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Award Winning Film Random Lunacy on Chicago Underground Film Festival 2007
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  08/6/2007 | Culture And Arts | Unrated
"Prepare to be wowed" - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

Chicago Premiere 

RANDOM LUNACY: videos from the road less traveled

Victor Zimet and Stephanie Silber received "Best Documentary"
at the Westchester Film Festival March 11th 2007

Film screens at the Chicago Underground Film Festival, Sunday, August 19th, 2007 at 2:45 PM!
The Chopin Theatre - 1543 W. Division Street -- Chicago, IL
Filmmakers Stephanie Silber and Vic Zimet will be on hand!

Music by
The Flying Neutrinos
Ingrid Lucia       
Todd Londagin 
Klapa Navalia   
Matt Munisteri   
Nenad Bach                www.nenadbach.

Documentary Video 60:00 2007 Chicago Premiere

"Movies like to pretend they're different, but Random Lunacy really, truly is. The gifted filmmakers Victor Zimet and Stephanie Silber have grabbed themselves a subject who can wiggle off any hook, so they avoid glib judgments and do the smart thing by wiggling right along with him. It turns out to be the only way to tell this questing, quicksilver story. The subject is Poppa Neutrino, the name David Pearlman, now 74, has been calling himself for decades. And since a neutrino is "a sub-atomic particle in constant motion," the name fits. Poppa doesn't work, pay rent, listen to doctors or kiss institutional butt. He prefers to invent his life as he goes along, whether he's building a raft out of scraps and sailing the Atlantic, inventing a new football play or touring the world from Mexico to Russia with his band, the Flying Neutrinos. But don't discount the intellect that Poppa uses to back up his wit and daring as leader of his tribe. That's right, tribe. Family is what you call the Waltons. The collection of wives, children, stepchildren and believers who make up the Neutrinos defies categorization. And so, using Poppa's own videos to augment their tale, Zimet and Silber throw us into a life that intoxicates, infuriates and leaves us panting for each unique and unforgettable adventure. Prepare to be wowed." - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

Formated for CROWN by Nenad Bach
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