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Slavonski Poduzetnik a Croatian success story
By Vladimir Mihajlović | Published  11/23/2008 | People , Companies , Business | Unrated
Slavonian Entrepreneur - Slavonski Poduzetnik business journal in Osijek

Vlado Mihajlović, newspaperman in Slavonski Poduzetnik - Slavonian Entrepreneur, Osijek. Slavonia is a historical region on the north of Croatia.

Tihomir Jelavić, editor in chief of Slavonski Poduzetnik - Slavonian Entrepreneur in Osijek


Želimo povezati ulagače i dobre projekte

Suradnjom portala CROWN i „slavonskog Poduzetnika“ želimo potaknuti investitore i poduzetnike da nam se jave svojim potrebama za ulagačima, ali i potrebama za dobrim projektima

Svjetski poznati portal CROWN (Hrvatska svjetska mreža) koji je pokrenuo je gosp. Nenad Bach postao je izvor informacija o Hrvatskoj i za sve prijatelje diljem Hrvatske. Naš magazin "Slavonski Poduzetnik", namijenjen malim i srednjim poduzetnicima i svima onima koji to žele biti, u suradnji s CROWN-om  želi omogućiti sljedeće:

- poduzetnicima da uspostave kontakte s potencijalnim investitorima iz svijeta koji žele ulagati u uspješne poduzetničke pothvate,

- investitorima koji traže dobre poduzetničke projekte da pronađu poduzetnike koji imaju mogućnost pokrenuti ili su već pokrenuli takve projekte, iz svih područja djelatnosti.

Kako dobar poduzetnički pothvat financirati, kojim sredstvima i kome se obratiti? Kako dobru ideju i projekt  zaokružiti u realan pothvat? Bez sredstava (novca) ništa. A gdje pronaći sredstva potreban za dobar i profitabilan projekt? Najveći dio poduzetnika troši vrijeme na traženje izvora financiranja, jer najteži dio posla je nabaviti novce, ako ih nemate dovoljno.

Isto tako postoje osobe i institucije koje imaju novaca, a nemaju dobre projekte u koje bi uložili svoja sredstva. Često puta se kaže da su postoje sredstva koja vape za uspješnim projektima, samo treba znati do njih doći.

Zato smo zajedničkim snagama CROWN-a i "slavonskog Poduzetnika" odlučili pokrenuti akciju povezivanja ulagača i dobrih projekta i obrnuto. Poduzetnici se nalaze na vjetrometini, bore se na tržištu da njihov proizvod (usluga) bude uspješno prodan. Upravo ta svijetla strana poduzetništva (profit i zadovoljstvo učinjenim) nas tjera naprijed.

Očekujemo da će nam se javiti poduzetnici koji trebaju sredstva za svoje projekte i ulagače koji žele uložiti u odabrane, ciljane i uspješne projekte. Svako javljanje je dobrodošlo, ali pod uvjetom da poduzetnici (ulagači) imaju izrađen plan poslovanja i znaju točno što žele. Mi ćemo vam omogućiti da predstavite projekte i  potrebe u našem magazinu i na portalu CROWN-a, prema unaprijed dogovorenim pokazateljima, koje ćemo vam na zahtjev poslati.

Vladimir Mihajlović
Javite nam se!

Ako imate dobar projekt i potrebu za osiguranjem sredstava (novaca) ili želite naći dobar projekt i u njega uložiti svoja sredstva javite nam se na:

Telefon ++385 31 284 850

Faks: ++385 31 284 851




We want to connect investors and good projects

Through collaboration of CROWN portal and "Slavonian Entrepreneur", we want to actuate investors and entrepreneurs to contact us if they are searching for good investor or good project

World famous portal CROWN (Croatian World Network), which was started by Mr. Nenad Bach, became a source of information about Croatia and for everybody across Croatia. Our magazine "Slavonian Entrepreneur", aimed to minor and medial entrepreneurs and all those who want to be one of them, in collaboration with CROWN wants to enable the following:

- let entrepreneurs establish contacts with potential investors from all over the world who want to invest in successful entrepreneurial projects

- let investors who are in search of good entrepreneurial projects find entrepreneurs who have a possibility to start or those who have already started some project

How to finance good entrepreneurial project? What funds to use and who to contact? How to realize good ideas and projects? Without money, it is impossible. Where to find funds needed for good and profitable project? Most of the entrepreneurs waste their time searching for a source of financing, because it is the most difficult part of a job.

