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Diplomatic Vacuum perfect opportunity for Croatian talent
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/30/2007 | Editorials | Unrated
Less and less of East West, Left Right differentiation. It is more of Up or Down.

Diplomatic Vacuum perfect opportunity for Croatian talent

There are many places where cat dominates and an elephant can not even participate. In today's political constellation where Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Libya, Russia, China, Pakistan, India... etc are the countries to pay attention to and the west simply has no invitation for the party, a smaller country like Croatia has a perfect diplomatic position to be either moderator, liaison or even more, a participant in the creation of a better world. Good, bad or indifferent, Non-Aliened countries created connections for us that will last for a while.
1. We are not threatening. We are too small to be any military threat to almost anybody but our even smaller neighbors. Historically Croatia doesn't attack, so even locally we are not a military alert, whichever color you choose.
2. We have millions of Croatians (read diplomats) living all over the world, who are deeply rooted in the local culture, but still keep Croatian DNA as a strong character definition. A huge potential for everything your mind can imagine.
3. Our education per person / per capita is very strong throughout the centuries. Universities have been established in Croatia for the last 600 years. Educated Croatians are established all over the world. Hit a dart on the world map and you will find a Croatian professor at that University or a city close to it. And not just highest education , but trade as well. Hit a dart and you will find a Croatian either selling or repairing something, or developing agriculture or inventing plumbing and a new electrical system, or building parts for the Space Shuttle (truth).
4. When you look today approaching on August 5th, 2007, 12 years after Oluja, our liberation push, we moved forward 30 years ahead, compared to our eastern neighbors, even with all of the destruction that they left behind with their barbaric attempt to further enslave us and dominate the region. And this didn't happen by chance. It happened because we have an inner desire to be active, intellectually curious and we have developed a culture of creating and building. Roman Arena in Pula and Diocletian Palace in Split are still there, we didn't level it as other barbaric hoards leveled everything there was.

Having said all of this, we have a historic opportunity to do good in the world. Will we? Can we go higher? Mozemo li se uzdignuti?
Our strong connections in the countries that need diplomatic solutions to their problem, don't minimize our as-the-days-go-by better relations with so called West. By the way, there is less and less of East West, Left Right differentiation. Today it is more, Up or Down.
As I said many times before... one doesn't exclude the other.

Nenad N Bach                                                                                    New York July 31, 2007 

Formated for CROWN by Nenad N Bach
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