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Ivana Marija Vidovic, Vesna Miletic and Diana Hilje honoring August Senoa
By Nenad N. Bach and Darko Žubrinić | Published  12/4/2019 | Music , Culture And Arts | Unrated
Concert in the Šenoa House in Zagreb, dedicated to Cvijeta Zuzorić and August Šenoa

Ivana Marija Vidović (piano) with her teacher Vesna Miletić (piano, on the left) and Diana Hilje (opera singer, on the right),
all of them from Dubrovnik, participating in the program in the Šenoa House in Zagreb.

Dubrovkinje u čast Augustu Šenoi
Pjesni, versi i note ljuvene

Proteklog je tjedna muzej Kuća Šenoa u Zagrebu obilježio rođendansko slavlje jednog od najvažnijih hrvatskih intelektualaca, književnika Augusta Šenoe. Bilo je to svečano otvorenje četvrtih po redu manifestacija Dani Augusta Šenoe i to za njegov 181. rođendan. Koncertom za pamćenje slavio se ne samo rođendan već i 150. obljetnica od prvog izdanja i osnutka uglednog hrvatskog časopisa Vijenac kojemu je August Šenoa bio urednikom i osnivačem.

Sve same obljetnice i slavlja a kao kuriozum na naslovnoj stranici prvog tog broja Vijenca našla se naša i umom i ljepotom Dubrovkinja Cvijeta Zuzorić (rođena 1552. g. u Dubrovniku). Stoga, nije se za čudit da su se na svečanom ovogodišnjem otvorenju manifestacije Dani Augusta Šenoe našle na programu pijanistica Ivana Marija Vidović sa svojim duom Fantazija uz pijanisticu Vesnu Miletić, te dvojac Vidović i mezzosopranistica, prvakinja HNK u Zagrebu Diana Hilje u duetu Vox Ragusei.

U prepunom i divnom ozračju salona Šenoine kuće održala se prekrasna večer kakvu bi vjerojatno i Šenoa zaželio za svoj rođendan jer je i sam neizmjerno volio glazbu.

Nakon uvodnog govora kustosice gospođe Jasmine Reis nizao se lijepo protkani glazbeno-poetski program gdje je dominirao i dubrovački glazbeni duh Luke i Antuna Sorkočevića i Jelene Pucić Sorkočević. Na programu su bila još zastupljena djela europskih romantičara Mendelssohna, Schuberta i Dvoržaka te impresioniste Claude Debussyija.

Lijepo je za spomenuti da je neka djela za klavir četveroručno priredila još jedna Dubrovkinja, glazbenica Nena Ćorak. U Intervalima sudjelovao je i glumac Dubravko Sidor koji nas je upoznao s insertima iz Šenoinog života i djela te oživio neke pasuse koje govore o Cvijeti i Dubrovniku.

Uvažena publika bila je oduševljena poezijom Ivane Marije Vidović poeme nazvane Voda je tvoje ime a posvećene 500.obljetnici rođenja Marina Držića i objavljenoj i nagrađenoj u Italiji još 2008.godine.

Na zahtjev ushićene publike dodani su i glazbeni dodaci s uzvicima bravo i s pohvalama kojih je bilo na pretek.

Koncert je završio s prekrasnom proslavom rođendana i kako je sama publika izjavila s jednim od najljepših događanja koji je ovaj Šenoin hram doživio.

Dubrovnik women artists to honor August Šenoa, Delightfulness in songs, verses and notes

Last week, the Šenoa House Museum in Zagreb marked the birthday celebration of one of Croatia's most important intellectuals, a writer August Šenoa. It was the grand opening of the fourth festival Days of August Šenoa exactly for his 181st birthday. The memory concert celebrated not only his birthday, but also the 150th anniversary of the first edition and the founding of the renowned Croatian magazine Vijenac, of which August Šenoa was the editor and founder.

Within all the anniversaries and celebrations as a curiosum on the front page of the first issue of Vijenac there was a stunning beauty of Dubrovnik, a poet and intellectual, the belle Cvijeta Zuzoric (born in 1552 in Ragusa) known to many for her gracefulness and complete, true beauty and education. Therefore, it is not surprising that at this year's opening ceremony of the August Šenoa's manifestation were on the program, a Dubrovnik pianist and poetess Ivana Marija Vidovic with her duo Fantasie alongside with pianist Vesna Miletic, and the duo Vidovic and mezzo-soprano Diana Hilje as a duo Vox Ragusei.

In the crowded and beautiful atmosphere of the salon of Senoa's house in his beloved Zagreb, a wonderful evening rich of elegance and refinement took place that even Senoa would probably have wished for his birthday because he himself loved music immensely.

After the introductory speech by the museum's curator Mrs.Jasmine Reis, a beautifully weaved music and poetry program followed, dominated by the Dubrovnik musical spirit of Luka and Antun Sorkocevic and Jelena Pucic Sorkocevic. The program also featured works by European romantics Mendelssohn, Schubert and Dvorzak and the greatest impressionist Claude Debussy.

It is nice to note that some of the piano pieces were arranged by another Dubrovnik musician, Mrs.Nena Corak, for the piano four-handed duo. Actor Dubravko Sidor also took part in the music intervals, introducing us to the inserts from Šenoa's life and work and reviving some passages that speak of Cvijeta Zuzoric and Dubrovnik.

The esteemed audience was thrilled and rapturous with the poetry of Ivana Marija Vidovic, a poem called Water is Your Name (Voda je tvoje ime) dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Marin Drzic's birth and published and awarded in Italy back in 2008.

At the request of the ecstatic audience, musical encores were added with numerous shouts of bravo and praises that were abundant.

The concert ended with a wonderful birthday celebration and as the audience itself stated as one of the most wonderful events this precious venue has ever experienced.

Photographs: Višnja Serdar and Nikola Piasevoli

Cvijeta Zuzorić (1552-1648), a Dubrovnik beauty and poetess, wrote verses in Croatian, Latin and Italian, but none of these are preserved.
August Šenoa, distinguished Croatian writer, has dedicated to her his very interesting article published in Vijenac.

Children's portraits of August Šenoa, in the library of his son Milan Šenoa
Ivana Marija Vidović, reciting her poetry in Croatian and Italian languages

Ivana Marija Vidović, Vesna Miletić, Diana Hilje, Franica Vidović, Nada Petrović, and Jasmina Reis

Ivana and her mother Franica Vidović with professor Velimir Deželić,
of the Croatian Dragon Society

Višnja Serdar, Vesna Miletić, Ivana Marija Vidović, Diana Hilje, Franica Vidović, Jasmina Reis and Nada Petrović

Nikola Piasevoli discussing with Ivana Marija Vidović and Vesna Miletić
Nenad Bach (NY) in Zagreb with Ivana Marija Vidović and her mother Franica from Dubrovnik

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