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Croatian Heroes: Heroes of Vukovar TV serial by Eduard & Dominik Galic
By Dominik Galić, producer | Published  08/25/2008 | Human Rights , History , Education , Croatian Heroes | Unrated
Blago Zadro, Marko Babić ... Vukovar Heroes, part 1

Vukovar Heroes, Trpinjska road and the Tank graveyard

The city of Vukovar in 1991 during the Serbian agression on Croatia

Three legendary Croatian Heroes during the 1991 defense of Vukovar: Blago Zadro in the middle, Marko Babić on the right and Andrija Marić on the left. Behind them are some of numerous destroyed Serbian tanks.

 Vukovar Heroes

Espisode 1. The tank graveyard (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.)

In the middle of 2005., my father Eduard Galić was  finishing a documentary film Vukovar's passion and the way of the cross for Croatian television. I personally helped him with the making of that film and began to share his interest for Vukovar, decisive battle there for Croatia and our independence. My father was already in 1998. in Vukovar where he was shooting Transfigurations by A.B. Šimić, and he read and knew a lot about battle and participants. Through the work on the film Vukovar's passion and the way of the cross, we met Daniel Rehak, the president of society Croatian prisoners of Serbian concentration camps and Ivan Lukić-Zolja. They introduced us to many other defenders. One day, through my research, I met Jozo Šego, the man who even today lives in Vukovar's story. His brothers were killed during breakthrough. He did, saw and knew much in Vukovar. Real Vukovar hero. He was very honest and said to me: "We really did very much, but without Marko Babić, Vukovar wouldn't exist. You have to talk to him." Danijel Rehak gave me Marko's number. That was the start of story.

Marko was everything except an ordinary man. I've never, nor do I believe I will, meet somebody like him. I don't want to be pathetic when I describe someone who had a huge influence on my life, so I'll try to describe him as simplest as I can. Brave, honest, decent, noble and patriotic above all. Actually none of these words here is appropriate enough, because in my opinion they reduce his love for Croatia and how much he did for her. He loved Croatia more than his life which he proved many a times. After one week, we became inseparable. I would say, even though it could sound pathetic, destiny united us.

As I think more about everything, especially after Marko's death, I'm even more certain that phrase is completely correct in this case. The sparkle of my growing interest for Vukovar and his heroes was the fact that people in Croatia knew shamefully little about it. Only few and always the same reports you could see on our TV stations. The other thing which irritated me and my father was the fact that all the stories about Vukovar, were about pain and destruction. What about heroic resistance, equal to Thermopile battle, which made Croatian state possible? What about men who destroyed those tanks and created the myth about Vukovar. Where are they? What are their names? What were they doing before the war? Who are they after all? And maybe the most important - how did they defeat the enemy so much stronger? How? These are the questions which we wanted to answer with the documentary series. Marko was the only man who could gather fighters from front lines in Vukovar and they believed him enormously. What did Marko want with this series? Only one thing - the truth.

At first we wanted to make a documentary about Marko.  That was idea only until we started to shoot and than saw that this is not a subject you can describe with only one documentary film. Simply, you mustn't do that. Everything that happened after, became part of history about creating this serial. We had many shootings on different locations in Vukovar, across Croatia and Europe. We explained to people what we actually want. Many of them with many difficulties talked about what was happening in 1991. When we asked them to talk about combat, shooting became even more difficult. Some people we had been shooting six or more times, and we got almost nothing or nothing. After we turned on the camera, blockade started in their heads. After the third time of shooting, many of them finally relaxed and said what they could and knew. Marko called the commanders of certain post, then they chose men that deserved to be represented in the serial and the shooting could begin. The only criterion was how good a fighter one was.

Sometimes Marko gave some advice, but mostly he didn't interfere. He had all the rights to do that because he was the commander of Borovo Naselje after Blago Zadro died. At the same time, we were collecting archive footage required for the serial and were trying to raise the money for the production. Of course, financing was the biggest problem. Many people helped us. Many of them, just like 1991., just promised something. But, like in 1991., we were successful. First serial with ten episodes is finished. We truly hope that making second and third serial will be a little easier.

Author: Dominik Galić, producer of the serial

Andrija Marić, Blago Zadro and Marko Babić in their hometown of Vukovar.

Marko Babić and Blago Zadro in 1991 defending the city of Vukovar from Yugoslav (Serbian) Army.


