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 »  Home  »  In Memoriam  »  Dino Dvornik 1964 - 2008
Dino Dvornik 1964 - 2008
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  09/8/2008 | In Memoriam | Unrated
Svježi Vihor
Dino Dvornik

August 20, 1964 - September 7, 2008

Dino was full of life, each time I saw him, he always showed a lot of respect, because among us who deeply love music there's no holding, there's no faking. We know who is good in few seconds. And Dino was very good. Too early to leave. Too many good men left us recently.

I always enjoyed your closeness, honesty and classy behavior. I don't know anything else from you because that is the way you were with me. Elegant, eloquent, respectful, funny, intelligently inquisitive, witty and kind. Svježi vihor. I am honored to have known you even a little bit.

Rest in peace,

Nenad N.Bach
New York Sept, 7, 2008

Dino Dvornik and Nenad Bach in Trogir, Croatia

He entered the music business at 17 with his older brother Dejan, with whom he founded the band “Kineski Zid” (Great Wall of China). His music career with that band started improving after they released the first funky record in Croatian discography in 1988. They won their first awards at the Zagreb Fest for the best debut band with the song “Tebi Pripadam” (I Belong to You). The young, rebellious and talented singer reached the height of his career at the start of the nineties, and everybody knows the words to his song Africa. It was this song that won him a Porin award in 1996, and a year later he won another one for the album “Enffant Terrible”. He continues his success in 1998 when he won another Porin for the compilation album “Vidi Ove Pjesme” (See This Song).

He released eight albums in his rich musical career, and he announced a return to the music scene with the album “Pandorina Kutija” (Pandora’s Box), which unfortunately, he did not manage to finish. The personality and works of this music legend will live forever, and he will forever remain an idol for many young musicians.

Dino acted in "A Wonderful Night in Split", directed by Arsen Anton Ostojic

Dino Dvornik, aged 44, died last night in Zagreb under unknown circumstances, confirmed the Zagreb police department.

Obaviještavamo prijatelje i medijske djelatnike da će posljednji ispraćaj Dine Dvornika biti u srijedu 10.09.2008. u 16.00 sati na Krematoriju, Remetska cesta bb, Zagreb.

Komemoracija u povodu smrti Dine Dvornika održat će se u srijedu, 10. rujna 2008. godine u 14 sati
u Zagrebačkom kazalištu mladih, Teslina 7.

Kolege, prijatelji, znanci i svi poštovatelji njegove glazbe moći će se upisati u knjigu žalosti.

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Snjezana Schaffer)

    Dear Nenad,

    I have stumbled upon this article of yours and must make a small comment.
    This is the most beautiful, one of the most beautiful choice of words I have read that were written for Dino. For all of us who loved his work, and never met him, who never judged his life,but loved his music it is a wonderful piece about Dino to be read. Thank you for that.

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