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Karin Kuljanic voice from Heaven and soul from Croatian island of Cres
By Prof.Dr. Darko Zubrinic | Published  06/18/2010 | Bilingual , Music , Entertainment | Unrated
Encounter with Karin

Karin Kuljanić, Croatian singer in the city of Rijeka, Croatia.
She graduated in the USA, and is employed at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia.
On 18th June started MIK festival (Melodije Istre i Kvarnera - Melodies of Istria and Kvarner) 2010 in the town of Čavle and the finals are on 26th June in Rijeka. Her new song TVOJ SLATKI GRIH (Your  sweet sin) can be heared below. The aim of the festival is among others to preserve the beautiful Croatian čakavian dialect (ča = what).

Karin Kuljanić

A voice from Heaven... A soul from Cres


Karin singing in the night - Image loads with Java script




Karin Kuljanić made her debut at MIK (Melodies of Istria and Kvarner festival) in 1994, with the beautiful song “Zami me sobun sakamo”. As I watched the video cassette of that festival I was thinking: This voice is something else! I hope it's here to stay. Luckily for MIK fans, it has.


This was the beginning of a beautiful sequence of Karin's MIK appearences and successes, with songs about love, Quarner, and love for  Quarner. In a brief break from these themes, at MIK 2007, she decided to sing a song about mother's love, or more precisely, about mother's hands. „Materine ruke“ represented a slight detour from her style as well, the style that got her so many fans and awards at the preceding 12 MIK's. She didn't know how this change would be accepted at the Festival, but there was no doubt in her mind that "Materine ruke" was what she wanted to sing. And the reward came sooner then expected. „My heart is full when Gea (her daughter) sits next to me, takes my hands and says: These are mother's hands. With this, I have already achieved more then I ever expected.“ Karin said in the days ahead of the Festival.


That's how she is, passionate about her songs, putting in them all the beauty of her voice and all her soul, and thus making a spontaneous connection with the audience and delivering an unforgettable musical experience and story about life in her beautiful corner of the world. During the concert in Kraljevica in the Summer of 2005, as she was announcing the upcoming song - about beauties of Quarner of course, the tears appeared in her eyes and the voice choked. But being a professional, as she is in everything she does, she quickly put herself together, apologized for the tears and said: "The show must go on", and  motioned to Robert Grubišić on the keyboard to start the music for the next song. 


Karin never forgets the support from the audience. At the award presentation following the 2006 MIK concert, she seized the moment between her award and the one for the first place to thank the audience of Rijeka for making her #2 in their vote. A few days later, when I told her how much my family enjoyed MIK concerts, she replied: I am glad you enjoyed it and participated, and supported out beautiful „Ča”.


In Spring of 2007, when I learned about her upcoming MIK song being different in style from the previous ones, my first reaction was: I hope the song is in dialect and has your beautiful soft “ć” in it. Karin replied quickly with reassurances: Not much has changed. The song It is in our dialect. I’ll always be me!”


This was a relief - of sort... even knowing that any song would turn out beautiful when she sings it. Being herself also meant that once off the stage, Karin is a cheery and amiable... and a great friend. At the MIK rehearsal she cheered her “competitors” and consoled them when they were concerned about something. And at joint performances, when others sing she joins the audience in singing along and  cheering from behind the stage.


Outside of MIK Karin often appears at cultural and benefit events - for which she somehow finds time between work with patients and students, research, and and taking Gea swimming, ice skating, etc. Many examples of that charitable work and medical research work can be found with a web search. Asked on a TV show whether she would quit her medical career if she could make a living by singing alone, Karin readily replied: No ...and added: this work shaped my life and helped me become what I am.  And, the very fact that she continues to pursue her career in health care, while singing out of love of music and her native soil, says a lot of what she is.




In 1994, as MIK entered into its 4th decade, its stage opened the door to another local young singer. Karin Kuljanić sang "Zami me z sobun sakamo" and was awarded 3rd place by the MIK's audience. The star was born! In 1997 Karin received probably the longest applause in the history of the Festival when she sang "Nisi zavridel" at the final concert in Rijeka. No doubt, she had already conquered the hearts of music lovers in the "Chakavian Capital".


In 1995, as she was picking up most votes on MIK's route through Istria and Quarner, Novi list reported the news under the title "Za publiku rojena" (Born for the Audience). The end result was her 2nd MIK victory. The first one was in 1999, shortly after she became a mother, for the song "Neka jubav moja sa". Quite appropriately, the song talks about mother's eternal and unconditional love for her child. This message was completed at MIK 2007, in Karin's song "Materine ruke" (Mother's Hands). In 2002 Karin and Đani Maršan sang about Adriatic's  magical sunsets, and won 1st place with "Večeri boje naranče". Karin then repeated the success in 2004, when she sang in another duet, this time with Mirjana Bobuš, and "reminded" us that we need more singing in our lives. The winning song was "Tribalo bi zakantat".


Karin Kuljanić has co-authored several scientific articles in medical sciences, among them in the prestigious Croatian Medical Journal issued in 2010, see here. This shows that Karin is not only a top singer, but also a fine scientist. The article is available also at Hrčak (hamster), Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia.