Naslov: Dokumentarna serija  Heroji Vukovara - groblje tenkova

Produkcija: MissArt 


Redatelj: Eduard Galić

Direktor produkcije: Dominik Galić

Scenarij i producenti: Eduard i Dominik Galić i Marko Babić

Kontakt osoba: Dominik Galić  +385 99 2905 975, e-mail:

Opis serije: 

Dokumentarna serija Heroji Vukovara - Groblje tenkova ima 10 nastavaka i prvi je dio trilogije  Heroji Vukovara koji kroz priče boraca s prve crte obrane grada Vukovara opisuje vukovarsku bitku. Serija se bavi obranom jednog od glavnih dijela Vukovara, Borova Naselja, u kojem se nalazi slavna Trpinjska cesta. U seriji su prikazane sve točke obrane Borova Naselja kroz borbe i djela ljudi koji su branili grad, a samim time i Hrvatsku. Heroji nisu samo vukovarci, to su i Hrvati koji su iz drugih dijelova Hrvatske i svijeta dolazili braniti Vukovar. U seriji će biti prikazano i puno arhivskih snimaka većina kojih prije nije viđena, a prikupljena je iz svih mogućih izvora. Serija je uglavnom snimana na autentičnim lokacijama u Vukovaru i Borovu naselju a dio je snimljen u ostalim gradovima Hrvatske i inozemstvu gdje žive branitelji Vukovara.

Kako je organizirana obrana? Kako su doživjeli prvi susret s tenkom? Tko im je došao pomoći ? O čemu su razmišljali, što su osjećali kad im je najbolji prijatelj i suborac poginuo? Što su jeli, jesu li spavali? Ovo su samo neka pitanja na koja ćete odgovore saznati od sudionika vukovarske bitke.

U seriji nema politike. Glavni lik je čovjek koji je branio Vukovar i Hrvatsku. 

Opis epizoda:

1. Groblje tenkova 1 - petak 5.9.2008 20.10

U ovoj epizodi na njenom početku miješaju se srpsko divljanje i veselje u zadnjim danima prije okupacije i pada Vukovara i svečano postrojavanje povodom obilježavanja 15. godine osnivanja 204. vukovarske brigade održano 25.9 2006. u Vukovaru. Tu je više od 20 minuta dosad neviđene arhive koja prikazuje zadnje dane prije okupacije i samu okupaciju Vukovara. Na  polovini epizode u tenkovskom hangaru u Gašincima okupila se većina preživjelih branitelja Trpinjske ceste da pogleda u cijelosti amaterski snimljenu kazetu koja prikazuje branitelje Trpinjske ceste na dan 18.9.1991. ,mnoštvo uništenih tenkova za čije su uništenje zaslužni upravo branitelji sa Trpinjske ceste. Oni i komentiraju tu arhivsku snimku.U ovoj epizodi glavni akteri su uz branitelje na arhivskim snimkama i Tomislav Jakovljević, Ante Jurić, Marko Babić, Josip Kulaš, Boško Vukušić, Ivica Kuća, Milan Budimir, Damir Ninčević.

2. Groblje tenkova 2 - petak 12.9.2008 20.10

Ova epizoda je o  Marku Babiću, koji je sam uništio 14 neprijateljskih tenkova, najviše od svih branitelja u obrani Vukovara. U detalje je opisan način na koji su tenkovi uništeni, metode kojima su se Marko i njegovi suborci služili da bi došli u poziciju da unište tenk. Analizira se i kronološki tijek i način ratovanja na slavnoj Trpinjskoj cesti. Ljudi prikazani u ovoj epizodi promijenili su doktrinu ratovanja istoka i zapada.

Poslije Trpinjske ceste tenk više nije imao jednaku ulogu u ratu kao prije. Glavni akteri ove epizode su

Marko Babić, Iva Leutar, Stipe Majić-Pipe, Mirko Brekalo, Zoran Janković, Ivan Mlinarić, Marko Petrovecky.

3. Žuti mravi i Pustinjski štakori -  petak 19.9.2008 20.10

Trpinjsku cestu branili su ljudi raznih profila. Bilo je  poljoprivrednika, muzičara, srednjoškolaca, avanturista. Ti ljudi u ratu tvorili su dva najelitnija odreda branitelja Vukovara - Žute mrave i Pustinjske štakore. Ovi odredi slani su na zadatke u koje se gotovo nitko drugi nije usudio ići. Išli su u akcije dok se većina drugih nije usuđivala izaći iz podruma. Žuti mravi i Pustinjski štakori zajedno sa Turbo vodom zalužni su za veliki broj mrtvih neprijateljskih vojnika na vukovarskom bojištu, a slijedom toga i za dugotrajnost otpora hrvatskih branitelja Vukovara. O njima se do danas gotovo ništa ne zna.

