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Croatian Handball Team Wins Statoil World Cup
By Violi Calvert | Published  11/4/2006 | Sports , Media Watch , Awards | Unrated
Croatian Handball Team - Statoil World Cup Champions
I was looking up handball websites recently and came across the following item on:

Statoil World Cup: This competition took place in Sweden and Germany and included pool play, crossovers and placement games. Croatia defeated Tunisia 33-31 in overtime to take the championship and Sweden took 3rd place with a 26-24 victory over Denmark. Anybody thinking that Tunisia's 4th place finish at the 2005 World Championships was a one time result due to playing at home might want to rethink that assessment. They have a solid team with most of their top players playing in France. I'm not sure what happened to the Spain at this tournament. Even if they weren't at full strength this is a very disappointing result.

Final Ranking
1) Croatia
2) Tunisia
3) Sweden
4) Denmark
5) Germany
6) Serbia
7) Spain
8 Greece

Congratulations to the Croatian Handball Team!

Formated for CROWN by Violi Calvert

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