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Miro Gavran's novel "Kafka's friend" second edition published in Dutch 2015
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  10/18/2015 | Bilingual , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Miro Gavran's work has been translated into 38 languages and his novels had more then 200 different editions in Croatia and abroad

Miro Gavran: Kafka's Friend (Kafka's vriend),  in Dutch, second edition, 2015

Drugo izdanje romana Mire Gavrana “Kafkin prijatelj” u Nizozemskoj

U Nizozemskoj je upravo  objavljeno drugo izdanje romana Mire Gavrana “Kafkin prijatelj”. Prijevod je načinila Sanja Kregar, dok je izdavač “KLIN” iz Amsterdama. Za naslovnicu romana korištena je slika Dimitrija Popovića iz ciklusa “Kafka”.

Ovaj neobični Gavranov roman govori o prijateljstvu Franza Kafke i Maxa Broda, te o ženama koje su ih sudbinski odredile. Roman je 2011. objavljen na hrvatskom jeziku u izdanju Mozaik knjige, a potom je tiskan u prijevodima na češkom , engleskom, slovačkom i nizozemskom, te fragmantarno i na esperantu. Za njega je autor 2012.godine dobio Nagradu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti za književnost, a bio nominiran za prestižnu  Medjunarodnu književnu nagradu IMPAC u Dublinu.

Djela Mire Gavrana do sada su prevedena na 38 jezika, a njegove knjige su premašile 200 različitih izdanja u zemlji i inozemstvu.

Second edition of Miro Gavran's novel "Kafka's friend" published in Dutch

The second edition of Miro Gavran's novel "Kafka's friend" was just published in Dutch. The translation was done by Sanja Kregar while publisher is "KLIN" from Amsterdam. Dimitrije Popović's painting from series called "Kafka" was used as book cover.

This unusual Gavran's novel talks about friendship between Franz Kafka and Max Brod and about women that defined their lives. Novel was published in Croatian by Mozaik Books in 2011 and after that it was published in Czech, English, Slovak, Dutch and Esperanto in parts. For this novel author got Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts literature award in 2012 and was nominated for prestigious international IMPAC award in Dublin in 2013.

Miro Gavran's work has been translated into 38 languages and his novels had more then 200 different editions in Croatia and abroad.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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