Ova epizoda govori o njima i njihovim bitkama protiv srpskih agresora. Nažalost, ovo je epizoda u kojoj se priča uglavnom o mrtvim, jer velika većina ljudi iz ove epizode nije preživjela okupaciju Vukovara. O svojim suborcima u ovoj epizodi pričaju Iva Leutar, Marko Babić i njihovi suborci.

4. Turbo vod - petak 26.09.2008 20.10

Turbo vod bio je slan na najdelikatnije i najopasnije zadatke u obrani Vukovara i  vod koji je išao na ispomoć svim drugim dijelovima obrane Vukovara. Prosjek godina u Turbo vodu bio je 20 godina. Oformio ga je i predvodio Blago Zadro. Specijalnost ovog voda, osim uništavanja tenkova, bila su tzv. "čišćenja", operacije u kojima se išlo po kućama i borilo prsa u prsa.

Zanimljivost ove epizode je priča Nevenka Mauzera, pripadnika Turbo voda, koji je preživio streljanje nakon okupacije te se sa svoja četiri suborca 22.11.1991 probio na teritorij pod hrvatskom kontrolom. U Turbo vodu glavni akteri su Miro Radmanović, Tomo Jakovljević, Nevenko Mauzer.....

5. Budžak - petak 3.10.2008 20.10

Epizoda se zove po dijelu Borova naselja koji je isturen na jugozapadu te je ključan za komunikaciju prema Vinkovcima. Mala grupa ljudi branila je ovaj izuzetno važan položaj i to do samog pada grada. Glavni junak na Buđaku bio je Zdenko Horvat kojemu su četnici danima mučili i na kraju ubili brata na samo pedeset metara od njegova položaja. Nije im ostao dužan. Uništio je 10 tenkova i 1 transporter te gotovo sam zaustavio veliki proboj četnika u Vukovar preko Bobotskog kanala. Na Budžaku su djelovali i "Bikovi". "Bikovi" su imali četiri haubice 155 mm, od toga jednu neispravnu i četiristo granata, od kojih je samo pola imalo bojevo punjenje. Osim toga sve što su imali bili su minobacači 82 i 120 mm. Neprijatelju ni danas nije jasno kako im je tako malo granata nanijelo tolike gubitke. "Bikove" je vodio Zvonko Milas. U ovoj epizodi vidjećete i  Marka Cvitkovića, Milana Žanko, Branka Čulića....

6. Dom tehnike - petak 10.10.2008 20.10

Dom tehnike je uz Banijsku najistureniji položaj prema Borovo selu odnosno Srbiji. Njegovim padom bio bi ugrožen vodovod grada Vukovara, što bi značilo katastrofu za obranu Borova Naselja i cijelog Vukovara budući da bi njegov pad ugrozio ne samo opskrbu vodom nego i sklonište "Obućaru" s 3000 civila, a i Borovo Komerc koji je služio kao pomoćna bolnica. Jedan od najžešćih napada vodjen je pod zapovjedništvom Arkana, zloglasnog srpskog ratnog zločinca. U ovoj epizodi također segovori i o pokolju policajaca u Borovo selu, tu je sve počelo. Pretpostavljalo se da će to biti samo rutinska akcija u kojoj će uz malo pokazivanja snage osloboditi svoja dva zatočena pripadnika policije zarobljena od strane četnika. Tamo ih je dočekala klasična "sačekuša" - četnici iz Borovo Sela, četnici iz Srbije, rumunjski plaćenici, šešeljevci, beli orlovi. Spasila ih je sreća i vlastita sposobnost, no nisu svi imali sreće. Glavni junaci ove epizode su

Marko Filković, Ivo Komšić, Zdravko Mamić, Ivica Mikola...

