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Mihael Feric founded Tambura Museum in Brod na Savi Croatia unique in the world
Author of "Croatian Tambura Breviary" monumental monograph dedicated to Croatian tamburitza tradition in Croatia and worldwide
Mihael Ferić, author of the monograph Hrvatski tamburaški brevijar (Croatian Tambura Breviary), conceived and founded the Tambura Museum in Brod na Savi, Croatia, unique in the world.
This superb mnograph contains about 1200 photos dealing with the history of Croatian tamburitza tradition
Female tamburica orchestra in the town of Samobor, Croatia, 1901, conducted by Adam Razum
Female tamburitza choir "Saint Cecilia" in the city of Varaždin
Croatian tamburitza Society "Zvonimir" in the city of Osijek 1924-1941
Franciscan tamburitza choir "Radovan" in Zagreb founded in 1900
Croatian tamburitza orchestra "Zajc", Zagreb 1936, founded in 1922
Croatian tamburitza orchestra Broken Hill, Australia, 1929
Croatian tamburitza orchestra of Boulder city, Western Australia, 191 Croatian tamburica orchestra Zvonimir, 1900, San Francisco Croatian tamburitza orchestra Sokol (Falcon) in Argentina
Mihael Ferić, distinguished Croatian expert for tamburitza music, founded the Tambura Museum in the town of Brod na Savi in 2012, which is unique in the world. It contans a fascinating collection of tamburitza instruments of amazing versatility, since the mid 19th century until today, as well as a rich collection of various manuals and books. The most valuable book has been written by Mr. Ferić himself, entitled "Croatian Tambura Breviary", written in Croatian. In this article we provide a some of the most interesting photos from the Tambura Museum, inviting You to visit Croatia in order to see this unique exhibtion.
Mihael Ferić, bibliography
Hrvatski tamburaški brevijar = The Croatian tambura breviary = Kroatisches Tambura-Breviar = Le breviaire croate du tambura / Mihael Ferić
Svirajte tambure 1 : škola za tambure kvartnoga G-sustava : priručnik za osnovne škole, tamburaška društva i samouke / Mihael Ferić
Učimo svirati tambure 2 : priručnik za dječje i omladinske tamburaške orkestre / Mihael Ferić, Radovan Brdarić
Zasvirajte tambure 1 : škola za tambure kvartnog A-E sustava : priručnik za osnovne škole, tamburaška društva i samouke / Mihael Ferić. 3. izd.
Zasvirajte tambure 2 : škola za tambure kvartnog A-E sustava : priručnik za osnovne škole, tamburaška društva i samouke / Mihael Ferić
Zasvirajte tambure 3 : škola za tambure kvartnog A-E sustava : priručnik za tamburaška društva i samouke / Mihael Ferić
Croatian singing tamburitza society "Berislavić" in the city of Trogir 1895, conducted by Ivan Bozzotti Croatian choir Hrvatski sokol (Croatian Falcon), Sveti Ivan Žabno, 1924
Exhibits of banjolinas from the Tambura Museum in Brod na Savi, Croatia, inspired by the American banjo.
On the other hand, Croatian type of tamburitza called brač, gave rise to the famous Fender Stratocaster type rock guitar.
It is not widely known that Leo Fender, a famous builder of rock guitars (Fender Stratocaster), used the shape of a Croatian tamburitza head (more precisely, of the so called "brač" or "bas-prim", see below) for his characteristic guitar head. This was a result of Leo's acquaintance with a Croatian room-mate in his student days, who was a tamburitza player. Information by Nenad Bach, who mentioned this this story on his CD "I love losers" (...Leo Fender mentioned in an interview for Musician magazine that he was inspired by the headstock of the tamburitza when he designed the Fender Stratocaster...). And every song on the CD is accompanied with the tamburitza play. Listen to his Can We Go Higher?.
Children's tamburitza orchestra "Pajo Kolarić" in the city of Osijek, conducted by Stjepan Perčević
Croatian Tamburitza Orchestra "Sokol" (Falcon) concert poster, which among others played for H.R.H. Prince of Wales
Children's tamburitza choir in the village of Stari Mikanovci (near the town of Vinkovci), conducted by teacher Martin Petričević, 1906 Banjolina tamburitza orchestra, Vinkovci 1925