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Nenad Bach - Editor in Chief

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» Merry Christmas to Mr. Slobodan Praljak and to Mr. Dario Kordic with their families
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published 12/23/2012 | Croatian Heroes , Human Rights , Croatians in B&H , Education , Births , Religion | Unrated
Christmas of joy and pain.
» Rudolf Klepac 1913-1994 professor at Mozarteum and Croatian bassoonist one of greatest in history
Submitted By Darko Žubrinić | Published 08/27/2012 | Music , Entertainment , Education , Culture And Arts , Births | Unrated
  Rudolf Klepač was born in 1913 in Majurje near the city of Varaždin in Croatia, professor of bassoon at the Music Academy in Croatia's capital Zagreb, professor at the famous Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, distinguished interpretor of works by Mozart, Vivaldi and other giants, recipient of the Golden Ring of Salzburg from the Mayor of the city, honorary member of Croatian Society of Musicians...
» (E) Robert Tyler Newbery July 30th 2003
Submitted By Nenad N. Bach | Published 11/30/2003 | Births | Unrated
 Robert Tyler Newbery Born on July 30th 2003 Sydney, Australia - 4th generation of Croatian AustralianMother: Helena Terese Newbery Granddaughter of Jozo Vegar)Father: Ross TylerWelcome Robert !Nenad

Croatian Constellation

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