7. Nova Banijska - petak 17.10.2008 20.10

Ova epizoda bavi se obranom Banijske ulice, položaja Borova naselja na sjeveroistoku uz Dunav. 25.8.1991 u napadu koji je trebao slomiti obranu Borovo naselja. Borci sa Banijske zaustavili su neprijateljski napad nanijevši srpskomo neprijatelju gubitke od kojih se nije oporavio sve do početka 10. mjeseca. Vlatko Voloder, Miro Josić, koji je to ljeto trebao potpisati profesionalni ugovor sa nogometnim klubom Zagreb, ali nije htio napustiti svoj napadnuti grad, njegov brat Tomislav Josić i njihovi suborci su na Banijskoj i okolnim ulicama borbom prsa u prsa odbacivali neprijateljske napade do same okupacije. Ove položaje branio je veliki broj Varaždinaca i Čakovčana zajedno sa ljudima iz svih dijelova Hrvatske. Nevjerojatna domišljatost, lukavstvo i sloga ljudi iz svih dijelova Hrvatske, pomoću kojih je ovaj položaj branjen do samog dana okupacije, opisana je u ovoj epizodi. Mnogi od ovih ludi završili su u logorima po Srbiji, no i to je većina uspjela preživjeti. Oni su Miroslav i Tomislav Josić, Vlatko Voloder, Ivica Banožić, Marko Filković, Dragutin Špac...

8. Slavonska i Hercegovačka - petak 24.10.2008 20.10

Slavonska i Hercegovačka su najistureniji položaji prema Orlovači i Trpinji, odakle je nadirala glavnina neprijateljskih snaga. Slavonska i Hercegovačka bile su ulice na kojima su se spajali naši i četnički položaji.

Iz Hercegovačke ulice uništen je veliki broj tenkova koji je išao na Trpinjsku cestu. Ovdje su se sinovi pravoslavnog popa, koji su dragovoljno došli iz Zagreba, borili za Hrvatsku. Upoznati ćete junake Slavonske i Hercegovačke ulice: Mirko Brekalo stariji, Nenad Gagić, Ivan Kapular, Ivica Lukić, Dragan Luketić, Ivica Habajec.

9. Peyton - petak 31.10.2008 20.10

Vlatko Voloder, Miro i Tomislav Josić i nekolicina njihovih prijatelja u roku od par dana odolijevali su napadima više od 500 neprijateljskih vojnika. Ishod je bio nevjerojatan, oni su pobijedili. Rat za Vukovar zvanično je  završen 18.11.1991. a 19.11. u dijelu Vukovara popularno nazvanom Peyton vodila se jedna od najkrvavijih bitaka. Četiri čovjeka su se borila sa cijelom vojskom. Na kraju su se predali nakon što su dobili bitku jer Miro Josić nije htio ostaviti curu, a Vlatko Voloder ranjenog brat te nisu otišli u proboj.

Ovo je također priča kako su preživjeli logore i osude na smrt na sudu u Beogradu. Spada u vjerovali ili ne.

10. Blago Zadro - petak 7.11.2008 20.10

Skromne i obične ljude koji postanu legende teško je opisati upravo zbog njihove "običnosti". Ipak sa slijedećom rečenicom ćemo pokušati. Bio je zapovjednik obrane Borova naselja, a uvijek je u sve najopasnije akcije išao prvi i jedini čovjek kojemu je Marko Babić, uništavač 14  JNA tenkova, priznavao da je bio hrabriji od njega. Ova epizoda govori o  Blagi Zadri i  njegovom utjecaju na vukovarske branitelje.


Title: Documentary serial  Heroes of Vukovar - the Tank Graveyard

Production: MissArt

Production team:

Director: Eduard Galić

Production director: Dominik Galić

Scrip and producerst: Eduard & Dominik Galić and Marko Babić

Producers: Dominik Galić i Marko Babić

Contact: Dominik Galić  +385 099 2905 975, e-mail:


Documentary serial Heroes of Vukovar - The tank graveyard has ten episodes and is the first part of the trilogy Heroes of Vukovar which depicts the battle of Vukovar through the eyes of the fighters from the front lines. The series deals with the defense of Borovo Naselje, part of Vukovar that includes famous Trpinjska road. All the defense points of Borovo Naselje are shown  through the fighting and deeds of the people who defended the city and with it Croatia. Heroes depicted in this serial are not only from Vukovar, there are also people from all other parts of Croatia and abroad from where defenders came to defefnd Vukovar. The serial has a lot of archive footage that has never been seen before and whivch was collected from all possible sources. The shooting was mainly done on locations in Vukovar as well as in other parts of Croatia and abroad where Vukovar defenders live today.

