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Miro Gavran's interviews and plays to be shown in Poland, the Czech Republic and in Belgium in June 2013
By Darko Žubrinić | Published  06/7/2013 | Croatian Language , Poetry , Humor And Wisdom , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Miro Gavran's plays have been translated from Croatian into 35 languages worldwide

Miro Gavran's plays have been translated from Croatian into 35  languages, including Chinese.

Miro Gavran: How We Broke Our Legs, published in Chinese in 2009.
Many thanks to Mr. Gavran for the photo.

Mladena Gavran has as many as ELEVEN completely different roles in "Hotel Babilon", the monocomedy writen by her husband Miro Gavran.

Miro Gavran plays to be shown in several European countries

Miro Gavran, the greatest contemporary Croatin playwright, will soon have several appearances with his plays and interviews in Poland, the Czech Republic, and in Belgium. His works have been translated from Croatian into 35 languages worldwide.

6th June at 6 pm i Poland, in the city of Poznan, at the “Literary Thursday” in the Palace of Dzielynski, the literary and theatrical work of Miro Gavran was presented to the public during an interview with him conducted by Boguslaw Zielinski and Krystyna Pienazek-Marković, university profesors.

6. lipnja u 18h u Poljskoj u gradu Poznanju na tribini “Književni četvrtak” u Palači Dzielynski o  književnom i kazališnom radu Mire Gavrana s autorom će razgovarati sveučilišni profesori Boguslaw Zielinski i Krystyna Pienazek-Marković.

Miro Gavran's play "All About Women" was premiered
in Warszaw, Poland in July 2010

All About Women, translated from Croatian into Polish

7th June in Poland, in  the city of Poznan, 7 pm, in the Teatar OSMI DAN (The Eight Day Theotre) the play “Hotel Babilon” will be shown by the Teatar GAVRAN (GAVRAN Thetre) from Zagreb. The actress is Mladena Gavran (wife of Mr. Gavrna), produced by Aida Bukvić.

7. Lipnja u Poljskoj u gradu Poznanju u 19h u Teatru OSMI DAN bit će izvedena predstava Mire Gavrana “Hotel Babilon” u produkciji Teatra GAVRAN iz Zagreba. U  predstavi glumi Mladena Gavran, dok je redateljica Aida Bukvić.

14th June in the Teatar NOWY (NOWY Theatre) in the city of Lodz in Poland, the premiere of Miro Gavran's play “Sve o ženama” (All About Women) will be staged in corpduction with Teatar Badow (Badow Theatre) from Badow. The play has been translated from Croatian into Polish by načinila je Anna Tuszynska, and the producer is Piotr Bikont, while the main roles will have Joanna Fidler, Miroslawa Olbinska and Katarzyna Žuk.

14. Lipnja u Teatru NOWY u Lodzu u Poljskoj bit će premijerno izvedena drama Mire Gavrana “Sve o ženama” u koprodukciji s Teatrom Badow iz Badowa. Prijevod na poljski jezik načinila je Anna Tuszynska, redatelj je Piotr Bikont, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Joanna Fidler, Miroslawa Olbinska i Katarzyna Žuk.

In the Croatian Embassy in Bruxelles, 25th June at 5 pm, Miro Gavran's play "Hotel Bailon" will be shown, with Mladena Gavran in the main role, produced by Aida Bukvi'. The play will be staged by Teatar Gavran (GAVRAN Theatre), organized by Matica hrvatska (Matrix croatica) on the occasion of entrance of Croatian into European Union.

U Hrvatskom veleposlanstvu u Bruxellesu, 25.lipnja u 17h bit će izvedena predstava Mire Gavrana “Hotel Babilon” u interpretaciji Mladene Gavran, a u režiji Aide Bukvić. Predstavu izvodi Teatar GAVRAN  u organizaciji Matice hrvatske povodom ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju.

Miro Gavran's play "Kada umire glumac" (When an Actor is Dying) will be premiered on 26th June in Dvorišni Teatar in the Czech Republic in the tourist resort of Hlohovec. Translated from Croatian into Czech by Zdenek Čerin, with Simona Pekova and Zdenek Černin from Brno in the main roles.

Drama Mire Gavrana “Kad umire glumac” bit će  premijerno izvedena 28. Lipnja u Dvorišnom teatru u Češkoj u turističkom mjestu Hlohovec. Prijevod na češki jezik je načinio Jiri Vobecky, redatelj je Zdenek Černin, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju ugledni glumci iz Brna Simona Pekova i Zdenek Černin.

All About Women, Miro Gavran's play, translated from Croatian into English, staged in New York in 2012.

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran on June 18, 2008 in front of the Kerempuh Theater, Zagreb Croatia

Announcement of the Czech premiere of Miro Gavran's play My Wife's Husband
(in Czech Muž mé ženy, the original Croatian title is Muž moje žene),

Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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