His second world title, after the World Stenographic Competition in the Prague in 2007
Mr. Josip Hanjš representing Croatia won the first place at the Competition, while the second and third places have been won by two ladies representing Hungary.
Shorthand / Speech capturing Graphic – SENIORS
In 2013 Mr. Josip Hanjš, representing Croatia, became the world champion in a Shorthand Speech Capturing international organized in Ghent, Belgium. Seven countries participated: except Croatia, also Hungary, Italy, Germany, Argentina, France and Turkey. Mr. Hanjš is the president of Croatian Shorthand Association, one of the oldest in Europe, founded in 1882 (five years before London). This is his secon world title in his career: the first title of the world champion has been won in Prague in 2007. It is interesting that here both female and male participants compete all together.
Place, name, country and the number of syllables:
1 Josip Hanjš, CROATIA, 497 2 Erika Vicai, Hungary, 391 3 Zsuzsa Ferenc Hungary, 367 4 Beáta Barna, Hungary, 321 5 Judit Árvay-Dani, Hungary, 321 6 Ylenia Rifurgiato, Italy, 295 7 Wolfgang Groth, Germany, 295 8 Udo Klüting, Germany, 271 9 Victor Gonzales, Argentina, 24 271 10 Petra Dischinger, Germany, 247 11 Paolo Marino, Italy, 247 12 Monika Mahlke, Germany, 247 13 Torsten Semar, Germany, 247 14 Martin Springinklee, 247 15 Regine Daneke, Germany, 247 16 Marion Stropahl, Germany, 247 17 Eszter Krasznai-Kis, Hungary, 233 17 Annie Donnet, France, 247 19 Olaf Rörtgen, Germany, 247 20 Annemarie Mersch, Germany, 226
21 Beáta Eszlinger, Hungary, 214 22 Cinzia Cipri, Italy, 226 23 Veronika Masling, Germany, 226 23 Yvonne Wagner, Germany, 226 25 Mehmet Emin Yildiz, Turkey, 205 26 Brigitte Stegner, Germany, 205 27 Uwe Schwab Germany, German, 205 28 Krisztina Terjéki, Hungary, 195 29 Regina Groth Germany, 205 29 Seda Bakirci Turkey, 205
The speed of 497 syllabels per minute for Mr. Josip Hanjš is quite an achievement. This number means that he was able to capture about 4-5 words per second. All participants were capturing text in their native langugages.
|  All participants of the 2013 International Stenographic Competition in Ghent, in several categories. Mr. Josip Hanjš is the sixth from the right. More information. An example of shorthand writing by Mr. Josip Hanjš
A shorthand text in Croatian language, written by Mr. Josip Hanjš
Deciphered seven-line Croatian text (line by line):
Pojam zelenog gospodarstva nije samo važan za razvijene zemlje. On zapravo predviđa veću perspektivu. Trenutno mnoge zemlje u razvoju prodaju svoje prirodne izvore po vrlo niskim cijenama. Izgledi su na kratki rok vrlo zamamni, no to isto tako može značiti da zemlje prodaju svoje buduće društveno blagostanje kao i gospodarski rast. Mislim međutim da se takva politka mijenja.
Rough translation from Croatian into English (line by line; by D.Ž.):
The notion of green economy is important not only for developed countries. In fact, it predicts greater perspective. At the moment, numerous developing countries sell their natural resources at very small prices. On the short run, the possibilities are tempting, but at the same time it may mean that the countries sell their future social well-being as well as the economic growth. However, I think that such a policy is changing.
Each shorthand competitor has numerous own special symbols, even for entire expressions. For example, Mr. Josip Hanjš has about two thousand of them.
|  Gold medal of Mr. Josip Hanjš, won in Ghent.  Mr. Josip Hanjš on the right (president of the Croatian Shorthand Society) with his brother Dr. Željko Hanjš, in his office in Zagreb.  Mr. Josip Hanjš receiving a special recognition in 2012 from Mr. Ivo Josipović, president of the Republic of Croatia, on the occasion of 130th anniversary of Croatian Stenographic Society, one of the oldest in Europe, founded in 1882 (five years before London). Photo by F. Širanović, official photographer. Source. Many thanks to Dr. Željko Hanjš, brother of Mr. Josip Hanjš, for providing us with relevant material.
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