How was the defense organized? How did they feel when they first saw a tenk coming? Who came to help them? What were they thinking and how did they feel when their best friend or a co fighter died? What did they eat, did they sleep at all? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this serial from the people who can best answer them.

There is no politics in this serial. The main character in this serial is the man who defended Vukovar and Croatia. 

Episode description:

1. The tank graveyard - Friday 05.09.2008 20.10

This episode begins with the archive footage of Serbian rampage and delight in days before occupation and fall of Vukovar. Also we can see the solemnly alignment dedicated to 15. years from constitution of 204 th. Vukovar's brigade. It was held 25. 09. 2006. in Vukovar. There is more than 20 minutes of video archive which was never seen before. Here we can see the last days before occupationand the occupation of Vukovar itself. In the middle of episode we go to the tank hangar in Gasinci where most of surviving defenders from Trpinjska road have gathered to watch entire amateur film which shows them on 18. 09. 1991.. There are  shots of enemy tanks that were destroyed by defenders from Trpinjska road. We can hear their commentaries and see the footage. In this episode, beside defenders on archive footages, main characters are Tomislav Jakovljević, Ante Jurić, Marko Babić, Josip Kulaš, Bosko Vukušić, Ivica Kuća, Milan Budimir and Damir Ninčević.  

2. The tank graveyard 2- Friday 12.09.2008 20.10 

This episode is about Marko Babić and his co fighters, the man who destroyed 14 enemy tanks, more than anyone in Vukovar. Destroying the tanks is described in detail, methods of approaching the position to destroy the tank, chronological analysis of the battle and its progression as well as a  way of fighting on glorious Trpinjska road. The people from this episode, changed the methods of warfare between east and west.

After Trpinjska road, the tank was never used in the same role in war as before. The main characters in this episode are

Marko Babić, Iva Leutar, Stipe Majić-Pipe,  Mirko Brekalo, Zoran Janković, Ivan Mlinarić and Marko Petrovecky. 

3. Yellow Ants and Desert Rats -  Friday 19.09.2008 20.10

Trpinjska road was defended by people of different profiles. There were farmers, musicians, teachers from high school, adventurers. These people formed two elite squads of Croatian defenders of Vukovar - Yellow Ants and Desert Rats. During the war, they were sent on most difficult tasks. Nobody else had enough courage for that. They were in action while others had barely enough courage to come out from the cellar. Yellow Ants and Desert Rats together with Turbo platoon probably destroyed the largest number of enemy soldiers on Vukovar's front and that was one of the reasons resistance of Croatian defenders in Vukovar was so long. Today we know  almost nothing about them.

This episode talks about them and their battles against Serbian aggressors. Unfortunately, this episode talks mainly about dead defenders, because most of characters from this episode didn't survive the occupation of Vukovar. Iva Leutar and Marko Babic talk about their co fighters in this episode.  

4. Turbo platoon - Friday 26.09.2008 20.10

Turbo platoon was sent on most delicate and dangerous tasks in Vukovar's defense. Amazingly it also helped in all other parts of Vukovar's defense. That platoon had one more characteristic. 20 years was average soldier's age. Blago Zadro formed the platoon and was their leader. This platoon specialty, except destroying tanks, was "cleaning" operations. They went house by house and destroyed enemy at close range.

Nevenko Mauzer has an unbelievable story in this episode. He was in Turbo platoon and he survived an execution after occupation. With his four co fighters, 22. 11. 1991., he managed to breakthrough on territory under Croatian control. In Turbo platoon, main characters are Miro Radmanović, Tomo Jakovljević and Nevenko Mauzer.  

5. Budžak - Friday 03.10.2008 20.10

Budžak is part of Borovo Naselje as well as an outpost to southwest.

Budžak is a key point in communication to Vinkovci, and this episode was named after that part of Borovo Naselje. Small group of people was defending this extremely important position until town was occupied. Prime hero on Budžak was Zdenko Horvat. Chetniks had been torturing and at the end killed his brother only 50 metersfrom his position. But he settled the score. He destroyed 10 tanks and one armored vehicle and almost alone stopped large chetnik breakthrough in Vukovar across Bobota channel. "Bulls" were also on Budžak. They had four cannons caliber 155 mm, one cannon was damaged, and 400 grenades. Only half of them had powder inside. Beside that, they only had mortars caliber 82 and 120 mm. Even today, enemy doesn't know how could so few grenades cause them so much damage. They'll find out in this episode. "Bulls" were led by Zvonko Milas. Beside Zdenko Horvat and Zvonko Milas, the main characters in this episode are Marko Cvitković, Milan Žanko and Branko Čulić.

