(E) Janica in history / but NOT alone ...
--------------------------------- >Olympic coverage is now excellent for Janica Kostelic. She is making history >in Alpine skiing. SutrA magazine - New York > >Not so long ago, it was 1976. editorial in the New York Times observed about >Croatian people:" They don't do things often, but when they do, they do it >spectacular way." This is in our character. Just remember Vukovar in >fighting. Remember soccer 1998 and the game against Germany. What about >Goran Ivanisevic in Wimbledon and Janica now? - editorial was right. This is only partly true and typical of the media hype that is often misleading, so caution and wisdom are needed. True, from western media point of view, Croats have done these spectacuar achievements, yet we all know many other Croats that they do not care about, as Croatia is VERY small country by NYC standards ... And let me 'profit' to add: do not forget numerous Croats who are not visible and who do outstanding work worldwide; I will name just a few, yet the list is very looong (and ignored by our ignorant policants; most of them cannot be even called politicians): Father Zlatko Sudac, New York Dr. Marko Turina, Zurich Dr. Nenad Ban (ETH), Zurich Mme Prof. Katarina Livljanic, Sorbonne, Paris Dr. Dubravko Babic, Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto Dr. Neven Matasovic, Huntington Beach Dr. Igor Zoric, Chalmers, Sweden Dr. Ivica Kopriva, Washington D.C. ... I have deliberately chosen these as most of you have never heard about the last six people (the list is, I remind you, MUCH LONGER) and yet they are top leaders, respectively in fields of bio-science, medieval music, quantum optoelectronics, geo-civil engineering, surface science, optically guided misile systems ... ... and I repeat - NY Times is not likely to ever write about the last five (and there are many more) - yet they are TOP in their field. So, the problem is not how HIGH is our upper national ''limit'' or how deep are our talents, but rather HOW to unite all that marvellous know-how and the national talents and wisdom ... and that's where present politicians and ''leaders'' are a total disaster, as Croatian American Times wrote: they even missed completely the Davos economic forum in New York ... If you know of any additional Croats competent in their own field or our people that do any outstanding work in any area, please let me know at your convinience, Thanks in advance, Davor Pavuna Montreux, Switzerland & Rovinj, Croatia http://ipawww.epfl.ch/lpme/LPMESubPages/Pavuna/pav.htm P.S. I am fully aware that there are also many Croats who do many marvellous deeds that will never be of any interest to any 'elite' or to any media, yet that are still in human terms and in Divine Eye simply marvellous and a glorious part of the Grand Divine Plan ... to which you -the readers- belong too ! Distributed by www.CroatianWorld.net. This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!