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 »  Home  »  Bilingual  »  Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist issued 2CD in Tokyo with music of Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic
 »  Home  »  Music  »  Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist issued 2CD in Tokyo with music of Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic
 »  Home  »  Education  »  Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist issued 2CD in Tokyo with music of Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic
 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist issued 2CD in Tokyo with music of Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic
Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist issued 2CD in Tokyo with music of Croatian female composer Dora Pejacevic
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  09/27/2015 | Bilingual , Music , Education , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Dora Pejacevic (1885-1923) is the first significant Croatian female composer

Yoko Nishii interpreting piano pieces by Dora Pejačević (1885-1923), the first Croatian woman composer.

Pejačević, Dora: 2 Nocturnes, op.50-2 Pf. 西井 葉子 provided by 'PTNA Piano Encyclopedia'.

Ruža (Rose: 1:35 - 3:45), Vinkovci, Croatia, 13th July 2013. Yoko Nishii speaks Croatian language.

Dora Pejačević, portrait by Maxo Vanka, distinguished Croatian painter

Japanska pijanistica YOKO NISHII na koncertu u dvorani OMH u Vinkovcima, kao dotatak svira CRVENI KARANFIL (Dora Pejačević),
Sony HX1 HD video 1280x720 px, 12.7.2014. godine

Yoko Nishii plays "Rose" by Dora Pejacevic on Dora's own piano(Bluthner) in her memorial room in the Native Museum at Nasice, Croatia.
Date: July 13th 2013

2CD containing Complete Piano Works of Dora Pejačević
Publisher: Herb Classics HERB023 / 024
Price: 4860 yen (tax included)

The booklet "Complete Piano Works", accompaning the double CD, has 32 pp., printed in Japanese, Croatian and English.

Dora Pejačević, bust by David Jelovšek from 1916, Zagreb.


Yoko Nishii rođena je u gradu Ise u Japanu i već od četvrte godine života pohađa privatne satove glasovira kod Mitsuko Tomio. Od 1986. učenje nastavlja u klasi Naofumija Kaneshigea, od 1991. u klasi Kyoko Ogawe, a od 1996. u klasi Hitoshija Kobayashija. Paralelno studira i završava studij francuskog jezika i književnosti na privatnom Sveučilištu Keio u Tokiju (1998.).

Iste godine odlazi u Hrvatsku gdje, zahvaljujući stipendiji u trajanju od dvije godine, pohađa Visoku školu za glazbenu umjetnost “Ino Mirković” u Lovranu. U samo dvije godine završava četverogodišnji studij (2000.), potom postiže stupanj magistra glazbene umjetnosti (srpanj 2001.), te nastavlja usavršavanje na poslijediplomskom studiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu kao stipendistica japanske Vlade (2005. – 2007.) – sve u klasi Jevgenija Zarafiantsa, kojemu je bila i asistentica na Visokoj školi “Ino Mirković" (2001. – 2003.). U međuvremenu surađuje kao korepetitor na majstorskim tečajevima flaute Pierre-Yvesa Artauda iz Pariza.

Pobjednica je i finalistica brojnih međunarodnih natjecanja kao što su: Međunarodno natjecanje mladih talenata u interpretaciji “Comune di Pianello Val Tidone” u Italiji (2000., 1. nagrada), Concorso Internazionale di Musica u Manerbiju, Brescia, Italija (2000., 1. nagrada), 2. Međunarodno natjecanje “Ignacio Cervantes” u Havani, Kuba (2003., finalistica), 5. Međunarodno glazbeno natjecanje “Johannes Brahms” u Alessandriji, Italija (2003., 2. nagrada), 5. Međunarodno pijanističko natjecanje “Anton Rubinstein” u Alessandriji, Italija (2003., 3. nagrada i Posebna nagrada “Anton Rubinstein”), 1. Međunarodno glazbeno natjecanje “Citta di Padova” u Padovi, Italija, (2003., 1. nagrada), 13. Međunarodno pijanističko natjecanje “Sergej Rahmanjinov” u Morconeu, Italija (2003., 3. nagrada) i druge.

U Hrvatskoj je održala brojne zapažene solističke recitale(Ljetni festival Rovinj, Bracki ljetni festival, Opatija, Lovran, Rijeka, Zagreb, Vinkovci, Sibenik, Drnis, Sinj, Metkovic, Medulin,...itd.), a nastupala je i u Italiji, Sloveniji te u Japanu. Surađivala je sa Zagrebačkom filharmonijom i Kubanskim nacionalnim simfonijskim orkestrom.

Ustrajno radi na istraživanju i promociji skladatelja i glazbe iz Hrvatske. Godine 2012. održala je niz recitala i izvela cijelokupan glasovirski opus Dore Pejačević u okviru projekta "The Cultural Transmission from Ise to the World" u japanskom gradu Ise. U Veljaci 2015. izdala je CD s cjelovitim glasovirskim opusom Dore Pejačević u povodu 130. godišnjice njezina rođenja u izdanju japanske diskografske kuće “Herb Classics”.