There are also persons and institutions that have money, but do not have good projects to invest in. Funds that wait for good projects exist, but you have to know how to reach them. That is why we had started this action. The entrepreneurs are in a hard position; they are struggling to sell their product or service successfully. This (profit and satisfaction of what we have done) is what propel us.

We expect that both entrepreneurs and investors will contact us. All of them are welcome, but both investors and entrepreneurs must have a wrought business blueprint and must exactly know what do the want.

We will enable you to present your projects and requirements in our magazine and CROWN portal, with beforehand set conditions, which you get upon request.

Vlado Mihajlović

Contact us!

If you have a good project and a need for necessary money, or you want to find a good project to invest in, contact us by:

Phone: ++ 385 31 284 850

Fax: ++ 385 31 284 851



Translated from Croatian by Ramona Glavaš

Crystal Palmer, no 11, from the USA, playing valeyball in Osijek in the first Croatian league.

Stranci u Slavoniji


Što sam starija razmišljam o svom biznisu

Osnovni motiv dolaska u Osijek bio je igrati odbojku, upoznati druge ljude i kulture

Prije pokretanja posla želim steći dodatna znanja

Prošli mjesec Osijek je napustila 28-godišnja Crystal Palmer, sposobna, odlučna, komunikativna i zgodna djevojka iz SAD-a. Rođena je u Sjevernoj Kaliforniji u mjestu Chico, grada veličine Osijeka s oko 100.000 stanovnika. Prije svega to je grad s razvijenom poljoprivrednom i prehrambenom proizvodnjom. U njemu je završila srednju školu, a onda otišla dalje i završila višu školu, da bi 2007. g. završila državni fakultet u Tenesiju-smjer marketing i biznis.

Dolazak u Hrvatsku i Osijek

Još u prvom razredu srednje škole počela je igrati odbojku što je nastavila i na koledžu. Sustav je u SAD-u drukčiji, svaki koledž ima svoj tim i tako se odvijaju natjecanja. Osnovni motiv dolaska u Europu, Hrvatsku i Osijek bila je želja da nastavi igrati odbojku, nešto novoga naučiti, upoznati druge ljude, kulture, običaje. Željela je sebe testirati, naučiti nešto iz našeg sustava treniranja odbojke. Igrala je odbojku za "AOK Osijek" koji je osvojio prvo mjesto u I. B ligi i plasirao se u I. odbojkašku ligu.

Crystal kaže: "Nažalost u Hrvatsku me je doveo "loš" agent, ne zato što sam došla u Osijek već zbog toga što je loše odradio svoj posao. Moja iskustva s Osijekom su pozitivna, ljudi su gostoljubivi i zato sam forsirala da ostanem ovdje. Sa mnom je dečko Eryk koji je došao iz Irske gdje je profesionalno igrao košarku. Gdje ćemo završiti ne znam? O tome gdje završimo ovisi i moja odluka što ću dalje u budućnosti raditi".

"Tražila sam besplatni bežični Internet, koji mi bi bio veza s obitelji, i tako sam jednoga dana slučajno došla u San Francisco Coffee House u Osijeku. Upoznala sam vlasnike Jasminu Pacek i Denisa Tenšeka koji su mi taj prvi mjesec dana boravka puno pomogli. Jasmina i Denis su 5 godina živjeli u mom gradu, čak imamo zajedničke prijatelje. Naravno da postoji nostalgija za kućom, ali kod nas je potpuno drugačiji način odrastanja, odgoja i cijela kultura".

Stjecanje dodatnog znanja
Crystal ima u obitelji tetku koja joj je u marketing biznisu, s njom je dosta vremena provodila i tako učila vještine marketinga (oglašavanja). Cijeli taj koncept marketing biznisa joj se sviđa. Inače njihov sustav obrazovanja je tako napravljen da osobe potpuno educira, da nema nepoznanica.

