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(E) Colors of Croatia in Warsaw - Ivo Pervan
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  07/5/2005 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
(E) Colors of Croatia in Warsaw - Ivo Pervan


Ivo Pervan - COLORS OF

28.06.ove godine povodom Dana drzavnosti, u organizaciji Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i Veleposlanstva RH u centru Varsave otvorena je nova foto izlozba Ive Pervana pod nazivom BOJE HRVATSKE. Postav je cinilo 27 fotografija potpuno novih motiva, dimenzija 110 x 80 cm. Svecanom otvaranju nazocio je velik broj uzvanika, posebno strani veleposlanici. Nakon Varsave , postav putuje u Krakow, te ce ostati u Poljskoj citav mjesec dana.

Colors of Croatia is the title of the new exhibition by famous Ivo Pervan, our Croatian photo-legend. 27 of the completely new photos (110x80 cm) will first be exhibited in the center of Warsaw and then in Krakow, Poland as part of the celebration of Croatian Independence Day, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Croatian Embassy in Poland.

If you think you can organize such an exhibition in your town, contact Alenka Demikeli at.


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