Sada predaje na "Umjetničkoj akademiji" u Aichiju u Japanu.


Yoko Nishii was born in Ise, Japan. She began to play the piano at the age of 4. After graduating from“Keio University”in Tokyo for studies of French literature in 1998, she entered Music Academy "Ino Mirkovic" situated in Lovran, Croatia with full scholarship for 2 years. Thanks to her great talented and dedicated work, she finished the academic program in only 2 years of studies (normally it lasts 4 years) and graduated with excellent grades under prof. Evgeny Zarafiants in September 2000. From the academic year 2000/01, she entered the postgraduate piano study in the class of prof.E. Zarafiants and also worked as assistant of obligatory piano. In July 2001, she got “Master of Music Art” degree. Also she often worked as accompanist in “Flute Master Class” held in the same academy by prof. Pierre-Yves Artaud from Paris. From 2001 to 2003, she worked as assistant in the piano class of prof. E.Zarafiants in the same academy. From 2005 to 2007 she did advanced study at Zagreb Music Academy as the fellowship under the Japanese Government Overseas Program for Artists.
Until now she studied with prof.Mitsuko Tomio, prof.Naofumi Kaneshige, prof.Kyoko Ogawa, prof.Hitoshi Kobayashi and prof.Evgeny Zaraiants.

Winner and finalist at numerous international competitions, such as:
the Young Talents Musical Interpretation Competition “Comune di Pianello Val Tidone”, Italy (2000, 1st prize), “the International Music Competition” in Manerbio, Italy (2000, 1st Prize), the 2nd Ignacio Cervantes International Piano Competition, Habana, Cuba (2003, finalist), the 5th “J.Brahms” International Music Competition, Alessandria, Italy (2003, 2nd Prize), the 5th “A.Rubinstein” International Piano Competition, Alessandria, Italy (2003, 3rd prize & Special Prize “Anton Rubinstein”), the 1st “CITTA DI PADOVA” International Music Competition, Padova, Italy (2003, 1st Prize), the 13th “S.Rachmaninov” International Piano Competition, Morcone, Italy (2003, 3rd Prize), etc.

She has given numerous solo recitals and various concerts as soloist, accompanist and chamber music player in Croatia (Zagreb, Rovinj, Rijeka, Opatija, Lovran, Vinkovci, Sibenik, Drnis, Sinj, Metkovic, Medulin, Bol, Split,…etc.), Italy, Slovenia and Japan. She has also performed with the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra (cond.:Leonid Nikolaev) in Croatia (Zagreb, Opatija) and the Cuban National Symphonic Orchestra in Cuba(Habana).

She works hard on research and dissemination of Croatian composers and music. In 2012 she has produced and given the concert of the complete piano works by the first Croatian female composer "Dora Pejacevic" as a project "the Cultural Transmission from Ise to the World" in Ise, Japan. In February 2015 she has released CD "Dora Pejacevic:Complete Piano Works"(a set of 2 CDs) from Japanese CD label "Herb Classics".

She also translated "Essential Piano Exercises 1-3"(edited by prof.Jaksa Zlatar) by Russian great piano teacher E.M.Timakin into Japanese.

Currently, she is a part-time lecturer at Aichi University of the Arts in Japan.

Yoko Nishii had a piano concert in the city of Vukovar.

Yoko Nishii playing at the residence of the Japanese Ambassador in Croatia's capital Zagreb on 10th September 2015.

Yoko Nishii playing at the Academy of Music in Zagreb, 28th September 2015.

Yoko Nishii in the Euphrasian Basilica, Poreč, Croatia, Istrian peninsula, Croatia

Announcement of concert in the town of Metković

Yoko Nishii in Metković

Yoko Nishii in the town of Sinj

Yoko Nishii is recipient of the Gold Medal representing the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Sinj

Short videos: Sinj1, Sinj2, Sinj3

Interview with Yoko Nishii in the town of Sinj in Croatian, 4:00 - 6:38.

Yoko Nishii in the town of Vinkovci

Yoko Nishii in the renovated Eltz Palace of the city of Vukovar

Yoko Nishii and her concerts in Croatia in 2015

25.9. Metkovic

17.9. Varazdin

10.9. Zagreb

Yoko Nishii, piano, and Katja Markotic, mezzo-soprano, in the town of Lovran in 1999.
Katja Markotić gave an impetus to Yoko Nishii to study the works of Dora Pejačević.

Concert of Yoko Nishii with Goran Končar, distinguished Croatian violinist.

Concert of Yoko Nishii in Vukovar, Croatia, 2015.


Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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