6. Technical building - Friday 10.10.2008 20.10

Technical building along with Banijska road was the most out posted position to Borovo Selo and Serbia. If the Technical building fell the water-supply of Vukovar would be in danger, and that would be a catastrophe for defense of Borovo Naselje and whole of Vukovar. Shelter "Obučara" with 3000 civilians and Borovo Commerce as spare hospital would also be in danger. One of the most furious attacks was led by Arkan, infamous Serbian war criminal. In this episode, we also talk about the massacre of policemen in Borovo village, where everything actually started. They thought it would only be routine action in which they would successfully release their two captured policemen with minimum force. But they were ambushed by chetniks from Borovo Selo and Serbia, mercenaries from Romania, soldiers of Vojislav Seselj and "White Eagles". Some of them were lucky and managed to save themselves, but some of them weren't. Main characters in this episode are

Marko Filković, Ivo Komšić, Zdravko Mamić, Ivica Mikola...

7. New Banijska Street - Friday 17.10.2008 20.10

This episode describes defending Banijska street in Borovo Naselje on north-east position near river Dunav. On 25. 08. 1991. during attack whose intention was to break the defense of Borovo Naselje fighters from Banijska street stopped the attack and heavily damaged the enemy forces. The enemy didn't recover for two months. Vlatko Voloder, Miro Josić, who expected to sign a
professional contract with soccer club Zagreb that summer, but he didn't want to leave his attacked city, Tomislav Josić and their co fighters,
were fighting on Banijska and nearby streets at close range and successfully rejected all enemy attacks until occupation This positions was defended by many people from Varaždin and Čakovec, along with people from all parts of Croatia. Incredible imagination, astuteness and unison of people from all parts of Croatia which helped in defending this position until occupation is also described in this episode. Many of them ended in camp for prisoners in Serbia, but most of them have survived. They are Miroslav and Tomislav Josić, Vlatko Voloder, Ivica Banožic, Marko Filković, Dragutin Špac...

8. Slavonska and Hercegovačka Street - Friday 24.10.2008 20.10

Slavonska and Hercegovačka were the most out posted positions to Orlovača and Trpinja. From that directions the main enemy forces had been coming. Slavonska and Hercegovačka also were the streets where our and chetnik positions  merged.

Many tanks were going towards Trpinjska Road, but in Hercegovačka street a lot of them were destroyed. The sons of orthodox priest voluntary came here from Zagreb and fought for Croatia here. In this episode, you'll meet the heroes of Slavonska and Hercegovačka street. They are Mirko Brekalo senior, Nenad Gagić, Ivan Kapular, Ivica Lukić, Dragan Luketić, Ivica Habajec.

9. Peyton - Friday 31.10.2008 20.10

Vlatko Voloder, Miro and Tomislav Josić and few of their friends, fought against more than 500 enemy soldiers. The result was incredible. They won. 18. 11. 1991, war for Vukovar was finished, but in the part of Vukovar called Peyton on 19.11.1991, one of the cruelest battles was going on. Four men had been fighting against a whole army. At the end, after they won the battle, they surrendered because Tomislav Josic didn't want to leave his girlfriend and Vlatko Voloder his wounded brother. That is way they didn't attempt a breakthrough.

This is also a story about how they survived prisons and convictions to death in court in Belgrade. This story belongs to one of those- believe it or not.

10. Blago Zadro - Friday 07.11.2008 20.10 

Modest and ordinary people who become legends are hard to describe exactly because they are so ordinary. Anyway, with next sentence, we will try. He was the commander of Borovo Naselje defense, but he was always first going in action. Marko Babić, who destroyed 14 tanks, said Blago was the only man that was braver than him. This episode is about Blago Zadro and his influence on Vukovar's defenders.


Marko Babić describing the 1991 defense of Vukovar against the fourth best equiped military power in Europe

Marko Babić in 1991

Eduard and Dominik Galić

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by unknown)

    oni su po meni bili najveci heroji,hrabri,protiv mnogo jaceg neprijatelja(JNA,beli orlovi,knindze,arkanovci,SÈP),dok su ostali bjezali oni su svoje branili,....po meni vukovar je bio i ostao herojski grad.
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