TVOJ SLATKI GRIH (Your  sweet sin)

Her CD Štorija od života - Life Story

Karin Kuljanić & gosti

Kastav, Crekvina 2009

Karin Kuljanić, pjevačica iznimnog lirskog glasa i mediteranskog senzibiliteta, odabrala je upravo Kastav za svoj prvi samostalni koncert ikad! Gotovo je nevjerojatno da četverostruka mikovska pobjednica, čija je izvedba “Zami me sobun sakamo” proglašena najdražom i najboljom skladbom obnovljenog MIK-a, do sada je nastupala uvijek u društvu svojih prijatelja, no nikada sama.

Strastvena u izričaju i interpretaciji pjesama, stapajući ljepotu glasa i duše te spontanog i toplog kontakta s publikom, ostvaruje nezaboravno muzičko iskustvo prenoseći životne priče iz našeg prekrasnog kraja. Ljubav, kao vječna inspiracija, prema djetetu i svojem kraju, običajima i tradiciji teme su koje su najčešće zastupljene u njezinim pjesmama.

Vjerna svojem “ča” više je puta dotaknula srce čakavske publike brojnim uspješnicama “Za te rojena”, “Neka ljubav moja sa”, “Nisi zavridel”, “Meni je srce blagoslov dalo” rezultat su plodne suradnje s autorima Mirjanom Bobuš i Robertom Grubišićem. Duet s Đanijem Maršanom u pjesmi “Večeri boje naranče” obojio je Kvarner u narančasto te osvojio publiku u Istri, na Kvarneru i u Dalmaciji. Tijekom svoje duge i uspješne karijere sudjelovala je na brojnim festivalima (osim MIK-a, Splitski festival, Zagreb-fest, Zadar-fest, Arena-fest) na kojima je osvajala nagrade. Uz to, Karin je maturirala u SAD, magistrirala kliničku psihologiju i radi u KBC Rijeka na Klinici za ginekologiju i porodništvo.

Karin će se na koncertu na Crekvini pridružiti njezini prijatelji s kojima već godinama surađuje, a to su Mirjana Bobuš, Đani Maršan, Robert Grubišić, Mario Battifiaca i obitelj Veljak.

Ovim koncertom Karin će u cijelosti predstaviti čakavski opus sa svojim bendom sastavljenim od priznatih glazbenika našega kraja. Aranžmani pjesama biti će rezultat zajedničkog kreativnog rada koje će poznate pjesme učiniti svježima, a Karin će svojim sugestivnim interpretacijama čakavskih balada potvrditi da je miljenica publike.

Karin Kuljanić & guests

Kastav, Crekvina 2009

Karin Kuljanić, a singer with an exceptional lyrical voice and Mediterranean style, has chosen Kastav for her first ever independent concert! It is almost unbelievable that this four-time winner of the Melodies of Istria and Kvarner festival, whose performance of the song “Zami me sobun sakamo” has been proclaimed the best loved song of the revived festival, has only performed with friends, and never on her own.

With her passionate expression and interpretation of songs, melding the beauty of voice and soul and her spontaneous and warm contact with the audience, she creates an unforgettable musical experience and passes on the stories of life from our beautiful region. Love, as eternal inspiration, toward her child and her native soil, customs and traditions, are the most common themes in her songs.

Always true to the Chakavian dialect of the Kvarner region, she has touched the hearts of her audiences with many songs born out of the cooperation with songwriters Mirjana Bobuš and Robert Grubišić, including: “Za te rojena”, “Neka ljubav moja sa”, “Nisi zavridel”, “Meni je srce blagoslov dalo”. Her duet with Đani Maršan in the song “Večeri boje naranče” (”Orange coloured evening”) coloured Kvarner in orange and won over audiences in Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia. During her long and successful career, she has participated in numerous festivals (Melodies of Istria and Kvarner, Split Festival, Zagreb-Fest, Zadar-Fest, Arena-Fest) and won many awards. But she also has another career. Karin graduated in the USA, completed her degree in clinical psychology and works at the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Ward at Rijeka Clinical Hospital.

At her concert at Crekvina, Karin will be joined by the friends she has worked with for years, Mirjana Bobuš, Đani Maršan, Robert Grubišić, Mario Battifiaca and the Veljak family.

In this concert, Karin will present her entire Chakavian opus with her band, composed of many recognized musicians from our region. The song arrangements will be the result of the joint creative forces, and will make some known songs fresh. Karin, with her suggestive interpretations of Chakavian ballads will again prove that she is the audience’s sweetheart.


Karin Kuljanić at fantastic ambiance of  Crekvine in Kastav, accompanied with excellent string quartet of the Veljak family
(Maja, Nataša, Vid and their father Valter), her relatives from the island of Cres.

Karin Kuljanić on the right with her dear friends Mirjana Bobuš and Mario Lipovšek Battifiaca.


Formated for CROWN by prof.dr. Darko Žubrinić
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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Susanne)

    It would be great if you could forward this email to Karin Kuljanic:
    Hi Karin,
    I have been trying to contact you for almost a year now, we both graduated in the USA and I have been trying to get in touch with you. Would be great to read from you.
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