FYI, The CFU newspaper "Zajednicar" issue of 2/27/02 Vol. 97/ No. 9 printed an article in Croatian language how second, third and fourth generation of Croatians are seeking their roots in Croatia. Its a long article but here is the summary: There are two people who are helping do research FREE of charge. One is Robert Jerin from Cleveland, OH. The Zajednicar did not print his e-mail or telephone number. You will need to call info. The other main is Andelo Zgorelec, living in England and can be reached via
Zgorelec is urging the main Croatian newspaper in Croatia to assign a full time reporter who would help and be in-between. With Croatia having 29% unemployment, disastrous economy, etc. connections all over the world could only help.
Apparently, Mormons have all Croatian names on the Internet. Croatian churches have books available for the last 250 years. Those have to be searched manually.
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