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Eight perfect days for Croatians in Perth Australia |
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic |
Business , Companies , Events , Bilingual
Croatia participating at Perth Royal Show
Hrvoje Petrušić, consul general of the Republic of Croatia in Perth, Australia The Croatian community is proudly showcasing their most mouth watering Mediterranean delights as the Guest Nation at this year's Perth Royal Show. U Perthu se svake godine održava tradicionalni Perth Royal Show, sajam koji u osam dana posjeti više od 400.000 posjetitelja. Danas predstavlja najposjećeniji društveni događaj u Zapadnoj Australiji s naglaskom na poljoprivredu, male i srednje poduzetnike, te zabavu. Od 2000. godine, organizator Sajma, Royal Agriculture Socety of WA, je uveo novinu, nastup države gosta (Guest Nation). Do sada su natupile Malezija, Indonezija, Japan, Kina, Njemačka, te talijanska pokrajina Toscana. Ove godine se Perth Royal Show održava od 25.09. do 02.10.2010. godine, a zemlja gost biti će Hrvatska. Konzulat Republike Hrvatske u Perthu u suradnji s Hrvatskom zajednicom Zapadne Australije organizira i koordinira nastup Hrvatske na ovogodišnjem sajmu.Naglasak nastupa je prezentacija turizma i gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, ali i dijela gospodarstva hrvatskih iseljenika. U tu svrhu organizator Sajma u Perthu Hrvatskoj je ustupio paviljon Ellie Eaton veličine 1000 m2. U paviljonu će za vrijeme Sajma svi zainteresirani moći izlagati i predstaviti svoje usluge i proizvode, a u našem malom hrvatskom gradu biti će mjesta za zabavu i promociju kulture i tradicijskih vrijednosti hrvatskog naroda. U paviljonu ćete vidjeti proizvode raznih kompanija iz Hrvatske: Agrokor, Podravka, Atlantic Grupa, OlmaTopić, Tofrado, Dok-Ing, Potomac, Altpro, a među mnogima gost će biti Hrvatska turistička zajednica, te je za očekivati da ćemo imati prigodu vidjeti jednu od najboljih prezentacija hrvatskog turizma u Zapadnoj Australiji. Ne želimo vam ovdje sve ni otkriti.
Konzulat u suradnji sa zajednicom organizira niz kulturnih i sportskih manifestacija, te raznih drugih iznenađenja. Planirani su turniri u golfu, kuglanju na travi, tenisu i nogometu za juniore. Svi turniri su otvoreni i zovu se jedinstvenim imenom Perth Croatia Cup, a mi koristimo ovu prigodu i pozivamo sve zainteresirane da nam se jave za nastup na turnirima. Hrvatske folklorne grupe su učinile neizmjerno mnogo na očuvanju hrvatske tradicije u ovom dijelu svijeta. U Perthu djeluju dvije folklorne grupe Zrinjski i Zagreb, a na sajmu će njihov gost biti Hrvatska folklorna grupa iz Brisbana, te se nadamo pravom festivalu hrvatskog narodnog blaga. Hrvatska zajednica u Perthu djeluje od početka ove godine, te na razne načine promovira nastup Hrvatske. Održane su dobrotvorne večere u svim hrvatskim klubovima gdje su prikupljena značajna sredstva. Konzulat RH u Perthu može samo zahvaliti svima koji su do sada pomogli, te se nadamo da će vijest o ovom jedinstvenom projektu stići do širokih krugova Hrvata u cijeloj Australiji. Za sve zainteresirane koji žele na bilo koji način sudjelovati u ovoj manifestaciji, molimo vas javite nam se u bilo koje vrijeme. Hvala vam na pozornosti, te mi dopustite da vas pozovem u Zapadnu Australiju u vrijeme održavanja Perth Royal Show-a u nadi da ćemo svi zajedno doživjeti osam savršenih dana u Perthu. Vaš Hrvoje Petrušić
| Perth annually hosts the Perth Royal Show, a fair which attracts more than 400,000 people in its eight days. It is currently the most visited social event in Western Australia, with its emphasis on agriculture, small and medium businesses, and fun. Since the year 2000, the organizers of the Show, the Royal Agriculture Society of WA, have included a participation of a guest nation at the Show. Previous guest nations have included Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, China, Germany, and the Italian region of Tuscany. This year, the Perth Royal Show is being held from the 25th of September until the 2nd of October 2010, and the guest nation is Croatia.
The Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Perth and the Croatian Community of Western Australia are collaboratively coordinating the participation of Croatia at this year’s fair. The main goal is to showcase Croatia’s tourism and commerce as well as the trade and commerce of the Croatian community. For that purpose, the Elie Eaton pavilion the size of 1000m2 was assigned to Croatia by the organizers. During the Show, everyone interested will be given an opportunity to showcase and promote their services and products. In our "little Croatian town" there will also be time for fun, and the promotion of our culture and traditional values of the Croatian people. In the pavilion, you will see the products of various companies from Croatia: Agrokor, Podravka, Atlantic Group, OlmaTopić, Tofrado, Dok-Ing, Potomac, Altpro, with the Croatian national tourist board as a special guest so we expect to see one of the best presentations of the Croatian tourism in Western Australia. We do not wish to reveal everything here.
In collaboration with the Croatian community, the Consulate is organizing an array of cultural and sports events and many other surprises. The tournaments in golf, bowling, tennis and junior soccer have been planned. All tournaments are open and run under one name- Perth Croatia Cup, and we are extending our invitation to everyone interested in participating.
The Croatian folkloric groups have done a huge amount of work on preserving the Croatian tradition in this part of the world. The two Perth based folkloric groups, Zrinjski and Zagreb, will be hosts to their guest, the Croatian folkloric group from Brisbane, which will enrich the folkloric repertoire and the presentation of the Croatian national heritage.
The Croatian community in Perth has been promoting the participation of Croatia through many activities since the beginning of this year. The fundraising dinners have been held in all the Croatian clubs and considerable funds have been collected.
The Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Perth is thankful for all the help so far, and we hope that the word about this unique project will reach the majority of Croatians throughout Australia. If anyone is still interested to participate in this project, please let usknow as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest, and finally, let me invite you to come to Western Australia during the Perth Royal Show, and enjoy the eight perfect days inPerth with us.
Yours sincerely, Hrvoje Petrusic
| Source: WA (Western Australia) Croatian Voice, September, Issue 1, p. 14 [ PDF] http://croatiaperthshow2010.netFormated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić Distributed by www.Croatia.org . This message is intended for Croatian Associations/Institutions and their Friends in Croatia and in the World. The opinions/articles expressed on this list do not reflect personal opinions of the moderator. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy all copies of this communication and please, let us know!