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(E) Nenad Bach picks up the Grand Prize in New York
By Nenad N. Bach | Published  01/2/2005 | Awards | Unrated
(E) Nenad Bach picks up the Grand Prize in New York


Nenad Bach picks up the Grand Prize in New York


at the

New York International Independent Film and Video Festival

on behalf of Brenda Brkusic and Freedom from Despair Film.


In front of the red carpet New York City December 18, 2004

Award was presented by Bradley Balfour, a man who wrote a great review in 1993 for Can we Go Higher? in The New York CD Reviews


Dear surprise. Nenad Bach, Bob Foucault and his daughter Margaret. Bob approached me when he heard that I am Croatian. He is as well. Second generation. His grandmother came from Croatia. Bob picked upThe Best Cinematography Award. In this photo on Dec 18, 2004, these are three generations of Croatian-Americans. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, in that order. Check Bob's website and contact.

Contact for Bob

Work (800) 346-9487
Fax (612) 821-6498

Work Address
5249 Chicago Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States


New York International Independent Film and Video Festival

It was announced yesterday that Brenda Brkusic's feature film Freedom from Despair won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival where it played at the Village East Cinema on November 21, 2004 as a part of the festival. The festival screened and judged over 350 films during its ten day run, making the competition tough for Freedom from Despair which took home the highest documentary honor. A list of winners can be seen on the festival’s website at 

Shawn Kittelsen, a staff member for the New York International Independent Film Festival wrote before the festival: “it's quite honestly one of my favorite selections for the festival year. As a former NYU film student I must say you have quite an impressive work here, in terms of both technique and content, something that you should rightfully be very proud of. This film is important in so many ways and I want to make sure it gets the reception that it deserves. On a personal note, I'm looking forward to meeting you and hopefully getting the chance to hear about your experiences
shooting this and what you're up to next. Thanks for making such a great film to celebrate at this Festival.�


"Freedom from Despair"

Directed by Brenda Brkusic

Music by Nenad Bach


All Photos: Dino Rulli

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