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 »  Home  »  Entertainment  »  INmusic Festival is back at Jarun in Zagreb, Croatia for the 7th year in a row
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  INmusic Festival is back at Jarun in Zagreb, Croatia for the 7th year in a row
INmusic Festival is back at Jarun in Zagreb, Croatia for the 7th year in a row
By Ivo Bach | Published  05/24/2012 | Bilingual , Entertainment , Culture And Arts | Unrated
INmusic Festival participates in a pilot project called "Multiculturalism in music" and brings many great performers to Zagreb

The Cranberries

Franz Ferdinand

Gorillaz Sound System

Only one month left until the the seventh year in a row of INmusic festival which will be held in Zagreb at the lake Jarun. Some performers which will be gathering include:
  • The Cranberries
  • Franz Ferdinand
  • Gorillaz Sound System
  • Plan B
  • Mando Diao
  • Gogol Bordello
  • General Elektriks
  • Retro Stefson
  • Human Woman
  • Reptile Youth
  • Iness Mezel
The "Multiculturalism in music" pilot
(text source:

"Multiculturalism in music" is a pilot project carried out in collaboration by the three largest popular music festivals in the region – Taksirat (Skopje), INmusic (Zagreb), and EXIT (Novi Sad). The project aims to address the importance of cultural differences to a wider public, especially accenting the often neglected or unrecognized impact cultural differences play in shaping contemporary and popular culture. Since music is a medium unhindered by language differences, it serves as the perfect vessel for promoting the values behind this project, and thanks to new technologies, music is available to the widest public on a global level.

Along with concerts and public discussions, the main output of our project is a "musical exhibition" – an multimedia, interactive musical "encyclopaedia" that gives our visitors the opportunity to explore unknown and new musical expressions and cultures, raise awareness of the enormous impact "non-western" music has had on popular culture, and finally to create their own audio-visual experience of the exhibition through personalized playlists and video clips. With such a contemporary and interesting approach we hope to present our audience with the wide variety of sounds and colours that shape contemporary music and the world music scene.

The project "Multiculturalism in Music" is part of the European Culture Programme 2007-2013

Tickets, where to buy them, and info

Ticket prices INmusic festival 2012:

Festival ticket (for 3 days):

  • 290 kn 10.02. - 18.04.2012.
  • 340 kn 19.04. - 29.06.2012.

Daily ticket* (28., 29. or 30.06.):

  • 300 kn

*Daily tickets are available at the festival entrance on each day for a fee of 300 kn.

Camper tickets:

  • 150 kn

Campers tickets are valid only with a festival ticket.

Places of sale in Croatia

Tickets for the INmusic festival 2012 are sold at Tisak media centers in Croatia:

ZAGREB: Račkoga 2 | Pothodnik - Grgura Ninskog bb | Gajeva 2 | Frankopanska 5a | Arena centar | Main Bus terminal
SPLIT: City Center One | Airport Split
RIJEKA: Korzo 26
OSIJEK: Trg Slobode 6 | Portanova centar
KARLOVAC: Trg Matije Gupca 1 |Shopping center Supernova
VARAŽDIN: Kukuljevićeva 13
ĐAKOVO: Bana Jelačića 48
DUBROVNIK: Brsalje 9
HVAR: Trg Sv.Stjepana bb
MAKARSKA: Marineta (Mala obala) 1
OPATIJA: Maršala Tita 103
PAZIN: Muntriljska 1
POŽEGA: Osječka bb (Super Konzum)
PULA: Flanatička 1
SISAK: S.i A. Radića 1
VELIKA GORICA: Šetalište Franje Lučića 1
ZADAR: Shopping center Supernova

Children under 12 years of age have free entrance when accompanied by an adult.

Online ticket sales:

Još jedan mjesec je ostao do sedmog po redu INmusic festivala koji će se održati na zagrebačkom Jarunu! Očekuju nas nastupi mnogih glazbenih imena poput:
  • The Cranberries
  • Franz Ferdinand
  • Gorillaz Sound System
  • Plan B
  • Mando Diao
  • Gogol Bordello
  • General Elektriks
  • Retro Stefson
  • Human Woman
  • Reptile Youth
  • Iness Mezel
„Multikultiralizam u glazbi" pilot
(izvor teksta:

„Multikultiralizam u glazbi" je pilot projekt realiziran u suradnji između tri najveća regionalna festivala popularne glazbe – Taksirat (Skopje), INmusic (Zagreb) i EXIT (Novi Sad). Cilj projekta je ukazati na važnost postojanja i očuvanja kulturoloških razlika kao i stavljanje naglaska na često zanemaren ili nedovoljno prepoznat utjecaj koji kulturne raznolikosti imaju pri oblikovanju suvremene i popularne kulture. Glazba, kao medij koji je nesputan jezičnim barijerama, služi kao savršeno sredstvo za promociju vrijednosti koje čine ovaj projekt i zahvaljujući novim tehnologijama dostupna je najširoj javnosti na globalnoj razini.

Uz koncerte i javne diskusije, osovinu projektnih aktivnosti čini i tzv. „glazbena izložba" – multimedijalna, interaktivna, glazbena „enciklopedija" koja omogućava posjetiteljima istraživanje nepoznatih i novih glazbenih izričaja i kultura, razumijevanje izrazitog utjecaja koji je „ne-zapadnjačka" glazba odigrala u popularnoj kulturi i konačno stvaranje vlastitih audio-vizualnih iskustava kroz personalizirane playliste i video isječke. Kroz ovakav suvremen i zanimljiv pristup publika ima priliku neposredno upoznati širok spektar zvukova i boja koji čine suvremenu glazbenu scenu.

Projekt „Multikulturalizam u glazbi" dio je je programa Europske unije, Kultura 2007.-2013.

Cijene, prodajna mjesta i pogodnosti

Cijena ulaznica INmusic festival 2012:

Festivalska ulaznica (za 3 dana):

  • 290 kn 10.02. - 18.04.2012.
  • 340 kn 19.04. - 29.06.2012.

Dnevna ulaznica* (28., 29. ili 30.06.):

  • 300 kn

*Dnevne ulaznice dostupne su isključivo na blagajni festivala na dane održavanja po jedinstvenoj cijeni od 300 kn.

Kamperska ulaznica:

  • 150 kn

Kamperska ulaznica vrijedi isključivo uz festivalsku ulaznicu.


Ulaznice za INmusic festival 2012 u prodaji u Tisak media centrima u Hrvatskoj:

ZAGREB: Račkoga 2 | Pothodnik - Grgura Ninskog bb | Gajeva 2 | Frankopanska 5a | Arena centar | Autobusni kolodvor
SPLIT: City Center One | Zračna luka Split
RIJEKA: Korzo 26
OSIJEK: Trg Slobode 6 | Portanova centar
KARLOVAC: Trg Matije Gupca 1 | Trgovački centar Supernova
VARAŽDIN: Kukuljevićeva 13
ĐAKOVO: Bana Jelačića 48
DUBROVNIK: Brsalje 9
HVAR: Trg Sv.Stjepana bb
MAKARSKA: Marineta (Mala obala) 1
OPATIJA: Maršala Tita 103
PAZIN: Muntriljska 1
POŽEGA: Osječka bb (Super Konzum)
PULA: Flanatička 1
SISAK: S.i A. Radića 1
VELIKA GORICA: Šetalište Franje Lučića 1
ZADAR: Trgovački centar Supernova

Djeca do 12 godina uz pratnju odrasle osobe imaju slobodan ulaz.

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