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Srdjan Bulat wins in Almeria
By Marko Puljić | Published  07/5/2010 | Bilingual , Music , Culture And Arts , Awards | Unrated
Young guitarist is brilliant in Almeria

Mladi Splićanin Srđan Bulat prvi u Almeriji

Mladi splitski gitarist Srđan Bulat, student pete godine gitare na Muzičkoj akademiji u klasi prof. Darka Petrinjaka, pobjednik je jedanaestog izdanja međunarodnoga gitarističkog natjecanja “Julian Arcas” koje se od 23. do 26. lipnja 2010. godine održavalo u španjolskom gradu Almeriji.

Uz prvu nagradu stručne komisije, 23-godišnji Srđan osvojio je i nagradu za najbolju interpretaciju španjolske glazbe, od koje je bio sastavljen gotovo cijeli program natjecanja (s posebnim naglaskom na glazbu Isaaca Albeniza).

Prva nagrada na ovom prestižnom natjecanju uključuje novčanu nagradu od deset tisuća eura, snimanje CD-a ne kraćeg od 50 minuta, a čija će službena promocija biti održana na sljedećem izdanju natjecanja.

Nagrada podrazumijeva i novu gitaru, ručni rad graditelja Juana Miguela Gonzaleza, te koncertnu turneju u Španjolskoj u 2011. godini. Organizatori su kazali da se radi o vrlo talentiranom gitaristu, pred kojim je obećavajuća budućnost.

Na natjecanju je bilo sudionika iz 16 zemalja s tri kontinenta, drugo i treće mjesto osvojili su Patrick Vena iz Finske te Ricardo Calogiuri iz Italije.

Young Srdjan Bulat from Split is first in Almeria

Young guitarist Srdjan Bulat from Split, a fifth year student at the Musical Academy, under the tutelage of Professor Darko Petrinjak was the winner at the 11th annual Julian Arcas guitar competition, which was held from June 23-26, 2010 in the Spanish town of Almeria.

Along with first prize of the expert committee, 23 year old Srdjan won the award for best interpretation of Spanish music, which was almost the entire program of the competition (with emphasis on the music of Isaac Albeniz).

First prize in this prestigious competition includes a monetary prize of 10,000 Euros, the recording of a CD no shorter than 50 minutes in length and whose official promotion will be held at the next competition.

The award includes a new guitar, handmade by Juan Miguel Gonzalez, and a concert tour in Spain in 2011. year. The organisers have said that  this is regarding a very talented guitarist, and who has a promising future ahead of him.

The competition hosted participants from three continents and 16 countries, Patrick Vena from Finland and Ricardo Calogiuri from Italy won second and third place respectively.


Formatted for CROWN by   Marko Puljić
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