"Kada sam upisivala fakultet razmišljala sam racionalno, željela sam da vidim kako izgleda poslovno okruženje. Danas osim što se od vas traži da znate struku morate znati i upravljati kapitalom. Ciljano sam upisala fakultet da putem njega steknem iskustva upravljanja kapitalom i svim ostalim sredstvima, a onda da upišem poslijediplomski" - kaže Crystal - "Što sam starija sve više razmišljam o svom biznisu, ali da bi počela svoj posao moram steći dodatna znanja i tako se razlikovati od ostatka ljudi koji imaju završen fakultet. To mora biti moj prvi korak. Morate znati da je u SAD jako visok postotak visokoobrazovanih ljudi. Oduvijek sam najbolje razumjela marketing i istraživanje tržišta, volim analitički pristup, kreiranje proizvoda za tržište, želim nešto konstruktivno raditi. Za uspjeh u poslu je važan je talent, rad, upornost, racionalno razmišljanje, u biznisu i sportu ne može biti emocija. Treba se znati prilagoditi, odabrati pravi put ka ostvarenju cilja, imati kontrolu i biti fleksibilan".

V. Mihajlović

Foreigners in Slavonija


The older I am, the more I think of my own business

The main motive to go to Osijek was to play volleyball, meet new people and culture

Before strating my own business, I want to get additional abilities

Last month 28-year-old  Crystal Palmer, a competent, puching, comnunitative and attractive girl from the USA left Osijek. She was born in North California, in a small town named Chico which is similar to Osijek and has a population of about 100,000. First of all, it is a town with well developed agricultural and food industry. There she completed high school, and then she went to a college and finally graduated marketing and business course at a national university in Tennesee in 2007.

Arrival to Croatia and Osijek

She started to play volleyball when she was in the first high school class, and she continued to play it when went to college. The system in the USA is different, every single college has its own team and there are competitions between them. The main motive to go to Europe, Croatia and Osijek was to play volleyball, to learn something new, to meet new people, habits and culture. Crystal wanted to test herself and to learn something about our training system. She played volleyball in "AOK Osijek" which won the first place in the first B league and placed itself to the first volleyball league.

Crystal says: "Unfortunately, a bad agent took me to Croatia. But I have positive experiences with Osijek, the people are kind and that is why I wanted to stay here. My boyfriend Eryk came with me from Ireland where he had played basketball professionally. I do not know where are we going to leave? What I am going to do depends on where we are going to leave."

"I was looking for a free wireless Internet which would be a connection to my family, and so I went to "San Francisco Coffee House" in Osijek. The owners Jasmina Pacek and Denis Tensek helped me a lot during my first months in Croatia. They lived in my town for 5 years, we even have some mutual friends. Of course I've got homesickness, but in the USA we have fully different way of upbrining and living."

Getting of additional abilities
Crystal's aunt works in marketing business, so she spend a lot of time with her to learn about marketing (advertising). Crystal likes the whole concept of the marketing business.

"When I was making a decision about which college to choose, I thought rationally, I wanted to see how the business ambience looks like. Today you have to know not only your profession, but also how to manage capital. I chose my college to get the ability of managing money and other resources, and to go to postgraduate education after that", says Crystal. "The older I am, the more I think of my own business, but to start it I have to get additional abilities, because it makes a difference between me and the other people with college degree. It has to be my first step. You have to know that there's a high percent of people with college degree in the USA. I have always understand marketing and market research, I like analitycal perspective, creation of products for the market. I want to do something constructive. To be successful in your job you have to work hard, have some talent, persistence, rational way of thinking because in business and sport you may not have emotions. You have to be adaptive and flexible, but also have self-control and know how to choose the right way to realise the final cause."

V. Mihajlović

Translated from Croatian by Ramona Glavaš

Crystal Palmer in Osijek with her boyfriend Eryk


Crystal Palmer: "When you start a job in the USA you have to make a report which shall acquit the investment. Every single investment has its pice, a bigger risk and a bigger interest. There are financial institutions that shall finance the projects based on a good report. You are an additional value for the country, because you employ people and pay contributions. You are a profit, so everything is here to help you."

