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 »  Home  »  Culture And Arts  »  Miro Gavran will have premieres in India, Russia and Germany in October 2017
Miro Gavran will have premieres in India, Russia and Germany in October 2017
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  10/29/2017 | Croatian Language , Entertainment , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Miro Gavran has premieres in Augsburg, Moscow and Bangalore. His plays were translated into 40 languages!

Hrvatski književnik Miro Gavran imat će tri inozemne premijere u studenom 2017.

Sensemble Theater iz Augsburga u Njemačkoj izvest će 28. listopada premijeru Gavranove komedije "€œLutka". Tihomir Glowatzky preveo je komediju na njemački jezik, redatelj je Sebastian Seidel, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Kerstin Becki i Heiko Deitz.

Istoga dana bit će i premijera Gavranove komedije "Muž moje žene"€ u izvedbi Teatra "M-ART"€ iz Moskve. Premijera će se održati u gradu Kirovu. Sergej Girin preveo je komediju na ruski, redatelj je Mikhail Klushkin, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Ekatarina Porubel, Anton Chudetsky i Victor Yourchenko.

WeMove Theater iz Bangalorea u Indiji premijerno će 23. studenoga izvesti Gavranovu dramu "Sve o ženama"€ na karnatačkom jeziku. Prijevod i režiju potpisuje Sindhu Hegde, dok u glavnim ulogama nastupaju Sri Priya, Soundarya Nagaraj i Sushma Nanjunda Swami.

Ova indijska premijera označit će Gavranov dvostruki jubilej: riječ je o četrdesetom jeziku na koji je neki njegov tekst preveden , te o pedesetoj premijeri drame "€œSve o ženama"€ koja je do sada premijerno igrala od Sjeverne i Južne Amerike, pa sve do Europe i Azije.

Miro Gavran je do sada imao preko 300 premijera diljem svijeta, koje su imale više od tri milijuna gledatelja.

Croatian writer Miro Gavran will have three premieres across the globe in October 2017

Ensemble Theater from Augsburg, Germany, will have premire of comedy "The Doll" on October 28th. Translation into German was done by Tihomir Glowatzky, director is Sebastian Seidel while main roles are performed by Kerstin Becki and Heiko Deitz.

On the same day theatre "M-ART" from Moscow, Russia, will have premiere of Gavran's play "My Wife's Husband". Translation into Russian was done by Sergej Girin, director is Mikhail Klushkin while main roles are performed by Ekatarina Porubel, Anton Chudetsky and Victor Yourchenko.

WeMove theatre from Bangalore, India, will have premiere of Miro Gavran's comedy "All About Women" in Kannada langauge. Translator and director is Sindhu Hegde while main roles are performed by Sri Priya, Soundarya Nagaraj and Sushma Nanjunda Swami.

This premiere will celebrate two Gavran's jubilee's: it is 40th language that one of his texts has been translated to and also 50th premiere of his comedy "All About Women" which so far had premieres from North and South America to Europe and Asia.

Miro Gavran so far had more than 300 premieres all around the world which were seen by more than 3 million viewers.

Razni prijevodi Gavranovih djela s hrvatskoga jezika
  1. albanski
  2. arabski
  3. bugarski
  4. katalonski
  5. kineski
  6. češki
  7. danski
  8. nizozemski
  9. engleski
  10. esperanto
  11. estonski
  12. flamanski
  13. francuski
  14. talijanski
  15. njemački
  16. grčki
  17. hebrejski
  18. hindi
  19. mađarski
  20. japanski
  21. karnatački (Indija)
  22. latvijski
  23. litvanski
  24. lužičkosrbski
  25. makednoski
  26. maratski
  27. norveški
  28. perzijski
  29. poljski
  30. portugalski
  31. rumunjski
  32. ruski
  33. slovački
  34. slovenski
  35. španjolski
  36. švedski
  37. teluguški (Indija)
  38. turski
  39. ukrajinski
  40. valonski (Belgija)

Various translations of Gavran's works from Croatian language
  1. Albanian
  2. Arabian
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Catalonian
  5. Chinese
  6. Czech
  7. Danish
  8. Dutch
  9. English
  10. Esperanto
  11. Estonian
  12. Flamish
  13. French
  14. Italian
  15. German
  16. Greek
  17. Hebrew
  18. Hindi
  19. Hungarian
  20. Japanese
  21. Kannada (India)
  22. Latvian
  23. Lithuanian
  24. Lužičko-Sorbian
  25. Macedonian
  26. Marathi
  27. Norwegian
  28. Persian
  29. Polish
  30. Portugese
  31. Romanian
  32. Russian
  33. Slovakian
  34. Slovenian
  35. Spanish
  36. Swedish
  37. Telugu (India)
  38. Turkish
  39. Ukrainean
  40. Walloon (Belgium)

Nenad Bach and Miro Gavran in Zagreb in 2008. Many thanks to Mr Gavran for the photo.

Formated for CROWN by Darko Žubrinić
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