauty thread, Lepoglava lace was declared as the the best. The head of Lepoglava lace Cooperative, Karmen Šoštarić with Tihana Rendić was awarded with the form of plaques and mallets. Tihana Rendić participated in probably the most numerous lacework.

All lace-makers has for this opportunity on Volgda square create a snowflake lace which hosts woven into one large.

Otherwise, in this Russian town with 300 000 inhabitants will will open a museum of lace that contains lace from around the world. For this they bought a copy of Lepoglava lace announcing the possibility of coming to this year's Festival Lace in Lepoglava. Their desire is to buy Hvar and Pag lace that will with Lepoglava lace represent lacework in Croatia.


The Lepoglava lace (see in the middle), Croatia, won the the first place at international lace contest in Russia.

Diploma for the winner of the competion from the International Lace Festival in Volgoda 2011 in Russia. Additional information.

About five hundred lace-makers participated at the international lace contest in Russia.

Tihana Rendić and her Lepoglava lace - Lepoglavska čipka

Nonprofit association for international cultural collaboration Intermezzo announced that lace artworks from Croatia presented at the International Lace Festival in Vologda, Russia (23 – 26 June) won the first place in the competitive programme. The Festival was organized by the National Lace Museum Vologda.

In exhibition part of the Festival Pag Lace and Lepoglava Lace, each with five prestigious pieces, were presented as a part of the Festival Croatian Lace.
During the stay at the Festival all necessary actions to include pieces of Croatian Lace as permanent exhibits of the National Lace Museum Vologda took place. It was a great honor for Intermezzo Association (founded with aim to develop international collaboration in the field of culture) to participate in such an important moment for Croatian cultural heritage. Quality of its work is confirmed with realization of this project as well as with partnership with the National Lace Museum Vologda in creation and execution of artistic installations.

During the Festival numerous activities were held such as Exhibition Lace Labyrinth, Lace making master-classes, Round tables, Fashion shows of leading Russian designers Judashkin and Zajcev, hairstyles inspired by the lace, etc. Participation of the Croatian Lace on such high profile Festival was of exceptional importance for promotion of cultural heritage on the international level.


VOLOGDA, 28. lipnja 2011.

Gostovanje hrvatske čipke na Međunarodnom festivalu čipke u Vologdi rezultiralo je izrazitim uspjehom naših predstavnika. Lepoglavska je čipka očarala i posjetitelje i stručan žiri te osvojila prvo mjesto na natječaju “Zlatni batić” za najbolji aturoski rad profesionalne čipkarice. Na natječaju su sudjelovale mnogobrojne čipke iz čak 10 zemalja (Europa, Amerika i Australija) i 36 regija Rusije. Vrijedna nagrada u obliku zlatnog batića dodijeljena je Zadrugi Lepioglavske čipke. S obzirom na sudionike iz cijeloga svijeta opravdano se može reći da je Lepoglavska čipka na samom vrhu svjetskog čipkarstva. Zahvaljujući ovako zapaženom rezultatu Lepoglavska čipka postala je stalni izložbeni primjerak u Muzeju čipke u Vologdi.

Druga predstavnica iz Hrvatske, Paška čipka izazvala je također veliki interes. Specifičnost i težina izrade ove čipke na iglu impresionirala mnoge prisutne, stoga će još ove godine i ona biti uvršetna u stalni postav Muzeja čipke u Vologdi. Sudjelovanje predstavnika hrvatske čipke na Međunarodnom festivalu čipke u Vologdi omogućilo je Ministarstvo kulture RH, Ured kulture regije Vologda, Veleposlanstvo Ruske Federacije u Hrvatskoj, Zadarska županija i grad Lepoglava.

Lacemaking in Croatia, on the island of Pag: Paška čipka - Pag lace.

Lepoglava lace, Croatia

Lepoglava lace, Croatia

Lepoglava lace, Croatia


Paša čipka - Pag Lace

Paška čipka - tradicija koja se nastavlja

Šator od čipke - Lace Tent, lace project in Lepoglava, Croatia, by Akiko Sato, Japan

Akiko Sato, Japan, enjoying in her Croatian lace tent in Lepoglava.

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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