Immediately after her arrival to Osijek Crystal noticed the differences in the way of living in Croatia and the USA. She has written columns, in form of a diary of an American girl, for "Glas Slavonije" ("The voice of Slavonia"). All the themes were taken from her own experiences.

"First, the families are big in Croatia, all the members live together (grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, children). It is normal here. I do not know any of my friends who lives with his grandmother. In the USA it is inconceivable to see grandmothers and grandfathers who take their grandchildren to school or a 5-year-old child who goes to school on its own. ..." 

Biti poduzetnik

Slavonski Brod: Eugen Daba Peranić


Nije došlo do značajnijih promjena u glavama ljudi, mito i korupcija su ostale dominantne metode

Snovi su dostižni ako postoji upornost i inat

Kada se spomene Slavonija prve asocijacije su žitnica, kulen, ali i propali poljoprivredni kombinati i poduzeća, tj. dio Hrvatske koji nikako ne uspijeva uhvatiti korak s gospodarsko naprednijim regijama. U čemu je kvaka? Svakako ne treba nasjesti na prvu tezu da su ljudi takvi, tromi, nezainteresirani, ne vide dalje od svog dvorišta jer je to generaliziranje bez pokrića. Priča o  Eugenu  Daba Peraniću  iz Slavonskog Broda pokazuje da su snovi dostižni ako postoji upornost, čak i inat, pa se stvore nevjerojatni putovi do ostvarenja cilja. Gospodin Peranić je u jednoj takvoj neobičnoj priči izradio gitaru za Davida Gillmoura, gitaristu grupe Pink Floyd.

Boravak u Londonu

Sve je počelo davno, kada je radeći u tvrtki Đuro Đaković Teddington, čiji je poslovni partner bila britanska firma Bellows, pohađao seminare engleskog jezika, prvo u Slavonskom Brodu, a zatim kao nagradu za uspješno položena četiri semestra dobio plaćeni boravak i školu stranih jezika u Londonu.

"Prstom sudbine poslao sam fax školi da mi pomogne naći smještaj, a kada je tajnica primila fax, tu se zatekla njena prijateljica koja je rekla da je njen otac iz Osijeka i da bi ona rado iznajmila sobu kako bi otac mogao razgovarati sa nekim iz rodnog kraja. Naime, to je bio Oscar Nemon, Židov, koji je u 2. Svjetskom ratu iz Osijeka otišao u Englesku i poznati je svjetski kipar, a izradio je poprsja mnogih poznatih osoba kao što su Sigmund Freud i Winston Churchill. I tako sam ja pohađao školu, a u slobodno vrijeme obilazio trgovine i razna mjesta uočavajući specifičnosti svega što nazivamo zapad. Kućni prijatelj i kum obitelji kod koje sam stanovao bio je David Gillmour i u raznim druženjima uočio sam da ti ljudi koji imaju novaca i mogućnosti da kupe što požele izuzetno cijene ručni rad. Tada sam rekao Gillmouru da ću mu izraditi gitaru. On se nasmijao, a ja sam odgovorio da svakako hoću, samo moram prvo napraviti kuću i radionicu“.

Za svaki proizvod postoji kupac

"To je bilo 1982. godine, a ja sam 2001. godine to i učinio uz naravno veliko iznenađenje i zadovoljstvo zbog takve moje upornosti." kaže g. Peranić i dodaje "Moram priznati da sam se prevario, kao uostalom i mnogi drugi, kada sam puno očekivao od demokratskih promjena i 1990. godine napustio posao u poduzeću i pokrenuo vlastiti posao. Nažalost, promijenile su se samo partijske knjižice, ali nije došlo do značajnijih promjena u glavama ljudi, mito i korupcija su ostale dominantne metode u poslovnom svijetu. No, to je tako, pa niti jedan nogometaš nije napravio karijeru u svom selu i na sreću svijet je danas umrežen internetom i za svaki proizvod negdje postoji kupac. U radionicu sam uložio 25000 eura, jer su alati jako skupi, a tu su i poteškoće kod nabavke dijelova. Na primjer za dio koji košta samo pet eura potrošim dosta vremena i novca da bi ga dobavio. Za izradu jedne unikatne gitare koju izrađujem prema različitim željama kupaca utrošim 250 sati efektivnog rada i cijena takve gitare je 2000 eura. Naravno, dobra gitara se danas u trgovini može kupiti za 100-200 eura i gdje je tu računica? U mom slučaju to je upornost da radim ono što volim i nada da će se ljudski rad više cijeniti, jer roboti danas mogu napraviti sve, ali ne mogu unijeti dušu." - kaže g. Peranić

