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Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 41 Winter Peace Dec 2015
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/31/2015 | Music , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah let's all work for world peace in one hour in 2016!

December 31, 2015

2015 was an exciting year to say the least. Let the Winter Peace roll in, and I would like to wish everyone a belated merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah let's all work for world peace in one hour in 2016!

1. Mia Slavenska. Scoring a documentary film about Croatian most prominent ballerina. See the atmosphere at the recording session at Ante Gelo's studio in Zagreb. Film Mia, A Dancer's Journey will be distributed in 2016. Featured Klapa Nostalgija.

Starring: Blythe Danner as the voice of Mia Featuring interviews with Mitzi Gaynor, Edward Villella, Frederic Franklin, dance historian Lynn Garafola, dance critics and former Ballet Russe dancers. Genre: Feature Documentary. Directed By: Maria Ramas & Kate Johnson. Produced by Brenda Brkusic

2. While in Zagreb, I was privileged to be part of the future art exhibition by Robert Gojevic.

ambrotype / ambrotipija


tyntype / ferotipija

Beside being a very talented photographer Robert Gojević is the founder and editor in chief of the Blur Magazine. Support him. Promote the magazine!

BLUR Magazine: Creative photography magazine:

Photography magazine devoted to creative photography published as a PDF e-zine and read in over 200 countries worldwide.

3. Clown Magazine reviewed my EP.

"Golden Slumbers is a total reworking of The Beatles song, which shows the high caliber that Nenad Bach has as an artist, with his band who are just as talented."

Read the article here:

We are featured on the front page: (go down to the Music eXtra section)

4. 15 years ago I met Jamie Cohen backstage at Saturday Night Live and we stayed friends since. In the meantime Jamie became one of the most prominent and progressive teachers. I was a part of the virtual classes from Kuala Lumpur and Toronto...includes my meetings with U2... etc. Here is what I wrote on Amazon about the book:

Let me start with the statement: Jamie Cohen is a brilliant man. This is not just a book, because it has links to many videos, films etc. This is not just a manual for teachers although every single teacher and a student should read it. This is not just an Autobiography of a man who is in search of his own creativity. This is all above. A new form of literature that combines a practical advice in education that reads like a novel with the touch of glamour, struggle and so much needed solution. Jamie found his home, his domain, his passion and his nobility that only the greatest can find it. It is an easy read with a lot of descriptions that defines that inner space between words and emotions. It is intriguing almost like a thriller deeply rooted in Human Rights issues as well. This is the way all student should be taught in 21st century to unleash their own creativity. If Jamie could be the teacher to all the students in the world, The World would be much better place, with no wars and more justice and happiness for all.

Here's a link to the book:

"Can Music Change the World?" - A Grade 9 English Classroom SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment) by Jamie Cohen and Nenad Bach, TanenbaumCHAT Independent high school, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In the acknowledgements:

"To Nenad Bach, whose friendship, creative collaborations across three continents, and support has been invaluable to my growth both personally and creatively. Our Self-Organized Learning Environment music classroom projects were amongst the most rewarding classes I have ever taught."

Description of the book:

What's the one trait students universally say they want in a teacher?

A sense of humor. This practical and entertaining book shows teachers how they can specifically bring more humor into students' lives because when they're laughing, they're learning.

In Jamie Mason Cohen's super, easy-to-read and entertaining style he applies the stories from his time at Saturday Night Live to his decade-long award-winning teaching career. He is a TED-Huff Post International Teaching Award recipient and TEDx speaker. It is a book that inspires yet is grounded in actionable strategies.

The author has drawn on his fascinating contacts in the world of comedy, magic, human rights and psychology to make applicable connections that can transform not just any classroom, but also the mindset of any teacher.

Humor in a class equals increased student engagement, less stress on the teacher and student, and better overall results. Jamie Mason Cohen shows that any teacher can add more light, fun and creativity in their classroom through strategies tested for years and backed by real data.

 One out of 15 mentions in the book.

5. Future is now. I drove autopilot Tesla Model S. See it here:

6. Starting to prepare for the new album. Made few demos at Morris Studio in Zagreb, Croatia. With Miro and Filip Vidovic.

Photo: Katarina Perocevic

7. Work continues on the documentary film Circle of Honor about Admiral Lunney, Peter Tomich and Srecko Herceg.

8. I had the privilege to be photographed by Francesco Moretti. He came from Italy for one day and here are just a few photos.

To see more of Francesco's photos visit him at:

9. For those interested, my dear friends, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra will be performing at Carnegie Hall on February 6th 2016 with Syrian American composer Malik Jandali.

10. For those wanting to catch up on previous newsletters, visit our online archive here: - Video I Will Follow You Hi-rez - Video Everything Is Forever Hi-rez - Video Digital Revolution Hi-rez - Video Daughter's Eyes Hi-Rez

The Nenad Bach Band is:
Nenad Bach: lead vocal, piano, acoustic guitar
Joe DeSanctis: keyboards, backing vocal, melodica
Richard Lindsey: bass, backing vocal
Michael O’Keefe: drums, backing vocal
Al Orlo: guitar


Photo: Petar Curic

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