Ljiljana Herceg

To be entrepreneur

Slavonski Brod: Eugen Daba Peranić


There aren't any considerable changes in the way of people's thinking, bribe and corruption are still the dominant methods

The dreams are reachable if there's persistence and stubborness

When Slavonia is mentioned, the first associations are granary, kulen, but also failed agricultural combines and companies, in short - a part of Croatia that just cannot walk in step with economic well-grown regions. What's the point? Truly, one cannot believe the first thesis about the people that are inactive, uninterested and do not see out of their own yards, because it is a generalization without insurance. The story about Eugen Daba Peranic from Slavonski Brod proofs that the dreams are reachable if there's enough persistence and even stubbornness, which creates ways to realise the final cause. In one of such unusual stories, Mr Peranic has made a guitar for David Gillmour, guitarist of the band Pink Floyd.

Sojourn in London

It began a long time ago, when Eugen was taking English lessons while working in company "Đuro Đaković Tedington", which was a business partner to a British company "Bellows". In the beginning Eugen was taking the lessons in Slavonski Brod, and then he was given an English course and sojourn in London as a reward for four successfully finished half-years.

"Like it was destiny, I have sent a fax to my English school asking if they could help me to find some housing. When a secretary got my fax, she was with her friend whose father was from Osijek and lived in England. She has rented me a room with pleasure, so that her father could talk to someone from his town. He was Oscar Nemon, a Jew, world-famous sculptor who has made busts of many famous persons, for example Sigmund Freud and Winston Churchill. During the Second world war he went from Osijek to England. And so I was taking my lessons and in my free time I was visiting various shops and other places, discerning the specifications of everything we call West. A home-friend and a godfather of the Nemon family was David Gillmour. During various occasions I have discerned that the people with enough money and possibilities highly estimate handworks, so I promised David to make him a guitar. He has just laughed, but I explained him that I really will, but first I have to make a house and a workshop."

There's a buyer for every product

"It happened in 1982, and I really made the guitar in 2001. Of course, David was truly surprised, but also glad because of my persistence", says Mr Peranic and continues: "I have to admit that I made a mistake, just like many others, when I expected a lot from the democrate changes in 1990 and left the job in a company to start my own business. Unfortunately, the party booklets were the only change. There aren't any considerable changes in the way of people's thinking, bribe and corruption are still the dominant methods in the world of business. But it is so, not one footballer has made a career in his own village. Fortunately, today the world is connected with Internet and there's a buyer for every product. I invested 25,000 € in my workshop beacuse the tools are very expensive, and there are also many difficulties when supplying parts. For example, I lose much money and time to get a small part that worths only 5 €. I need 250 hours of effective work to make one unicate guitar on customer's request, and its price is about 2,000 €. Of course, today you can find a good guitar ih shop for only 100 - 200 €, so where is the profit consideration? In my cause it is the persistence in working the job I love and a hope that the handwork will be more estimated, because the robots can produce anything today, but they cannot put soul in it", says Mr Peranic.

Ljiljana Herceg

Translated from Croatian by Ramona Glavaš


Kontakt/Contact: , Mobitel.: 098/5081 297

Eugen Daba Peranić: Nadam se da će se ljudski rad više cijeniti jer roboti  danas sve mogu uraditi ali ne mogu unijeti dušu.

Eugen Daba Peranić: I hope that humen endevour will be better praised since the robots cannot enhale the soul.

David Gilmour posebno je bio zadovoljan poklonjenom gitarom i upornošću Brođanina Eugena Dabe Peranića desno.
David Gilmour was especially satisfied with donated guitar and with the persistence of Eugen Daba Peranić from Brod on the right.

Eugen Daba Peranić: U Londonu sam shvatio kolika je vrijednost ručno izrađene gitare

Eugen Daba Peranić: "In London I have realized what is the value of a hand-made guitar"

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